
I Love You Mr. Kim Kibum

“303,” Jinki muttered as he checked the address he wrote on a piece of paper. After he had checked the number on the door and the address on the paper for the umpteenth time (because he’s afraid he might get the wrong address, again) he rang the doorbell.

“Mr. Kim Kibum, your pizza is here!” he rang the doorbell again a few times after the owner of the house didn’t show up. Jinki took a smell of the pizza from the box when the door suddenly opened. Jinki got shocked and almost dropped the box.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry I didn’t hear the bell I was so busy practicing my musical act,” Jinki looked up to see the owner of the voice and for the first time in his life, his heart beat so fast. His eyes became globular and he gasped at the beauty in front of him. There stood a beautiful lady with a short black hair wearing a loose white shirt and white shorts. Her face is so beautiful, her skin is so clean, and her cat like eyes, her red bow-shaped lips, Jinki can’t take his eyes off of this beauty.

“Um… Hello, mister?” Kibum waved his hand in front of Jinki who kept staring at his face.

“Oh.. oh! Ah Mr. Kim Kibum here is your pizza. Wait, mister??” Jinki looked back at the customer’s profile he wrote on the paper to make sure he’s at the right house. Kibum just chuckled at Jinki who kept looking back and forth from him to that piece of paper.  

“Yes, that’s me,” he took off the black hair wig and revealed his short wavy green hair. Jinki felt his mouth dropped on the floor. How a guy can look so beautiful?! Jinki couldn’t breathe for a moment, which emitted laughter from Kibum. Jinki shook his head and did a 90 degree bow. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.. It’s just that.. It’s.. Y-You are.. really.. beautiful for a guy,” Jinki felt his cheeks flushed as he said those words. “No, no it’s okay. I get that a lot. That’s why I’m wearing like this,” Jinki got up and scratched his head and let out a nervous chuckle. Kibum couldn’t help but smile at this cute delivery boy in front of him. Jinki just realized he hadn’t given Kibum his pizza.

“Oh, here you go,” he didn’t know why his hands were trembling so hard when he gave Kibum his pizza. Kibum took the pizza and paid him the money. Jinki took out his wallet to give Kibum his balance and after that he bowed at Kibum and quickly turned around because he didn’t want Kibum to see his reddened face. Just then Kibum said something that made his now pounding heart stopped.

“See you again, cutie.”



The next day, Jinki went to work with dark circle under his eyes. After yesterday’s encounter with Kibum, he couldn’t sleep well. His mind was full of Kibum’s face, Kibum’s lips, Kibum’s eyes, Kibum calling him cutie. He wondered if he’ll get the chance to see Kibum again. That if Kibum will order pizza from his workplace again. But it’s not like he can choose to do the delivery to who they wanted to, they were assigned by their manager. Jinki was lucky he got to make that delivery to Kibum yesterday. It’s as if he was fated to do it. He smiled at the thought of it.

  His manager’s voice woke him up from his trance and he quickly put on Jonatan’s Pizza shirt and cap. He went to help his colleagues arranging the pizzas that needed to be delivered.

“Hey, Jinks,” he turned to look at his tall friend Minho waving at him. “What?” he turned back to do his work and didn’t spare a look at Minho whom he knew was making a cute face. He knew what this dude wants if he started making that face.

“Hyung~ Can I borrow some money, pwease? I wanna buy something for Taeminnie, our 3rd monthsary is this Sunday,” Minho hugged his shorter friend from the back and rocked him left and right. Jinki sighed and pushed Minho away. He put his hand inside his jean’s pocket to look for his wallet but he didn’t feel anything. That’s weird, he thought. He had never put his wallet somewhere else other than in his jeans. He patted all the pockets there are on his jeans but still couldn’t feel anything. He gave a nervous glance at Minho, who also started to look worried.

“H-Hyung, maybe you left it at your home??” Minho tried to reassure his hyung who was now sweating profusely. He shook his head and tried to remember when was the last time he took it out. His last delivery was Kibum, and he took out his wallet to give Kibum his balance and after that.. after that..

He looked at Minho with wide eyes and Minho gave him the same look. He quickly ran out to the front and gave his manager a shout telling him he’ll be right back. When he reached the restaurant’s door, he bumped into someone and fell on his back. He grunted in pain and rubbed his lower back.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry I didn’t see you. Oh my god are you okay? Oh my god,” this voice, sounds familiar, Jinki thought as he opened his eyes. He was right. Kibum kneeled down next to him and tried to pull him up. Jinki got up and rubbed off the dust on his shirt which Kibum helped him too. Then they stared into each other’s eyes for a couple of minutes with Kibum hands on both Jinki’s arms, not caring the stares they got from the customers inside.

“Jinki!” Kibum immediately let go of Jinki’s arms and both of them turned to look at the owner of the voice. Minho was running towards them. Kibum turned the other way to hide his now blushing cheeks. Why was his heart beating so fast? He asked himself as he clutched his chest.

“Jinki hyung, are you okay?” Minho scanned the elder for any sign of injury. Jinki just smiled and shook his head. “And who’s this?” Minho asked looking at Kibum who was looking the other way. “Oh, this is Mr. Kim Kibum,” Kibum couldn’t help but laughed when he heard Jinki calling him by his full name and turned around to meet the two guys’ face.

“You’re Lee Jinki, right? Here, you left this in front of my door yesterday,” He took out a brown leather wallet from his jacket and handed it over to Jinki. Jinki looked at the wallet before he took it. “T-Thank you, Mr. Kim Kibum,” he did a 90 degree, once again, at Kibum. Kibum just laughed which made Jinki laughed a little too because his laughter is so cute.

“Oh dear, just call me Kibum,” he walked closer to Jinki which made Jinki to get up and stared nervously at Kibum.  Then Kibum said something to him which was barely a whisper. “If you don’t look this cute, I would’ve spent all your money on a diamond you know,” he gave Jinki a smirk which made Jinki’s heart pounding so fast. Kibum took Jinki’s hand and put a piece of paper on it. Later, he gave Jinki a smile and turned away and waved a little at him. Jinki just stood there and stared at Kibum until he was out of sight. “What was that for?” Minho moved closer to Jinki and both of them looked at the paper on Jinki’s hands as he opened it. There was Kibum’s number with a little ‘call me xoxo’ note. Both of them looked at each other and a smile grew on Minho’s face.

“Ooh, someone’s gonna get laid.”

“Shut up, frog,” Jinki pushed Minho and made his way back to the kitchen with a smiling Minho following him from behind. Jinki was actually happy.


Jinki took out the paper he got from Kibum earlier from his pocket and lied on his bed. He looked at it turning the paper around to look for some secret message Kibum might left for him but there was nothing other than the phone number on the paper. He took his phone out and dialed the number but hesitated for a while when he was about to hit the call button. He then took a deep breath and pressed it with a pounding heart. He bit his lips thinking of what he should say once Kibum pick up his phone.

“Hello?” Right at that moment, Jinki suddenly couldn’t breathe. He was sweating and frantically waved his hand trying to figure what to say. “U-umm.. I-I.. Hell..H-Hello,” He didn’t know why he was acting like that, he felt like he just wanted to kill himself at that moment. He heard Kibum chuckled; he loved it when he chuckles. “Do you wanna meet this Saturday at XX Café?” That was fast and straightforward, Jinki thought. Without giving himself a second thought, he quickly answered yes. He really wanted to see that pretty fox again. Kibum chuckled again, Oh my god he’s so cute, Jinki thought to himself. “Okay, Saturday 10a.m. don’t be late,” Just like that, Kibum hung up. Jinki let out a deep breath and covered his face with his palms. He screamed internally, he couldn’t believe he’s going to meet Kibum.


Jinki entered the café and took a sit on an empty table next to the window. Kibum had already texted him telling him he will be late for a few minutes as he needed to send his dogs to his friend’s house first. Jinki ordered a cup of latte coffee, as Kibum told him to order first. He checked his reflection at the window, wondering if he looked good enough. He’s only wearing a long sleeve blue shirt and a skinny jean. He was so busy checking himself out; he didn’t realize the seat in front of him has been occupied.

“You look great,” Jinki startled at the voice and put his hand on his chest. He turned to look at a laughing Kibum and he smiled at the sight. Kibum is so pretty; he’s wearing a shirt with something on it that Jinki couldn’t read with a black jacket and a pair of shorts which showed his beautiful slim legs. Jinki gulped at the view as Kibum ordered a cup of tea. Kibum noticed Jinki was staring at his legs and he purposely ran his right leg on his left. Jinki then realized what he was doing and looked up to see a smirking Kibum.

“Like what you see?” Jinki blushed and hung his head down. “Aww, come on no need to get shy around me baby doll,” that just made Jinki blushed even more. Kibum laughed and leaned in closer and rested his chin on his hands. “Your name is Lee Jinki, right? How old are you?” Jinki looked up with his still flushed face.


“27? Oh my god, I thought you were younger like your face is so cute and you look like a baby,” Kibum reached out his hand towards Jinki and caressed his soft baby cheeks and pinched it. Jinki blushed at the touch which made Kibum giggled. “So cute,” Kibum pulled back his hand and rested his chin on his hand again.

“I’m Mr. Kim Kibum but you can call me Kibum,” Jinki giggled at the sarcastic introduction. “I’m 24 and I’m studying musical performance at Seoul University,” Jinki just let out an ‘ohh’ at Kibum. “You must be good at singing,” Jinki asked and Kibum just smiled proudly. “Can you sing a little bit of your musical for me?” Kibum shook his head at the offer. “No, you need to come and hear it for yourself at my performance,” Just then he took out something from his clutch bag and handed it over to Jinki. Jinki took it and look at the piece of paper he was given to. It was a ticket to Kibum’s musical.

“I’m going to be the main actor so you better come,” Later the waiter arrived with both of their drinks and they talked about each other more.


   They’re now sitting on the park bench looking at the lake in front of them glistening with sunlight. Kibum was leaning his head against Jinki’s shoulder and his arm were wrapped around him which made Jinki uncomfortable because are they considered couple now that they’re sitting like this? Yes they’ve talked and got to know each other a little but they still haven’t confessed to each other yet. He wanted to do it but what if Kibum rejects him? What if Kibum is just one of those friendly dudes who like to hug people? Jinki shook his head at the thoughts and looked back at the beautiful view of the lake as the sun began to set.

“Baby, why are you shaking?” He heard Kibum asked with his cute little voice. “N-Nothing,” He stuttered which made Kibum got up and faced him with a worried face. “Are you sure?” Jinki really didn’t want to talk about it but it’s now or never. Jinki took a deep breath and turned to face Kibum.

“K-Kibum, d-do you.. love me?” Kibum raised an eyebrow at the question. “I mean like you called me baby, and we’re sitting like this and a-are we considered a couple now but we haven’t confess to each other yet I-I love you but I’m afraid you might not like m-“ Jinki was stopped with Kibum’s slender finger on his lips. “You talk too much baby doll,” Just then Kibum took Jinki by his chin and leaned in to kiss Jinki on his lips. Jinki’s eyes grew twice its size but he didn’t respond to the kiss because he was too shocked, very shocked. Kibum pulled away and smiled at the elder.

“Of course I love you, you . Now shut up and enjoy this view,” Kibum leaned his head back on Jinki’s shoulder and watched as the sun began to look like as if it was sinking into the lake. Jinki, who’s still in daze from what just happened also stared at the beautiful view in front of him. What a beautiful day, he thought and put an arm around Kibum and pulled him closer. He kissed the top of Kibum’s head and just stayed there enjoying the strawberry scent of his new boyfriend’s hair.  

“I love you, Mr. Kim Kibum.”


A/N: ;;;A;;; ah i'm nervous. i told u i . but s-should i... m-make another chapter????

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 1: Too sweet! And more would be appreciated. XD
eunhaeonkeymyungjong #2
Chapter 1: another! another! another!
i really enjoyed it kibuma nd onew are a perfect match!
edgesofcircle #3
Chapter 1: Ahh this is soo cute! I've been waiting for someone to write about jonatanxeungyu hahaha thank you for making this!
And yes of course you should make another chapter of this hehe :33
yaleON #4
Chapter 1: Yes make another plz
Chapter 1: i was waiting for someone to write a ff bout eungyu n jonatan. i knew that pic.