Two ; Is This A Clue?

The Witch's House
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s e c o n d c h a p t e r 

                 Is This A C l u e ?

Han Mi's P.O.V

"Oh no," I thought. I wanted to turn back and leave the room, but unfortunately, I stumbled and fall. Making my head hit the door. "Oww..." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head. I opened my eyes, and to my shock I saw that girl in my dream at the corner of the room. I tried to stand but stumbled again. The girl was softly sobbing. I gathered all of my energy and stand up, turned around and exit my bedroom. "Damn it. The hell is that bloody thing anyway?" I said to myself.

I was half way downstairs when I realize its dark downstairs, not to mention, its too silent. "Wonwoo hyung- I mean Wonwoo-ah?" I called out. No response. Where is everyone? I thought. I didn't dare to go downstairs nor do I dare to go back to my bedroom. I took my phone out to call anyone of those idiots. No signal? What the hell? I panicked. I debated either to go downstairs or upstairs, but later decided to go downstairs. I walk silently to do front door. My hand was so shaky I can't even open the door properly.

I almost died when I saw what was in front of me when I open the door. "Oh god!" I shouted, once again I stumble and crawled backwards, trying to avoid what was in front of me. "You, those feelings, that body, give it to me!!!!" The thing screamed. One second later, the thing held me down. Screaming the same thing over and over again. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" I screamed back. "Damn it! What do you even want from me?" I said out of frustration. The thing who was disgusting a minute before, changed into a woman – or perhaps a girl? She blinked at me. "What... do I... want from... you?" She asked, tilting her head. "What... do I... want from... you?" She asked again, her soft voice raising again.

"What... do I... want from... you?!" Her voice became furious. She started choking me. I struggle, but it was useless. "You don't deserve this body at... ALL!" She screamed. She then stop choking, stand up, before disappearing. "What the bloody hell was that?" I asked myself while rubbing my neck. That girl's choking style is no joke. I went back to the front door and close it, ran back to my bedroom. Okay, where is that bloody diary now? I sighed in frustration. My phone buzzed. I quickly took it out of my pocket and saw a text from Jihoon.

Hey, Han Mi, you're in the hospital right now. I'm at the store in front of the hospital. Call me when you're awake! I'll tell you what happen, kk?

"Ah!" I woke up. I'm in the hospital? I thought. I checked my phone, I read the text already, I should call him.

"Uh, Jihoon?"

"Han Miiiiii!! You're awake!!"

"Yeah, um, are you still at the store?"

"Well, I am. But now I'm on my way to your heart~"

"Oh, Neptune give me strength"

"Haha, you're funny. By the way, I'm crossing the road now."

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up, I'm super confuse right now."

"Is there any nurse in your ward?"

"No, after being conscious, I called you."

"Damn it, you're so slow! Call the nurse so that she can give some medicine or something."

"Jee, fine I'll do it, Mr. Grumpy." 

I ended the call and started to search for the emergency button or whatever it's called. I pressed the button three times and waited for the nurse. A few minutes later, a nurse came in and asked a few questions such as "How are you feeling?" "When did you wake up?" She gave a pill and a bottle of mineral water. I thanked her before drinking it. Five minutes later, Jihoon came. The nurse excused herself while Jihoon took a seat next to my bed. "Where's my bro?" I asked.

"No greetings?" He asked back, I glared at him, he glared back at me, we stayed like that for a few seconds "Is this a staring contest?" He asked, I shook my head. "Where's Minghao?" I asked again. "At the house, probably. Chilling and such." Jihoon answered. "WHAT?" My voice became high-pitch. "God, your voice kills." Jihoon stated. "Sorry, but how come you're the only one here? Plus, who wants to hang with Lee Jihoon anyway..." I joked. Jihoon scoffed. "Haha, very funny."

"Anyways, Hansol, Mingyu and Jisoo is at the food stall nearby, they'll return in a few minutes..." Jihoon stated. "Why isn't Wonwoo hyung coming?" I asked. Jihoon gave me a weird look "Isn't it supposed to be 'oppa'?" He asked. "Yeah, but it's too gross and girly and gross and ugly." I answered. "You said gross two times!" He said. "Yeah, I know," I stated, wriggling my eyebrows. Jihoon mouthed the word weirdo at me before playing gam

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Chapter 5: Wow, this actually scares me, but I like it!! I will look forward to the next chapter :)))
Chapter 1: wahh!! continue author-nim!! i'm shocked to know that my myungho is the main character >< and wonwoo too!! both of them are my bias <3
jinjin92 #3
Chapter 1: oooo this story gave me goosebumps omg this is so good! I'll wait till September (I hope, this story is amazing but I'll try to wait patiently haha) good job authornim waiting for your next update! fighting!!