


That was how Baekhyun came in contact with his only friend. Even though the friend doesn’t talk back but he listens to all the things Baekhyun doesn’t say to real people. He’s thankful to that boy because as far as Baekhyun knew, that boy was the only person who ever really showed concern for him. He kept hoping that they go to the same school but he was out of luck until his first year of high school when he was just 14. Now he’s 16 and a junior, he’s finally found that boy, Park Chanyeol.


They didn’t go to the same middle school but he found him on his first day of high school actually. Baekhyun came to find that Park Chanyeol grew up to be an amazing athlete, contrary to what Baekhyun witnessed when they were younger, when this boy kept on tripping over his own feet. He’s the captain of the football team and probably one of the most sought out people in their high school. With handsome looks, amazing grades, a deep sultry voice, coupled with his amazing skills in all sorts of sports, he’s the whole package. 


They were so different from each other yet Baekhyun held deep admiration for this boy turned man. They past by each other in the hallways everyday and Baekhyun always feels the urge to sneak a look but subtlety really isn’t his forte. It’s not like he would ever get the chance to talk to this guy either because he’s forever surrounded by peers and the rest of the popular crowd. 


They share a few classes together but he sits a couple of rows behind Baekhyun so he can’t even turn back to look. Baekhyun knows it’s ridiculous to like someone who you talked to for a grand total of 25 or so minutes when you were a little kid but something about this boy makes him feel like he matters. He’s spacing out and not noticing the aura has changed when he feels someone staring intensely at him. He realizes the teacher is in front of his desk. Her high, shrilly voice hurts his ears like listening to someone scratching the chalk board. 


“Byun Baekhyun! Is my class so boring that you blatantly just choose to ignore instructions?!” She yells as Baekhyun makes a startled sound.


His head is down and threatening to fight tears because he feels so embarrassed. It doesn’t make him feel better at all to know that there are 30 pairs of eyes looking at him especially Park Chanyeol. 


“I-i’m really s-sorry, teacher Kim. I-i didn’t mean to space out. It w-won’t happen again.” His head is still down as he whispers apologies. 


There’s no sympathy in her voice once she tells him to read out the passage in the book. 


He stands, his chair scraping across the floor, his book in his arms. He always hated when teachers make him stand up to read because he has a perpetual stutter. It’s not a speech impediment but it’s really just because he doesn’t really have anyone to talk to so he’s not used to speaking in front of people and it makes him nervous. 


Breathe in. Breathe out Byun Baekhyun. Just try not to mess up and make a fool out of yourself.


“A-As she still h-hesitated, being, in f-f-fact, in no reasonable s-state of mind, he took the i-infant in his ar-“ Baekhyun begins, face burning at the sound of kids snickering behind their hands. Some who aren’t snickering are outright yawning to make a point to Baekhyun that doesn’t go unnoticed.


“Ok. Enough Baekhyun. If you read it, we’ll never get to the end of the book. You may sit down.” She tries to give a reassuring smile but her words cut through him as his eyes burn.


Even the teacher thinks I’m a freak…


He can feel tears about to fall so he quickly raises his hands and asks to go to the restroom. At least he can maybe cry in peace. He speedwalks on out almost tripping over one of the student’s backpacks but he doesn’t care. He just needs to get out and be by himself. Unknowingly, concerned eyes follow his small, delicate figure out the door.




He pushes past the door and turns on the faucet for white noise, locks himself inside one of the stalls and lets out the tears he’s been holding in. He wishes he had Mr. Giant there with him. To be able to talk to him and hug him. He almost never cries at school and saves the grief for when he gets home. But the humiliation burns and he can feel his throat closing up as more tears spill.


The restroom door opens and he can hear someone walk to turn off the faucet. He puts both his hands in front of his mouth to muffle the crying and it makes his throat burn even more. He’s waiting for this person to do their business and leave but a few seconds tick by with no sound until he feels vibration from the door to the stall he’s in.


“Um… Hello? Uh… Baekhyun right? You don’t really know me but I’m Park Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widen as he hears the deep timbre of the one person whose presence brings peace to his shattered soul.


Don’t make me laugh. Everyone knows who you are Chanyeol..


“You should come out of there. It’s not a demand or anything like that but I know you’re not really doing your business in there. Please come out.”

Baekhyun doesn’t want to. He really doesn’t want Chanyeol to see him in this state. But the other boy is standing in front of the bathroom door waiting for him to do something. He can hear the taller boy sigh.


“Baekhyun. The bell already rang. I have your stuff right here. You’ll be late for our next class if you just lock yourself in there.” There’s more knocks on the door as Chanyeol waits.


One thing Baekhyun really hates is when he inconveniences people. Anybody really. But to inconvenience someone who means anything to you is even worse. So he up the tattered remains of whatever courage he had and slowly unlocks the door and with his head down, he walks out as Chanyeol backs up just a little bit.


He can’t bare to look at Chanyeol because his eyes are puffy and he looks absolutely bloated, Chanyeol would probably think it’s disgusting. But he wants to know why Chanyeol even bothered coming after him, at the risk of himself being late for class.


“W-why?” He whispers, but even that comes out croaky because of his excessive crying.


“Why what Baekhyun?” The voice is as gentle as ever, Baekhyun closes his eyes for a few seconds to allow himself the luxury of drowning in Chanyeol’s velvety voice.


“W-why d-did you come?”


The next words makes Baekhyun’s heart pound too hard, he feels like he should go to the doctor’s to get it checked out.


“Because I was worried.” Chanyeol says like it’s the simplest thing in the world, something Baekhyun shouldn’t even ask. “Look Baekhyun. I don’t really know you at all. But it doesn’t mean that I can’t worry. The teach shouldn’t have put you on the spot and humiliated you like that. And the other kids shouldn’t have laughed. It wasn’t cool.”


Baekhyun lets the fact that Chanyeol worried for him seep into his bones to remember this moment when Chanyeol has come and been something resembling a white knight again. It seems they’re destined to meet each other whenever Baekhyun’s on the verge of having a breakdown.


Baekhyun feels more tears gather in his eyes, this time not because of the embarrassment but the hope that’s slowly planting itself in his heart. He knows it’s dangerous but when Chanyeol actually bothered to come when he doesn’t even remember the Baekhyun he met when they were kids, this Baekhyun can’t help but think being in love with Chanyeol is something he should cherish, especially just being in his presence.


He lets the tears fall, really hoping this time Chanyeol would turn around and walk away because he’s cried enough in front of this person.


His eyes widen when Chanyeol lifts his chin up and proceeds to wipe away his tears with his thumbs.


Why is it only you who catches my tears, Chanyeol?


“It’s okay, Baekhyun. You don’t have to hide. If you wanna cry, then cry. But remember. Sadness comes and sadness goes. It doesn’t last forever. Find something to be happy about.” Chanyeol gives Baekhyun a small smile.


His last words make Baekhyun feel nostalgic because his optimistic thinking hasn’t changed at all.


“I-I’ll try..”


“Good! Come on. It’s our last class but I don’t really feel like going. Let’s go home.” Chanyeol grabs his elbow and drags him outside the bathroom. By this time, there were still kids in the hallways. All of them look in their direction because what is the most popular guy in school doing touching the school nobody? Chanyeol doesn’t seem to realize the stares and the glares directed their way and continues to drag Baekhyun while keeping a lookout for any teachers.


When they get to the parking lot, Baekhyun’s not sure how to act because is this where they go separate ways or??


Chanyeol is as oblivious as ever when he asks Baekhyun where he parked his car.


“I-I w-walked.” Baekhyun lets out, hoping Chanyeol can hear his voice.


“Oh. You don’t have a license?”


“I do. It-it’s just I prefer to walk.” How does Baekhyun let Chanyeol know he likes walking because he can hear the sounds of birds singing, and the sounds of leaves brushing with the wind.


“Oh ok. Well my car’s this way. Come on, I’ll give you a ride.” Chanyeol walks ahead and stops once he realizes the only footsteps he can hear are his own. He turns back around to tell Baekhyun to hurry up but he sees Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrowed as he stares at the ground.


He walks back over and lifts Baekhyun’s chin up again. “Baekhyun. The ground really isn’t that interesting. Stop staring down. You’re okay now. Come on.” He urges the other boy to walk next to him.


“C-Chanyeol. You r-really don’t have to. I c-can go home by m-myself. I don’t wanna be a b-bother.” Baekhyun already feels bad enough Chanyeol even came to see if he’s alright but to be in close proximity with the object of his affections doesn’t seem like much fun.


“You’re not. You’re not a bother.” He doesn’t wait for Baekhyun to say anymore as he grabs his wrist and leads him towards the car instead. Baekhyun can feel tingles where Chanyeol touches just like he did when they were kids. It makes him feel warm all over.


Is it okay for me to just love you like this? I wish I could tell you how thankful I am. Even if it’s just pity, it makes me feel happy to be with you like this even just for a few seconds.

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Chapter 4: Wondering if you're still thinking about continuing this fic.. T T
Really like it so far!
jesselee #2
Chapter 4: Damn I wonder what dara has planned
Chapter 1: Wow, Nice work. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out!
^^ i see a lot of potential in this fic and its only been 1 chapter.

Wish you the best and will be awaiting future chapters ♡