Chapter 1.

Matsumoto's Flower.

Arashi: Special Episode

The crowd cheered, all of Arashi was emotional...Ohno wouldn't stop laughing, Sho was crying, Nino was looking everywhere,  and Aiba was patting Matsumoto on the back. Matsumoto however, wouldn't let go, he jsut held on tightly. Minutes later,  I pulled back because the show had to go on. "For those of who you don't know her..." Ohno put his arm around my shoulders playfully"...this is Inoue Hana. She starred in a television show awhile back with Arashi. Isn't that right Hana-chan?"

I nodded my head. "Yup!"

"Why don't you tell them about the television show?"

"Sure." I smiled at the audience, not the first time I had been greeted by a crowd of people. "The story focuses on a young girls ambition to become a painter. She's seventeen and trying to get into a good school, but then she meets a gang. It consists of five members. Arashi played those characters and evidenally, they were the names of the group. Each had a individual obsession; Sho loved books, Nino preferred knitting, Ohno was  comedian, Aiba  always used a skateboard and Matsumoto was a...playboy."

Matsumoto sighed. "Aish, don't bring that up."

"Why not?"

"It's the guts..."

I turned my head. "Don't you mean its in the pits?"

"No...I meant in the guts."

The crowd laughed, longer than ever anticipated. I decided to add in a little more. "You'd never expect that, the solid rock who can't crack a good joke mesess up his sayings..."

"Eh?" Matsumoto approached me from the side.

I laughed. "Anyway..." As I continued he folded his arms and started to pout. "Over time, the young girl finds herself pulled into the gang. But she finds that their motives are different than most gangs. They never fight unless someone strikes them first, nd even then they would only strike if the other gagn consistantly attacked them. Matsumoto finds an interest in the character and tries to woo, failing several times. This sparks a real love."

Ohn grabbed Nino with his other arm. "The story gets hotter when Nino here, decided to betray the rest of us and join another gang. This also sparks something...tension in the underground. Hana-chan was always running from bad guys, going against our wishes and tryingto convince Nino to come back, and..."

"Don't ruin it!" Aiba exclaimed. "They need to watch something!"

Ohno nodded. "True. If you're interested, check it out on the internet. Now, we're going to our...True or False Rumours!"

Behind us were chairs. So I followed the boys and took a seat. "Hana-chan. Got sit with Matsumoto..."

"Uh..." I looked at my seat. "Okay?" 

As I took my seat Ohno explained. "Tonight I've been made way that things will be different. We normally have to stay on topic, but tonight because this show will be two hours, we will be allowed to go off topic."

"Eh?" Aiba exclaimed. "We an go off topic?"

Ohno nodded. "Surprising isn't it? I'm kind of scared to see where this will go..."

"Let's hope Nino doesn't start on his pet chihuahua." Matsumoto said.

I laughed. "I hope he does...then I can catch up on my sleep."

"Hey!" Nino stood up.

Aiba grabbed his shoulders and sat him down. "We're only joking Nino."

"Let's bring up the first rumour!"

On the screen in front of me a sentence appeared. 'You sleep with a teddy bear.' Of course the boys already knew all this, but for entertainement purposes, I guess it had to be brought up.

"The first rumour: you sleep with a teddy bear."

It was quiet for a minute before I finally answered while nodding my head. "True. I sleep with a teddy."

"Eh?" Aiba jumped up from his seat.

I looked at him. "You didn't know? I thought you were there when I told everyone that..."

"No, that night he went to Judo." Ohno patted my on the head. "Remember, the ultimately terror of the night?"

I thought for a moment, remembering and recognizing what he meant. "Oh, you mean when he met up with us later at that movie all tired and grumpy? Then started complaining and wouldn't shut up?"

Ohno nodded his head.

"It was better." Aiba announced sitting back down in his chair. "...than the time we almost killed yourself laughing."

I folded my arms. "That's because Nino cracked a funny joke..."


I decided that it was time to get back on topic, so I cleared my throat. "It was only recently that I started sleeping with a teddy bear."

Ohno tilted his head. "Why?"

"My teddy bear ia a comforting tool when I'm lonely." I smiled while looking to the ground.

Matsumoto leaned in his chair. "You were lonely?"

"All my friends are in Asia..." I sighed. "So it's quite lonely in Canada."

Nino snapped his fingers. "That's right, you travelled all of Asia after when you were doing promotions for the show with Matsumoto!"


"So..who are these friends you made?"

I smiled, this was going to be an interesting conversation. Matsumoto would get a little mad, because most of the time. "Mike He for one..."

"You mean the guy who lives in Taiwan and has a poor singing talent?" Aiba tilted his head. "Why would you want to be his friend?"

"What's wrong with that?" You crossed your arms over your chest. "He's a nice guy, and a good actor."

Matsumoto leaned against my shoulder. "Hey! What's your definition of nice guy?"

I ignored his question and went on. "In Korea, I met a lot of singers. K-pop is very popular, but since we were there, my manager took me on my spare time to meet some of the groups in case something were to happen in the future."

"Why would you want to meet with them?" Matsumoto crossed his arms and frowned. "They're loosers..."

Ohno looked him. "Be nice Matsumoto, we're on T.V. Hana, did you meet anyone else?"

"Yeah...a lot of girls like S.H.E in Taiwan, and girls generation...."


(this would have been longer, but the website was getting slow...anyway, enjoy this!)

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nice i like it :D
readingglass #2
this was getting intresting.I wish you would update.Onegai! :)
I like it! UPDATE SOON!
good chapter!! update soon~!!!
i subscribed~<br />
it sounds good! update soon~!!!!