
Hate & Love
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Siwon and Kyuhyun walk holding hands towards the living room, where Suho was playing happily with some toys and eating some candies too. The kid watched them appear holding hands and smiled sweetly at them.

“Daddy! Prince Kyuhyun!” – Suho exclaimed and ran to their meeting.

Both hugged him and Siwon ruffled his hair. But Suho focused on Kyuhyun and asked with determination:

“Were you kissing my dad?”

Kyuhyun felt his cheeks like a tomato and met Siwon´s eyes nervously. The handsome man just nodded at him encouraging him to tell his son the truth about them. Kyuhyun knew he had to tell the truth because he also loved that kid and wouldn´t be happy if he would have to lie to him.

He breathed deeply and replied:

“Yes, I was kissing your dad. When two people who take care about each other, they usually kiss – his eyes met Siwon´s again and added – a lot”

Suho bites a new piece of cake and changed the topic quickly as if he were ended with the kisses topic.

“Can we go all of us to swim?” – the kid asks still eating his delicious piece of cake with green cream.

Maybe Kyuhyun´s answer was enough to satisfy his curiosity or maybe for a five-year-old boy his priority was other thing at that moment. Siwon and Kyuhyun smiled at each other and then focused on Suho again.

“Of course, we can! But I have to take you to your mom´s house before dinner” – Siwon said to his son.

Suho changed his expression and started to pout cutely.

“No, dad! I want to stay here with you and prince Kyuhyun!”

Kyuhyun pouts too and feels sad because Suho was definitely not happy. He gets close to the kid and ruffles his hair gently.

“Hey! Sad faces are forbidden here…go to search delicious cakes for me and your daddy ok and then let´s change into our bathing-suits!” – Kyuhyun said with a tender smile.

“Yes!!” – the kid exclaimed happily and ran to the kitchen for some pieces of cake.

Siwon and Kyuhyun went to change into their bathing-suits quickly to their bedroom. Suho appeared minutes later holding two pieces of cake with green cream.

“Here you have!! – he said giving the cake to them – now I´m going to put on my bathing-suit!!”

The kid disappeared from their bedroom with a wide smile on his pretty face. No doubt he was the happiest kid in the world.

The men ate the delicious pieces of cake with green cream kissing each other while they ate. They seemed like a married couple, smiling and cuddling all the time.

Some minutes later, the three of them are swimming at the swimming pool having fun and laughing loud like the most perfect family in the world…a real family. Both teaching Suho to swim meanwhile the three enjoyed of a hot morning under the refreshing water.

“I love you, prince Kyuhyun” – Suho said to Kyuhyun while the latter held the kid´s body floating on the water.

“I love you too, Suho…very much” – he replied and kissed his wet hair. Siwon gave them a family hug and breathed contented.

Why did it feel like his real family? His son and his lover Kyuhyun…the perfect Suho´s mother.

For a moment he wished to stay like this forever…with his own family…the family he always wished to have.

Siwon stole some kisses to Kyuhyun and both tightened the hug, it was the most perfect moment between them. They looked like the ideal family.

The moment was magical.

Siwon had never heard his son say I love you to his family not even to his brother Minho. Of course his son loved them all but he never expressed his feelings so open to them. Suho always said I love you to him, just him. And now he was saying I love you to Kyuhyun!

It was amazing!

He can´t blame his son for loving Kyuhyun because he is so easy to love. Hearing him to say it touched Siwon´s soul since his son is very honest with his feelings.

Kyuhyun broke the hug a little to meet Siwon´s eyes. That was the most perfect and sweet gaze in a man. He felt captivated by that beautiful gaze. Siwon knew that he would never ever look at another man in his life having Kyuhyun by his side forever. The pretty boy seemed to be searching him all these years and now finally they have met…he hopes forever and not just for summer…

Kyuhyun possessed Siwon with just his gaze, literally.


Siwon wanted Kyuhyun to accompany him to Suho´s house and somehow to show his son´s mother that Kyuhyun was his future and erase her hopes once and for all.

“I thought I could wait here…in the car” – Kyuhyun said after seeing Siwon´s hand pushing him outside the car and enter the house.

Siwon hadn´t mentioned that he would be walking inside the house with him but he was sure that Kyuhyun knew his intention now.

“Siwon…I can wait here…really” – the pretty boy added a little bit scared of what could happen inside the house.

Siwon does his best to take Kyuhyun out of the car and press his body against his, smelling his scent from his soft hair.

“Relax, babe…you don´t have to be nervous. You are the first man that I have introduced to the mother of my son”

“How can I be relaxed?...that makes me feel even more nervous”

Siwon kisses the boy´s forehead sweetly and meets his eyes again.

“I have never introduced any other man to Suho either. That means that you are very important to me. I want you to be part

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babywonwon #1
Chapter 10: This is so good!
Chapter 1: I read many times and lovely, never forget to write about Wonkyu, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy 2020.
I love it ^^ I just love how everything changes when it comes to love <3
AngelFelicia #4
Chapter 10: Wonkyu
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 10: please make a sequel about Kyuhyun's pregnancy.
Chapter 10: finally you finished this fic. Thank you for take any your break time to continue write.
I love this final chap, so and sweet mixed became one. I love your M scene as always, being so wild and . Hahahhahaa you make me aroused.
LinzKyu #7
Chapter 10: really interesting!
MasiChoiFan #8
Chapter 10: Yey, thaaaaaanks for this wonderful story♡. I loved it! WonKyu is adorable but they're even more adorable with SuHo ㅠㅠ. MinHo was such a nice friend for the fluffy/naughty boy ㅋㅋ.
For the next story about werewolves that you mentioned, as long as it has WonKyu and a happy ending together, I know I'll love it as much as this one♡.
angelvoicekyu #9
Chapter 10: Congratulations for completing the story, as a follower of your stories, I'm satisfied with the ending, their relationship has entered another phase with the marriage proposal, their tender lovemaking is sweet, suho and Minho are there for them, so it's the beginning of their new lives! Thanks. Obviously as a non creative reader, I'll appreciate wonkyu stories with different themes. Good luck.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 10: Yeay... Happy for the update... It's a happy ending indeed.. I also always love WonKyu fics with a happy ending stories... ThanKyu for this romantic fic...
Looking forward for your new fic.. Anyeong... :))