Drunk on Love




My mind is spinning in circles and my vision is hazy and unclear. Despite this, I continue to swallow down another glass of wine. Once I do, I slam the container down with a heavy breath, then putting my head against the table.


"Yah hyung," I hear Jimin's voice. I turn my head to my right coming face to face with him who's head is also on the bar table. He hadn't drink as much as me, I would say only two glasses while I am on my fourth. His cheek is squashed against the surface and his round spectacles were long gone. Actually, he was is wearing contact lenses tonight, something he rarely did.


It isn't as crowded today since it is a work day. A few of the tables are taken by groups of people and lone souls but the majority are empty. This bar is owned by my friend so we, my group and I, often came here for discounted drinks.


"What?" I say, my voice groggy and slurred. I am on the brink to be drunk.


"Stop with the drinking, you've had more than enough," he tells me. At least someone is aware that tomorrow is a work day. I think I'll just skip out and go to the night lessons like usual.


"Too bad," I stick my tongue out playfully and face the other direction, away from him.


"Yah, hyung! You've been drinking for 2 weeks straight! You're turning into an alcoholic!" His voice raises. I chuckle with small burps in between. He sounds so cute when he shouts.


"Bartender, another drink please!" I shout out towards the guy standing on the other side of this bench who is shaking a metal tin. It's funny how he looks so professional at work.


He doesn't stop moving his arms but twists his neck to face me with his usual poker face. It's so adorable how he dyed his hair blond. It really blends in with his pale skin.


"No way," he clicks his tongue. A surge of anger builds within me from his rejection but it lasts for a mere second before turning into misery and depression. The word rejection hits me hard. I sob into my arms, crying away all the pain.


"Jimin, why is he like that?" I hear Yoongi speak. He doesn't sound concerned, not worried at all. In fact, he sounds amused.


"I think Hyerin finally dumped this creature," he replies. I cry even more. Hearing that Hyerin dumped me makes me sadder.


"Who can blame that girl. I still wonder how she puts up with this crap." I sob even more. Why can't they see they are hurting my feelings? I just want this sadness to go away. I need more alcohol.


I straighten my body to see Yoongi only a very short distance away. Perfect. Taking the chance, I grab the tin he is shaking, open it and pour it into my mouth even if I didn't know what it was. I crave for alcohol and that is all that matters.


"Yah!" He yells at me. My mind becomes more dizzier and the monotonous world brightens with strange colours. After hours of this darkness, I can finally see light.


My body drops on the table but I can't feel any pain. I feel so sleepy. Maybe I'll just take a nap.



"What do you want?!" I shout when something, or someone, continues to shake me intensely regardless of my complaints. This wasn't a sight I expected to see as soon as I awake.


Surrounding me there are 3 boys who I could easily recognise as Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin. Yoongi has his hands on my shoulders and that just tells me he is the cause of my slumber awakening.


Why does this always happen to me? Every time I wake up it is not in my room. This room is white and there is something attached to my arm. From my experience of visiting Hyerin every day, I know this is the hospital.


"Yah! Why did you do that!" He screams into my ear, repeatedly spanking my arm. What did I do?


"Ow, ow, ow, what did I do?" I ask, attempting to avoid his painful smacks. Such a short guy has so much power.


He stops hitting me and his face darkens. Oh shoot, he's pissed. "What did you do?" he says. I can see his hand ball into fist making me gulp. "Jungkook, give my your baton. I have to beat someone with it." I have the urge to run away but I can't because I'm stuck with wires.


"Hey, hey, Yoongi, no violence in the hospital. He just woke up as well, remember? We don't want him in a coma, or at least not yet," Jimin cuts in. He has saved me from being beaten by a stick.


Yoongi breathes, and calms down. "Just don't do that again unless you want to get yourself killed," he tells me. The memories come flowing back. Ah, that's right. I overdose in alcohol. 


Nervously, I put my hand up. Even if we are the same age, in fact, I'm older than him, his stern face scares me. "What exactly did I drink?" I was curious to what would make me be in danger that I would have to be in this hospital.


"What did you drink?" The doctor walks in at that moment, his hands interlocked behind his back. It's Doctor Nam, the same man that treats Hyerin. He points at the bartender. "You tell him what had the potential to kill him."


Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest with his usual y face.


"Nothing much. Just a full tin of one of the most powerful spirit in the house with 40% alcohol, worth around 8 standard drinks." Why are all my friends full of sarcasm? First it is Jimin with his webtoons and now it's Yoongi with his alcohol.


"That's right!" Dr. Nam yells, swiftly moving his pointed finger towards me. I am taken aback, feeling accused. "I had to pump out your vomit so you would't choke and die."  My hands unconsciously wrap around my throat. Whoops, my bad.


After a minute or two, his puts his arm down and returns it to the position prior to the pointing. Like usual, he flicks his white coat behind him and leaves the room without a word. He's a strange man, a very strange one indeed.


"Well, I'm going to go back to the bar. Got to prepare the drinks before it opens," Yoongi follows the doctor's footsteps, waving his hand in the air. Jimin stands up too with a curt bow.


"Bye hyung, you wasted my time." I love you too Jimin. The last one left is Jungkook who stares intently at me. I raise an eyebrow.


"Are you going to leave?" He doesn't say anything. He's always quiet around me. I wonder why. Do I scare him?


"I have a day off but I'll take the offer. I prefer seeing someone over you," he shrugs his shoulders and leaves. I know he's talking about Hyerin. He and Hyerin were an item as soon as I introduced her. I knew something would happen because of their similar ages but I didn't expect such a deep bond. He's practically closer to her than me now. 


I'm left alone in the room. Maybe I should go visit her too. 


Stepping out of the bed, I grab the trolley of IV fluid and wheel it along with me to Hyerin's room. My feet seem to know where they are going. It's like an attraction between Hyerin and I. Even if we are 'broken' I still follow the red line of fate and I know our relationship is not over.


I now stand outside of her room. Glancing through the door glass, she looks the same as usual with Jungkook by her side, holding her right hand like I used to. It's sad how I say 'used to.' I wish I could go in and hold her close to me, kiss her like before, but now I don't know if I have the right to.


I miss her so much. 





Yay! An update! Seokjin time! Isn't Suga the most adorable person? Jimin is so cute too! 

Seokjin is such a bad kid ;( Doesn't he know you could die if you drink like that? Just a warning for my readers too!

Thanks for subscribing ;D

Jungkookie is such a cutie ^•^ Can't you imagine him with his police baton? He and Hyerin are the closest buddies :3

Don't you wonder who Mr. Nam is? Well, he's one of my favourite artist, I can tell you as a clue. His name will be revealed soon but let's just laugh at his michevious behaviour for now •3•

Bai Bai, until next time!

Exoinspire, XOXO


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chokey #1
Chapter 1: i think im gonna read this. why? because theres jin.. kyaa. but have to hold on because of my final. ~_~