
Sweet & Sour 101
its the wedding as i leave.

"Waaa," said Junhwa as they finally arrived at the church where the ceremony will be happening. She went out the car as she saw her cousin, the bride. "Yungdae-ah!" she called out. It was her cousin's name, the one who saw her in the coffee shop, but thought that she was just her look-alike.

"Oh, Junhwa-ssi! You came~" said Yungdae, greatfully. "Of course, why will I not attend my best unnie's wedding, eh? Am I stupid to not?"

"Aissh! You silly!" Yungdae messed up with her hair.

"Ya! I've just done it~" Junhwa pouted as the wedding managers said the wedding was about to start. So, Junhwa waited and chatted a little. Yungdae's future husband was there inside, waiting for her in the altar. He was excited to see his gorgeous bride in a white beautiful gown and with a boquet of sweet-smelling flowers on her hands as she was walking on the aisle, escorted by her father.

Before the bride's entrance, the bride's maid first. The flower girls, who was weareing their cute little blue dress, throwing rose petals everywhere side by side. Putting a sweets mile on their faces, the little girl's hair was curled, and it was cutely swaying side by side. As it was the cute boy's turn, the ring bearers. They were in a cute, black tux. Smiling while walking on the aisle, the other kid was so cute! He even winked at some noona.

It was the other's turn and the most awaited, the bride. Yungdae's gown was flowing, sliky white on the ground. Her veil was over her face, that you couldn't recognize who was her. But she was incredibly beautiful, it wasn't irrtable at all. It was fresh looking, and relaxing. As she was walking, the groom plastered a big grin on his face lie, "This is the best day ever!"

"Omo, Yungdae-unnie is so beautiful," said Junhwa who was on the front seat, as she was one of the bride's maid. "Junshik-oppa was so happy to see her future wife," she smiled.

After reciting their vows, the priest spoke. "Is there anyone who wants to object this wedding? Please speak now or forever hold your peace," After the long wait. There was none. The two was really for each other, it meant for Junhwa. "You may now kiss the bride," and both of them kissed each other on the lips, happily.

*     *     *     *     *

Then, at the reception. All were sitting on their designated table for eating. There were a giant cake, that was too much for everybody. And, waiters were there to erve everyone. Junhwa was sitting on her table, beside her grandma and her other cousins. "'Ma," she patted her grandmothers shoulder. "Yes, dear?"

"My flight is on 5:00 pm," she said. "Oh,"

"Its just 3:00 pm? You could stay for just an hour, okay?" her grandmother told her. Junhwa nodded, she doesn't want to leave just yet. "Thank you," Juhwa said as the waiter served her food in frotn of her, formally. All were eating, chattinga nd taking pictures of the bride and the groom. All were happy for them! One time, the couple danced in front while relatives were giving them there gifts. 

Later then, Junhwa pulled out her notebook. And she wrote,

"Annyeong! We're in the reception....Owww, I'm about to go back to Korea! Aisssh~ I don't wan tooooo! But, I have to, so...See you there again! By the way, enjoy eating! I'm eating right now, so? BYE! Se you tomorrow, Mr. Diary! -Junhwa"

It was already 4:30 pm and she really have to go. "'Ma, I gonna go now~" she told her grandmother.

"Oh? Time's so fast!" she said. "Okay, dear. Be careful, do you want me to go with you?" she asks.

Junhwa shook her head, "No, just enjoy the party, okay? I'll se you soon! I promise," she kissed her grandmother's cheek and left. But only she didn't know, she rode back the car. She left her journal notebook on the table, and no one noticed it.

After the reception, "Ya! Sungyeol-ssi!" someone called out. "Oh, hey! Hoya!" said Sungyeol and high-fived him.

"I gonna go now, dude," said Hoya. "What?! Can't you wait for me?"

"Can't you see? There're no more people here, only you and me."

"I have to talk to the managers before I go to my flight back to Korea later at 7:00 pm," explained Sungyeol. "Sorry, dude. I really can't my flight is on 6:00! I have to go now," then, Hoya run and left SUngyeol alone on the said place.

"Aissh, that guy," said Sungyeol. "Oh, what;s this?" he said when he saw a notebook.

He examined it first and looked around, but no one was there. "Oh, well. I'll just keep it, or should I find who owns it?" he thought dor awhile before leaving and search for the managers. "Na! Keep it instead until, I find who owns this journal," he said and left.

a/n: okay, here's an updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ About the wedding. Sorry, if its boring! I'm just to laxy, and I wanted to get some more sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~ Too stressed, I don't know what to do. Somehting i don't like just happenbed. So never mind, jjust read and comment@ Sorry if its boooooooooooooring! :))


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