Chapter 1,2,3

Love is in the Air

Chapter 1
I need to Study!

"You know, it makes me really question my tastes when I see you studying with your high in the air like that."

It was a sight to behold, like a dream come true for Myungsoo truth to be told. From the edge of their shared bed, Sungyeol was kneeling, thighs completely against torso, concentrating hard at the messily scattered notes on the floor. Myungsoo thought he looked like a sushi ready to be eaten. His mouth watered. The other male though, was focused on the task at hand, never looking up as he could've recognised the sound of his boyfriend's footsteps even if a T-rex was muting it.

"It shows how good of a taste you have, to have a boyfriend ever ready to serve his anytime you want." Sungyeol mumbled.

Myungsoo wonders how on earth could Sungyeol not get cramps from staying in that suffocating position for such a long time. His boyfriend (It still made Myungsoo's heart flutter whenever he used that word in association with Sungyeol) was in that position for at least half an hour, looking so fine in Myungsoo's sweatshirt mismatched with a pair of loose shorts, displaying those long, long legs that were wrapped thousands of times around him-

OMG dirty mind, shoo!

Pulling himself out of the memories of yesterday's activities, Myungsoo decided to rile his boyfriend up instead. Sungyeol had always been a good actor, but when it came to raw, animalistic needs, such as food (and ), he could be very efficient at maintaining his facade, but once the shield was broken...

Myungsoo grinned.

"Am I gonna get something out of this or are you just trying to tease me? Cause in case you don't know, I can convert my innocent thoughts into not so innocent ones."

Careful not to disrupt the notes on the floor, he sat beside Sungyeol and rested his head on the other man's back, drawing soft tantalizing circles. Sungyeol's small flinch did not escape the hawk eyes set on him.

"Nope. Just wanted to get you all hot and bothered."

The younger male rolled his eyes."Yeollie, you know that I was hot and bothered the moment I saw you offering your up to the Gods from the edge of the bed."

A fake, overly loud gasp escaped the male who turned to Myungsoo with eyes wide open. "Oh, really? I didn't know! What grave sins I had committed! How is Master going to punish me?"

"You can start off by my c-"

"Stop right there Kim Myungsoo! I was just joking! You know I'm studying for my exam! Exam! I have theory tomorrow and bed side the day after that! You don't want me repeating my posting while you go on holiday without me right?!"

"Well, you're alone on that theory part but if you want, I can help you with some bed side teaching, if you know what I mean." Myungsoo raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Sungyeol, now resting his head on Myungsoo's lap despite knowing what dangerous territory it was, let out a sigh.

"I don't see how you teaching me "bed side stuff" correlates with touching pregnant women's bellies."

Myungsoo shrugs, his fingers playing with Sungyeol's hair. His fingers never seem to get tired of the softness of his lover's hair. It was nice. And relaxing.

"Maybe I can't, but I'm said to be an expert at teaching the process of making the baby. Want a demonstration? For you handsome, its free!" Sungyeol let out a silent laugh. Myungsoo's antics never fail to get him laughing. Currently, he was doing a good job of turning him on at the same time.

A comfortable silence settled between them, but the anticipation of what was to come was thick in the air.

"Do you think there's something wrong with us? I mean its been 3 years of dating-"

"Not to mention our 10 years of knowing each other," Myungsoo reminded, fond of the memories that they had shared. Sungyeol smiled.

"Yeah. I thought we would've been at least mellowed down a little." The older male removed himself from Myungsoo's lap only to take hold of the younger's face and gazed lovingly into his eyes.

"But I can't seem to get." Kiss. "Enough." Kiss. "Of you." Kiss.

"That's easily explained by what a hot stud I am."

"You are so shameless, Myung."

"And you love me for it. Now how about we make a mini-Yeol?"

"Stupid Myungie."

Needless to say, they had a great "bed side teaching" that day. And Sungyeol passed his exams with flying colours.







2 months later

Sungyeol held the evil device in his hands, not believing what he saw.

"Myung, it's positive."


A/N: I honestly can't get enough of Myungyeol. So writing about them gives me a sense of freedom, as well as helping me to not get addicted to video games.

Thank you for reading this! If you like, subscribe! Encouragement helps me to write more >< My current assignments are light enough that I can take some time to write. It's nice =D

See ya! Hopefully soon!

*Sorry bout the troll ending*


Chapter 2

"Smoker on your !"

"Technically its behind my , not on. It doesn't protrude enough for the Smoker to land on it."

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at his roommate who was sitting beside him. It was the weekend, and the other occupants of the apartment had already made their way back to their hometown for the 4th year students' semester break. Sungyeol and Myungsoo, being a year younger than them still had classes to attend and assignments to finish, but who's to stop them from enjoying a little bit of freedom in the form of video games?

Their ritual of playing video games for at least one full day started since the two of them became roommates 3 years ago. They discovered that they were nerd gamers by accident. Ironically, both had tried to hide their true colours only to have fate intervene in the form of meeting each other at an internet cafe not even 10 minutes away from their place. It explained their irregular arrival back to the dorm and the eye bags that were prominent on their beautiful faces. That was 2 weeks into being each other's roommate. They then started hanging out more often in front of their large monitor to play games and watch movies. And do other stuff.

"You don't have to be defensive Yeol. It's not your fault that your is so flat, considering how much time you sit on it."

Sungyeol, the older of the two who was distracted by the game and offended by Myungsoo's words, defended himself. "Yah! I don't have a complex!"

Myungsoo danced in glee internally. Sungyeol was a bad multitasker, a perk not curable by video games. He was distracted and Myungsoo planned to keep it that way. Currently they were playing in the Versus mode where Myungsoo was the Hunter and Sungyeol was one of the survivors along with Woohyun and Sunggyu. Myungsoo's mission as simple. He wanted revenge for his previous defeat. (Sungyeol had killed his character by charging him off the roof with the stupid Charger. So impolite.)

"I didn't say you have one. You just admitted it."

"Just for your information, my is as perky as it can be thanks to the amount of effort I put into shaping it! It's unlike yours, which is over-protruding out of your pants, threatening to dominate the world with the amount of fat in it!"

Taking the oppurtunity at which Sungyeol was busily defending himself and his , Myungsoo's character pounced on Sungyeol's on-screen. The cry for help by Sungyeol's character caught his attention and he glared at Myungsoo.

"Myung! You took advantage of me!" Pressing at the button to chat with his teammates, Sungyeol frantically urged Woohyun on the other end of the line to save his character from being torn into pieces. His roommate on the other hand was salvaging the look of anger on Sungyeol's face. He knew that Sungyeol was close to a new achievement and to kill off his character now would be an accomplishment. In the short moment after Sungyeol's character was announced dead, the said male pushed his roommate to the floor and straddled him.

"Should I send you off like how your Hunter did to my precious Ellis?"

Grabbing a dark blue coloured fabric from the couch with his barely constrained hand, Myungsoo placed the short sleeved hoodie on the obedient Sungyeol, who caught on quickly to Myungsoo's intention.

Did the air-cond stop working? It got really warm.

"For the record, I think Hunters are hot." The younger male whispered, grabbed Sungyeol's hand and a line from Sungyeol's elbow up his forearm. He pulled the older down by the jacket, biting the other's pierced ear lightly before commanding:

"Ravage me."

A/N: The game referred here is L4D2. I don't know why Myungyeol always end up having secksy time in my fics. I will try to stop being so erted.

As much as I would like to write, I'm really having difficulty starting one. It must be cause of my absence from story writing for such a long time. T^T Hope that I will start writing easier soon, cause I have so many ideas that needs to be explored! Very sorry for the inconvenience. ><

Any form of support is highly appreciated! Feedback is <3


Chapter 3

Their footsteps were verberating through the halls and it had been haunting him ever since he could remember. Having faced this situation countless times, his body moved with unwanted familiarity fueled by adrenaline pumping through his veins. Even in a situation as bad as this, he mind dared to wander back to the Science class that Mr. Kitagawa was teaching; explaining enthusiastically about the hormones of the body and its function. The situation at hand forced him out of his memories only to alert him that they were not as far as he thought they were.

He had not faced this problem before, once upon a time, half a year ago when there were still three of them. One of them got bitten. Even until this day, he still stood firm on his action, although the guilt crept up his body as he watched his other companion witness the unsightly death of his beloved. His travel companion withered away in time and could not bear to look at him. He wasted away, leaving earth like his lover.

And now, now, they were so so near and panic is the only emotion that he could feel. It was an untimely and unwelcomed one, one that he wished did not exist because it kills his survival instinct because even through all that he's been through, the only thing running on his mind was the basic animalistic need to survive, to evolve physically and mentally to once again conquer the top of the gruesome chain of life in the name of humanity.

He had guns. Two to be exact, and a steel baseball bat that was a prized possession of his that is now covered in blood and the unsightly insides. Mass panic was not always the best to go through especially when you need to just survive the crowd that has the same damn idea as you. And it was a miracle for him to even survive through the first few months of the outbreak wielding a baseball bat and a damn kitchen knife. Times were desperate. He would take what he could.

Even now as he loads his gun, a shotgun pried from the cold, decaying flesh of a corpse bearing the Japanese army's symbol, he focused on the thought that he would one day reach his destination that seemed so far away.

The persistent one that was chasing him got nearer. He could hear them. And he knows there are 5 of them, definitely hungry to sink their teeth into fresh flesh instead of maggot infested ones. Danger tends to increase a person's sensitivity and it only took a glance for him to identify the amount of them after him.

He hid at the turn, just right around the corner hoping to surprise them. He readied himself, took a deep breath and hoped he doesn't miss it. He didn't want to die after all he'd been through.

As they got nearer, he prepared himself and mentally calculated the distance it would take for them to reach him. Deeming it near enough he makes an abrupt appearance and his stiff finger fired the trigger that would determine his fate. The first trigger made a beautiful melody and he was pushed slightly backwards from the backlash. 2 was the number that he was able to take out with a single shot of the gun, leaving 3 more for him to settle.

But things did not always go how you want it to. Fate decides the future and it is at this crucial moment that his body decided to give up on him and caused him to sway and miss his next shot. In the back of his mind he knew it was from the fall that he had during the chase. The proof of it was still freely flowing crimson fluid downn the side of his face.

He immediately aimed as steady as he could at the other oncoming companion of the other two and fired the trigger, praying to whatever God there was to save him from this either by killing them off or giving him a peaceful passage to eternal slumber. He got them.

Two of them.

Only two of them.

The only thought that came to his mind then was regret. Of not living life to the fullest. On working on schedules that only managed to seem to insignificant in the warped world that he lived in.

His vision turned black. He heard two pair of footsteps.

There was supposed to be only one.

It must've been the angel of death.


His lips felt dry and he didn't need to run his lips over it to know that it was cracked. It happened to him every now and then from the lack of water. He could feel the material that he was resting on, thin and soft but hard from the floor. He turned his head with his minimally opened eyes to take in his surrounding. He felt weak all over and his muscles hurt and he's hungry and thirsty but he's alive to feel all these and he doesn't know if he should curse or rejoice over the fact of his continuing existence on a planet that doesn't need him.

The room he was in was small, just adequate for a single occupant, with the lack of beds and only tatami covering the floor and he discovered that he was lying on a thin lumpy mattress that faced the lack of washing given how the panic had started ten months ago.

It had felt like eternity.

His senses came back to him, one by one from the slightly blurry sight to the taste of staleness in his mouth and the touch of blood on his skin and smell of an unused house in his nose and the loud, verberating sound of his breath and the rustle of clothes to his left.


"I see that the princess is awake."

His adrenaline decided to not fail him an kicked in at this moment to give him enough strength to turn abruptly to the source of words that sounded better than that of the shotgun that eliminated the 2 that were after him and he couldn't help but shed involuntary tears at the sight of a human - a normal, healthy human that did not have the grey hue of skin and foul rotten flesh hanging out of their mouth. His body, not attached to his mind decided to be its own master and he saw his shaking hands reach out for the beautiful stranger that might be a saviour or a model or a killer or a robber but subconciously he knew he would not have survived without the help of the man in front of him.

His saviour had a shoulder length hair, brown in colour but the roots displayed its original black in its own pride. It was tied up, as neat as it can be given the circumstances and had strands of hair falling out of it to frame a pale looking face.

The first touch of finger on the stranger's cheeks gave him an unencumbered joy to find the touch and warmth that he had not felt since 5 months ago. He felt the strong gaze of the stranger that he knew looked healthier than him, analyzing him and just staring at a man who had lost hope.

"I know you were bitten," The stranger started, almost startling the other whose fingers were still slightly finding solace in the small touch that it could afford.

Yes, he was bitten; once; at the top of his arm that rendered him useless for quite a time back when the disease had started to unfold. He knew there were discussions when the others had excused themselves politely; he knew they were lying because they were bad actors and he was an actor himself. The constant refusal to meet his eyes told him more than he needed to know, and refusing to believe that a bite would be the end of him, he did not stay and wait for the fate that they would have decided for him.

But he hadn't turn. He had a fever for a day or two but that's the extent that it had ran on him. He found himself still relatively healthy and his mind was intact. It was all he needed to know to conclude that he was one of the lucky ones, if not the only one who could withstand the disease that spread worse than the plague.

The question that rang through his mind was: how am I still alive then if you know that I was once bitten?

The ugly scar on his hand decided to present itself by making him feel a underlying throb. His body, now relaxed from the lack of danger started to gradually feel the ache that he was very familiar with.

The ever unsmiling face of the stranger just gazed as he took in the sight of his body drooping to softly fall on the thin mattress.

"The mark on your arm. I know its a scar." It was only then that the man lying on the mattress realised that the stranger was in the middle of going through his inventory. A dirty green bag, those similar to the ones used for travelling around the world had its contents spilled out beside him.

"I've seen enough bites myself to know that that is not a fresh one."

Because dead, lifeless eyes such as mine couldn't talk, the only method I had was to verbally ask him.

"...How would you know?"

The way the stranger's gaze was fixed on him made him wished that he had known him before all this started. Maybe then instead of having conversation about bite marks they would've been having fun getting to know each other more. Who was he kidding? The disease would have still spread anyway.

He looked on silently as the stranger stood up and started folding up the left side of his loose cargo pants that looked worn and old.


"Yeah. Oh." The stranger said nonchalantly as he covered the scar that looked eerily familiar to his own. A pregnant silence filled the air.

"So we're the same, huh?"

"Yeah i guess." A shrug.

"At least now I know that the fate of humanity doesn't solely lie on me. I can now rest in peace when the need arise." He tried to joke from his position on the mattress. Most people were too tired to take any humour from these type of thing anymore, but it never hurt to try. What he didn't expect though, was for the stranger's intense stare to turn into one of anger, any trace of possible softness masked by the rage at the statement meant to lighten things up.

"You should know that it is a privilege to be able to breathe in this godforsaken world! Millions would have killed to be in your place, so why didn't you just give up already the moment you were bitten?!"

"I have survived all this time. I do not need a lecture from you just because you exist right now! What gives you the right to ask me to give up my life when what I wanted to do was simply make a joke out of this hell we're in?"

The stranger at least had the courtesy to look reluctantly apologetic. The unspoken apology hung loudly in the air. He looked on as the other man repacked the scattered things, disappeared behind the screen and returned with a wet towel. He accepted it wordlessly.

"We need to move out as soon as possible. I don't stay for more than 2 nights in the same place."

The unspoken agreement that they would be traveling together from this day onwards filled the injured man, now slightly better spirited with gratitude and relief.

"Thank you."

"No problem, Kim Myungsoo-sshi."

He had not heard his name uttered by another in such a long time. It was once all he could hear; in the television with reporters and interviewers calling him L or Myungsoo until he wished that they would not say it any longer but now all he wanted was to listen to the melodious sound of his name from the man in front of him. Even through all that, he was shocked that he was well known enough to be recognised in the apocalypse.

"I see you know my name. I'm glad that I don't have to introduce myself then."

Both of them were now visibly more relaxed and words started to flow from Myungsoo's mouth more than he thought he could. "If I'm going to have a traveling companion, I will need your name too."

Can't keep referring to you as the Beautiful Stranger.

"Sungyeol. Lee Sungyeol."

He was a very quiet man and Myungsoo couldn't see it from his face alone. Back in the day when fortune telling was a hot topic of discussion, reading a person's personality from their face was a trend. He could see Sungyeol being a loud and funny man, the centre of a group that would hold it together. But the eyes never lie, and it told Myungsoo that even the most carefree of the world would be weighed down by the tragedy that fell on mankind.

There were moments, Myungsoo noted, that, interestingly, Sungyeol would show a more affectionate side of him by being slightly touchier and light hearted and more willing to indulge into his past but mostly he was quiet and alert and Myungsoo could see the person retreating into his protective shell.

Even as they made their way to their destination which was a supposed sanctuary for the remaining survivors, Myungsoo couldn't help but wonder if Sungyeol ever smiled since the outbreak. The ones that he had seen during the softer moments were still left unbloomed like a flower waiting for its season to arrived but never did. Myungsoo knew he had; with his previous companions who were like sunshines and fluffy hearts fluttering in the air even in the wake of what they were facing. He missed them.

So far, the expressions documented on Sungyeol's face were often anger mixed with fear and bravery, and concern when Myungsoo almost fell 3 days ago after tripping on a stick some where near the river. He had smirked then; and if it was that beautiful the younger man wondered how Sungyeol would look with a genuine smile.

"Something on your mind?" Sungyeol who had looked so dashing in his shirt torn at its sleeve and the faded out jeans was in one of his more open moods, where Myungsoo could see the pieces of the real Sungyeol shining. They were sitting on the rocks near the river, yes, the same one 3 days ago.

"No. Just wondering."

"You wonder a lot. Your stares are quite hard to ignore." Myungsoo had to admit that he had been staring a bit too long at the man in front of him, but that's a given considering that they were the only two traveling around to a destination that refused to be found. Adding in the fact that the man in front of him was a fine specimen from head to toe, he didn't see how he would ever manage to look away even if the outbreak hadn't happened.

"Your eyes gives you away." It slipped out of Myungsoo's mouth before he could think.


"In these few months, I wondered why you never smiled,"

"Well, you smile too much." Sungyeol averted his eyes and concentrated on the bread that they managed to find yesterday. It was starting to get mouldy, but they took what they could.

There it was; the glazing over of eyes that told Myungsoo that no further discussion is to take place.
However, today was different. Near death experiences showed Myungsoo how fragile life is to be able to be taken away by a simple cut that could potentially poison one's blood and cause death. Their first detection since they began traveling together happened not more than a week ago and Myungsoo would fault it for making him think too much during these past few days and that his seperation from Sungyeol could happen prematurely if they did not watch their steps.

A bold move had Sungyeol's chin in Myungsoo's palm, softly turning his face to face him. It was one of the few that he had touched Sungyeol, given the older man's aversion to touch. He wouldn't push him away violently, but skin contact with him made the older sad. Odd, but yes; sad. But Myungsoo had noticed the moments where Sungyeol would push him away grew fewer in number and Myungsoo knew he would take any chance he had to just feel something other than the hardness of the rock beneath him and the firm grip of his hands on the weapons that guraded his life. And because its Sungyeol who saved him months ago and talked little but kind enough to indulge Myungsoo of his past, albeit a little briefly.

Even as Myungsoo searched Sungyeol's eyes for an answer, he couldn't get any.

"You think you're a mind reader? Then read it now; as much as I like you, you shouldn't ask for what I'm not ready to give."

"Will you ever be?" Myungsoo's thumb absent-mindedly began to caress the still gummy cheeks that was now smooth of the dried blood that usually caked it.

A warm and callused hand covered Myungsoo's, making his heart skip a bit in a way that had never happened before. It lowered his hands from the warmth of the face of his saviour and landed on the worn jeans of Sungyeol's left knee, near to where they knew the scar was.

"You know about how in movies, an event that takes place start to get exciting right before the bomb drops?"

Myungsoo absently nodded, slightly confused. Sungyeol scoffed.

"I'm disappointed. It doesn't feel that way in real life."

Myungsoo tilted his head and gave an endearing smile. "You know you can tell me anything. I am the only living thing with a pair of ears around here."

"You're crazy. I wonder why I like you."

"You like me?" Myungsoo was surprised to say the least. He never thought Sungyeol would ever take notice about things like entertainment. Things like him.
"Always had. Made me a fanboy when I was supposed to be studying the ways of the company. I was supposed to take after my father's place when he retires from the company."

"What happened to him?"

Sungyeol shifted his gaze to the river in front of them, seeing but not registering the river shining in front of them. He could only root himself in the warmth of Myungsoo's comforting hand on his knee. What he was about to tell Myungsoo was not a secret. To Myungsoo, it was.

"He was one of the first ones to get infected."

They were both quiet. The acknowledgement that Myungsoo heard was a squeeze of his hand on his knee. It was nice and he took comfort from that.

"You remember, back then when the incubation period could stretch up to a month?"

Myungsoo nods.

"I smiled through it all. I smiled throughout his illness, I smiled when he died, when my mother and brother died because that was what they asked of me."

Myungsoo could see the tears that threatened to fall off the beautiful eyes that immediately when out of sight when Sungyeol turned away completely, his strong back hunched, facing Myungsoo.

"I had to watch them die. I had to kill them. So if you ask me why I don't smile, I don't know."

Myungsoo did not say anything, but instead, after a brief period of time took the courage to stand and enveloped Sungyeol in a hug as tight as he could without causing any discomfort to Sungyeol.

"I can't say I'm sorry for your loss, because nobody experiences pain the same way another does. But what I can promise you is that I wished I was there, but since I wasn't I promise to be here for you now and in the future, okay?" Myungsoo could feel the shaking of the strong back beneath his chest and the hands that protected him held his forearm close to Sungyeol's chest. Even if he could feel warm track of tears flowing, he continued holding the other man, whispering assuring words into his ears.

And when the stream of tears were replaced by sobs that were mixed with embarrassed laughter, the mood lighter than before, Myungsoo couldn't help but notice the most beautiful smile on earth stretched out on Sungyeol's face that had red and puffy eyes and tear tracks running down his cheeks.

From that moment on, Myungsoo knew that whatever the world had in store for them wouldn't matter because everthing was as it is. Perfect

A/N: I don't know what is this haha. I tried my best ^^ The flow was quite skewed lol but practice makes perfect, they say. =D Hope you guys liked it! Thanks for the comments, upvotes and subscribes! You guys know who you are! Thank you thank you thank you!

Comments, upvotes and subscriptions are inspirations! ><

Note: I did not remove the previous A/Ns. Ha. Nostalgia.

Thanks for reading!

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