A Simple Gesture


That one time when Akira saw Tsurara, who was left behind by Kurosaki, who in turn got lectured by Ken and Yamapi casually witnessing the aftermath of said lecture.


I wrote this back in 2008 when both Yamapi and Maki were my OTP. They still are but I miss this pairing nevertheless.

I just polished this up and decided to share with you all for the first time. Hope you enjoy it :)


Characters (in order of appearance) -

Kusano Akira (Nobuta wo Produce)

Yoshikawa Tsurara (Kurosagi)

Iwase Ken (Proposal Daisakusen)

Kurosaki (Kurosagi)

Yamaa Tomohisa 

Horikita Maki


Let's imagine they were all there in one universe...



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Jahsa4 #1
Chapter 1: I mean maki
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 1: Yamapi and his two characters and making also her character from the drama in the same story. Lol and awesome too love it.