Problematic Producers


Mino chose Zico's team on SMTM4. When Seungyoon asks if he can join Zico in cheering Mino on in one of the later rounds does he not have to ask twice. Things doesn't get easy as jealousy starts gnawing on Zico's mind, but he got his own ways of making sure Mino doesn't get all the attention. 


So I've been talking with fellow incles about smtm and we are all excited. I've watched the previous seasons and listen to a lot of korean hip hop music so I'm excited about the show in general. To make time pass before the show starts did I somehow agree to write this. Only for fun, but also because it turns I'm not the only one who find Zico and Seungyoon's chemistry interesting. 

Added a hint of minyoon in there as well since I just ended my minyoon story and miss writing about them. Do keep in mind that this is written before SMTM4 started airing and so the things that happen in the show is just a wild guess from my side. 





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Kyattchan #1
Chapter 2: Thank you for writing this! T^T I love these two so much! Yoon and Zico are so adorable! :) I really enjoyed the story! I hope you'll consider writing more again someday! hehe
shion-chan #2
Chapter 2: is that the end already? or will there be a sequel?
hostage #3
thank you so much for writing ZicoYoon! God knows we need more fics for this ship! i really love how you navigated the start of this something between them... and Zico's perspective was refreshing! and the way you characterized them was really good too! i like how Yoon was able to hold his own against Zico, especially since i tend to see Zico as the more dominant and probably pushier one hahaha but Yoon is no pushover himself :) anyway good job, love the subtle hints of MinYoon and Zico's jealousy :) please write more if you get inspired again!
Chapter 2: NNNOOOOOOO~ *cries*
This can't be! I have ZICOxYOON tingles.
It's so short. I need more. It can't end here!

The way they flirt had me literally rolling and squealing in delight. They are just so adorable and fluffy together yet y all at once too. Adding Mino is perfect. I can sense some jealousy from him. You know, YOU SHOULD MAKE A MULTICHAPTER FIC OF THIS after this. I have shamelessly sunk so deep in ZICOxYOON and now I can't get myself out. Take proper responsibility and give me and everyone more of this pairing.

I'm not even making sense anymore. I am just spazzing all over. This is so sweet and so cute and I can't get over it. This is such a wonderful 'feel good' fic. There's not a dull moment and it all remains a possibility. How do I write something this precious? I love it to pieces! ❤
Great!i can feel zico's frustration 6000 km away hahaha. I wasn't 100% sure how the fic will end,it was really entertaining to read!but im sad bc it soon ≥﹏≤ congrats!
Fyi: I read daily some fics in AF for the last 10 months or so and i just made my profile here today because of your fic,to be able to say you that
1. You are an amazing writer. The fic is really entertaining,well written and exciting
2. I loooove zicoyoon and there's anythig out there about them. I heard the zico cut in KSY dreaming radio,dunno, 56.856 times maybe. And then I daydream...and i must say that i feel some weird chemistry between them too.
Please please please please keep writing these fic!and thank you
Btw the hall scene gave me goosegumps -the good ones- .And sorry 4 my english, i know is barely english (whereisthebus stop,acupofcoffeeplease)
GEEThuK #7
Chapter 1: Wow this is a very GREAT story !!
Chapter 1: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 1: I don't ship ZICOxYOON romantically and I know nothing about Block B.
I didn't watch SMTM3 or any of the previous ones either YET this fic gave me feels.

Do I start shipping ZICOxYOON now? I think I might. The touch of MinYoon is wonderful and Zico's spiking and explosive jealousy is oh-so-perfect. That kiss against the wall that Seungyoon didn't reject made this all the more awesome. I need to read the next part. This is all sorts of wonderful. Honestly, your writing for this one is so different from the MinYoon one. I mean, the style. Something is different. Something has changed. The blocks of text are reduced and I now have breathing space for when my heart needs to do a little dance. I don't know what has happened but your writing in this, I really like. Your words and description are quite fetching and the way they are kinda dragged out is nice - it didn't feel too dragged out, just enough to tug at your heart-strings.

Anyway, this is lovely. I am going to wait for the next part! Fighting!
ksymino #10
Chapter 1: Really nice and exciting start. haha...i will look forward your update...thanks for writing this zicoyoon fic...Fighting.