I'll Protect You

My Stupid Idol

Chapter 4: I'll Protect You


Song rec: i know this got nothing to do, but I keeps on thinking about Meghan Trainor's 'dear future husband', Shania Twain's 'You're still the one', and a lil' bit of Taylor Swift's 'love story'--maybe you'll find the lyrics of those songs in this chapter XD


Donghae chuckles. "Well... Actually, I haven't proposed her yet" he said. "But... If she's watching this... Lee Eunhyuk, I love you. Will you marry me?"

The press gasped as well as Eunhyuk. All the press that come to the presscon starts asking a lot of question and taking a lot of pictures of him while Eunhyuk's eyes widened at what Donghae just said. "This presscon isn't aired live, right?" she asks herself as she scans her contacts and calls Donghae. He didn't answer.

Eunhyuk sighs as she tries to call him again. But still no answer.

"Aish. Does he avoids me because I avoid him awhile ago?" Eunhyuk asks herself. She takes a deep breath. "Maybe I should use the landline instead of my mobile phone, so that he don't know that it's me who calls him"

She ran downstairs to use the landline, but her living room--all the rooms downstairs to be exact were pitch black and it seems that no one was there.

"Ajumma?" Eunhyuk calls the head maid, but no answer. She gulps nervously. "Don't tell me that there's a thief and killed all of the maid here"

She steps her foot nervously at the end of the stair when the lights suddenly on.

There was Kangin and Leeteuk-- they've got back from their second honeymoon, Ryeowook, and all of the maids, drivers, and gardeners in her house. But what surprises is someone who kneels in front of her while holding a bouquet of pink peonies and a box of ring. It was Donghae.

He stares at her while smiling. He takes a deep breath before singing.


"Marry me, Juliet, you never have to be alone.

I love you, and that's all I really know.

I've talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress, it's a love story, baby just say yeah"


Eunhyuk can't help but crying in happiness upon hearing him. She covers using her hands, trying to stop herself from screaming in happiness. She kneels down to have the same level as him.

"Oppa" she said.

"Why?" Donghae asks, still smiling sweetly towards her. "Don't cry. Don't you happy that I'm proposing you?"

"Pabo, it's tears of happiness!" Eunhyuk said. "Oppa, I have something to tell you"

"What's that?" he asks.

"Eunhyuk takes a deep breath before speaking. "Oppa, actually, at first, I can't accept you just the way you are"

Donghae stares at her with confusion in his face. She smiles at him as she continues. "You know I'm a fan. And a fan always have high expectation on their idols. I always think that you're perfect" she said. "So when I met you, and I know that you're stupid, I was shock at first"

"So... Is that why you avoided me before?" Donghae asks sadly.

Eunhyuk nods her head. "That's one of the reason" she said. "But, a part of me accepts you just the way you are. Even I find your stupidity cute, and that makes me confused. Does my feeling towards you is love, or just infatuation? So I decided to avoid you"

Donghae stares at her. "So? What's your conclusion?" he asks.

"Luckily, Jongwoon and Wookie helped me. They told me that it's love that I'm feeling towards you" Eunhyuk said as she flashes a smile. "They told me that if I like everything about you, even the most annoying ones, and I feels bad after ignoring you, that only means I love you. Now, that you've heard everything, do you still want me to be your wife?"

Donghae nods as he smiles sweetly towards her. "Hey, missunderstandings were part of loving someone. You're just confused back then. Everyone gets confused when they loved someone. You see, at first, I'm also confused about my feelings for you. I just considered thinking about it when you asked me what are you in my life" he said. "And now, I'm ready to answer to your question. You're my future. Hyukkie, will you marry me?"

Eunhyuk stands up as she smiles at him. She nods her head. "Yes" she said.

Donghae stands up to have the same level as her as she hugs her. "Thanks Hyukkie" he said. "Thanks for accepting me just the way I am"

"I can't accept you just the way you are" Eunhyuk . "Well, at first"

Donghae pouts. He pressed his thumb on Eunhyuk lips to shut her up. "I've told you, the 'first' didn't matter to me" he said as he removes his thumb from her lips, and gets the ring inside the velvet box and puts it on Eunhyuk's ring finger. "It's your 'now' and 'future' that matters to me"

Eunhyuk smiles as she stares at the ring. It was a simple ring with pink and white diamonds embelishment.

"It's your birthstone, right?" Donghae asks. Eunhyuk stares at him with confusion on her face. "I mean, diamond. It's your birthstone right? April's birthstone?"

Eunhyuk chuckled at his innocent question. "Well... Yes it is" she said. "By the way, how could you know my birthday?"

Donghae flashes a childish smile. "I asked my father about that" he said. "You see Hyukkie, I haven't know that much about you, but it's okay. I can't learn and know everything about you as we become husband and wife"

Eunhyuk laughs softly. "Okay" she said. She points the bouquet of pink peonies. "By the way, is that for me?"

"Ah! I almost forget about this. Thanks for reminding me, Hyukkie" Donghae said as he gaves the bouquet of pink peonies to her. "Pink peonies means Happy marriage. I'm going to give you a happy marriage life, Hyukkie"

Eunhyuk smiles sweetly at him for nth times today---who wouldn't smiles a lot when the guy you loves proposed to you?. "How could you know?" she asks as she pinches his cheek softly.

"Well... I googled it" Donghae said as he smiles sheepishly.

Eunhyuk giggles. She pinches his nose softly. "Why are you so cute?" she asks him. "Ah, by the way, if you want to be my husband, here are few things that you should know"

"What is it?" Donghae asks.

"Everytime we fight, just apologize, even if I was wrong. Because I'm never wrong" Eunhyuk said. "Disagree?"

Donghae shook his head. "I agree" he said. "If it's for you"

Eunhyuk giggles. "Well, next, make time for me and don't you ever leave me lonely" she said.

"Okay, next?" Donghae asks.

"You gotta know how to treat me like lady even when I'm acting crazy" Eunhyuk said.

Donghae laughs softly. "Okay. Next?" he asks."Don't have a dirty mind, just be a classy guy" Eunhyuk said.

"I'm not a dirty minded man" Donghae said while pouting. "Next?"

"Lastly, tell me that you love me each and every night" Eunhyuk said. "And tell me that there will never be any other girl beside me in your heart"

"That's also okay" Donghae said. "Anything for you, my girl"They both laughs softly at each other when someone coughs.

It was Ryeowook. "Excuse me, we're still here" she said. "Do you want us to leave both of you or you guys want to have a date outside?"

Kangin and Leeteuk laughs softly upon seeing the couple blushed because of Ryeowook.

Donghae shook his head. "No need" he said. "I'm going home now. I still have a live comeback stage at 4 p.m. tomorrow"

He stares at Eunhyuk before giving her a quick kiss. "Well, I'm going to fetch you early in the morning tomorrow to prepare for our wedding" he said. "Have a nice sleep"

Donghae bows his head at Kangin and Leeteuk and ran away before Kangin could scold him.

"Yah! Lee Donghae! How dare you kiss my daughter in front of me?!" Kangin shouts. "You guys are not yet married!"

While Eunhyuk just stood there, blushing profusely.

It seems that their marriage life will be a 'blast' for sure.




Donghae was true to his words. He really fetches Eunhyuk early in the morning, even before she wakes up.

"Donghae-ya, we're really sorry, but Hyukkie is still sleeping" Leeteuk said. "By the way, why are you here so early in the morning? It's great that Kangin already goes to work or else he'll really scold you for what you did last night"

"Kangin?" Donghae asks as he stares at Leeteuk blankly.

"Ah, I mean, my husband" Leeteuk said. "You see, it's his nickname because he's strong. Kangin means strong"

Donghae nods his head. "Well, I actually wants to meet our wedding planner" he said.

"So you're really serious about marrying her?" Leeteuk asks teasingly. "By the way, it's still seven in the morning. I'm not sure that the wedding planner's office is already open"

"Ah, don't worry about that. The wedding planner is my best friend" Donghae said. "I already inform her that we will visit her early in the morning because I have a recording for my comeback stage at 4 p.m. and I don't know what time it will finish. So I think we'll just finish the planning early in the morning"

Leeteuk nods her head, gesturing that she's understand. "Well... Do you want me to wake Hyukkie up?" she asks. "You see, you guys need to finish before 4 p.m."

"Can I just wake her up?" Donghae asks hesitantly.

Leeteuk smiles upon hearing him. "Okay. Her room is upstairs, the first room you see from the stairs" she said. "Don't worry, I'm not as strict as my husband. It's fine with me as long as you guys are not having out of wedlock. Just don't let Kangin know or else we're both dead meat"

"But... Does Youngwoon ajussi hates me?" Donghae asks.

"What? He hates you? Why?" Leeteuk asks. "He's the one who came up with the whole blind date idea, why would he hate you?. Besides, he's going to be your father in law, call him appa"

Donghae shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know

..." he said hesitantly. "He seems like he don't like me for Hyukkie"

"Oh, come on, don't be silly. He's just being childish because his one and only daughter is getting married. If he doesn't like you for Hyukkie, then why did he gave his blessings to you and Hyukkie?" Leeteuk asks. "I actually also wonder why he needs to be strict towards you since he also ever had the same experience before"

Donghae raises an eyebrow. "He did?" he asks curiously.

Leeteuk nods. "He used to visit me every night by climbing to the balcony of my room so that my father won't know when we were not yet married" she said, reminiscing her memories with her husband. "My father used to against him since he seems like a rebelious kid"

"So... How could you guys get married?" Donghae asks curiously.

"Well, my father finally realizes his sincerity and gaves us his blessings" Leeteuk said. "So, don't worry, Kangin is just being childish and strict just like my father because Hyukkie is our one and only daughter. He didn't hate you, he's just being overprotective towards his daughter"

Donghae nods his head. "Okay, I understand, I'll go upstairs then, um... Leeteukie umma" he said as he stands up, bows at Leeteuk and leaves the living room.

Leeteuk smiles at herself. "I can't believe that the day where Hyukkie will have a husband is soon to be come. He seems so cute by being awkward calling me umma like that. He doesn't need to be awkward actually. But he's really polite" she told herself happily. "I guess Hyukkie really meets her Mr. Right this time"




Donghae enters Eunhyuk's room without knocking because he knows that the girl's still sleeping. He walks towards her bed.

He smiles upon seeing her sleeping face. He caress her cheek. "She looks so peaceful when she sleeps" he told himself.

Suddenly Eunhyuk moves a little. "Oh? You're already up?" Donghae asks. But Eunhyuk still closes her eyes as she continues sleeping.

Donghae sighs. He pinches her cheek softly. "Hey, wake up" he said, but still no reaction. He starts patting her cheek softly.

"Umma, 5 more minutes" Eunhyuk said as she kept her eyes closed.

Donghae pouts. "He thinks that I'm Leeteukie umma" he said as he starts patting her cheek again, harder this time.

"Stop that" Eunhyuk said as she holds his hands and pulls him towards her. Donghae loses his balance and falls on the bed beside her. Their faces were so close to each other that their lips were almost touched. Donghae quickly blushed upon realizing their position.

"H, hey" he stammered. "We-we're not yet married. If Leeteukie umma sees us, she might got the wrong idea"

But it's useless, Eunhyuk is still sleeping.

"Should I... Kiss her?" Donghae asks. He shook his head. "What are you thinking? Of course that's useless"

"But... Maybe that can be since sleeping beauty also woke up because the prince kissed her" Donghae told himself. "Should I give it a try?" he asks himself as he leans his face closer and captures her lips for a kiss.

Eunhyuk slowly opens her eyes upon feeling a soft object on her lips. Her eyes widened when she realizes something-- Donghae kissed her! On the lips! And it wasn't just a peck like yesterday, but a long and sweet kiss!. She closes her eyes back and feels his kiss.

Donghae lets go of her after a while. He stares at Eunhyuk's face. Eunhyuk slowly opens her eyes and stares at him shyly. He smiles at her. "So the sleeping beauty is finally awake?" he asks in a teasing tone.

Eunhyuk quickly covers her eyes with her hands. "Shut up" she said shyly. "Oppa, why are you here? Early in the morning?"

"I've told you that I'm going to fetch you early in the morning to prepare for our wedding, right?" Donghae asks. "We only have time untill 4 p.m. to meet our wedding planner and designer because I have a comeback stage later. I've contact the wedding planner that we're going to visit her at 8 a.m. because I have a schedule for today. Are you and Ryeowook-ssi going to watch me later?"

Eunhyuk thinks for awhile. "Um... Well, maybe?" she asks. "I'm not sure that I will watch it with all the things going on... You see, your fans might bully me"

Donghae chuckles. "Hey, don't worry, I'm sure they can accept it. Besides, they're the one who sometimes told me to get a wife. And you're the one who will be my wife" he said. "Now, you better get ready or else we're going to be late'

"Arasseo" Eunhyuk said, still blushing. "But you better get out first. And by the way why are you sleeping beside me?"

"You're the one who pulls me" Donghae said innocently. "I was trying to wake you up when you suddenly pulls my hand. I lost my balance, and I fell on your bed"

Eunhyuk blushes even more upon hearing his explanation. 'Aish, Lee Eunhyuk! Why did you do something stupid like that while you're sleeping?' she thought shyly. "Well, you wait in the living room while I'm preparing" she said.

Donghae stares at her blushing face. "Why? Are you shy?" he asks teasingly. "We're going to get married. We're going to do even more than that"

Eunhyuk hits his shoulder softly. "Aish! I hate you, Oppa!" she said before she covers her face and ran towards the bathroom.

Donghae laughs softly. "Seriously, why would she became so shy like that? I was just telling her the truth" he said. "But she's so cute whenever she's shy like that... She's just like a high school girl who is being complimented by her crush"




"So... You're Hae's soon to be wife?" the wddding planner asks while observing Eunhyuk from head to toe.

The wedding planner was the famous Amber Josephine Liu--she turns out to be Donghae's childhood friend. She has planned some of Eunhyuk's relation's wedding and even some of his father's business partner. She didn't seems like a girl, but Eunhyuk believes that if she's a little bit 'girly' she'll looks beautiful.

"Yes, Amber. She's Lee Eunhyuk, my soon to be wife" Donghae told her proudly. "She's beautiful, right?"

Amber stops observing Eunhyuk as she nods excitedly at Donghae. "You're so beautiful!" she told Eunhyuk excitedly. "Well, actually, when the scandal first out, I thought it was really a sponsorship scandal. I mean, how could the stupid Hae could get a rich and beautiful girl like you?. But after seeing you guys come here together I finally realizes that you guys really looks good with each other. Besides, Hae never has a girlfriend other than--"

"Amber!" Donghae cuts Amber's explanation.

"Oops" Amber holds her lips. "You haven't told Eunhyuk-ssi about her?"

Donghae was about to answer when his cellphone rings. "Ah, I better answer this first" he said as he walks out of Amber's office.

"Ah~ well, don't mind what I said earlier, I'm sure that he will tell you someday. Maybe he's just too busy to tell you. You know him, he can be forgetful sometimes" Amber said as she escorts Eunhyuk towards a seat. "So, what kind of marriage does you and Hae wants?"

"Well... We're not yet planning it" Eunhyuk said. "Do you have any suggestion, Amber?"

Amber tapped her chin, thinking. "Well, let's see, I have a lot of suggestions. But for you and Hae, I think it'll be a beach wedding" she said. She giggles happily as she imagines it. "Because Hae is a fish, he must get married in front of his 'families'. And your wedding dress and his tux will be blue as in the sea's blue"

"Blue? But aren't wedding tux and dress supposed to be white?" Eunhyuk asks.

"Oh, forget about tradition. Well, but it depends on you, Hae, and your designer. Since I'm not a fashion expert, of course I can't decide about that" Amber said. "Well, for the decorations, we'll have blue and white roses, and maybe some little cute fish, starfish, and clam miniature"

Eunhyuk smiles upon hearing her talking so excitedly about the wedding. "Well, that will be cute for sure" she said. "Or maybe we should do a wedding at disneyland paris since he's a nemo and I'm princess Amber from sofia the first"

Amber chuckles. "Princess Amber? Why? Do you love jewels too?" she asks.

Eunhyuk chuckles. "No, my parents said I'm such a spoiled girl just like her" she said. "Ah, by the way, just in case Donghae oppa wants a beach wedding instead of a disneyland wedding, do you have a suggestion, Amber?"

"Well, we're both Amber here" she said as she giggles happily. "By the way of course I have a lot of beach suggestions. I'll just get my iPad in my car. Is it okay if I left you here for awhile?"

Eunhyuk nods her head gesturing her that she's fine. "It's okay, I'll just wait here" she said.

"Okay, I'll go get my iPad in my car. 10 minutes, ah, 5 minutes" Amber said as she smiles at her before leaving the room.

Eunhyuk was scanning through her twitter's timeline. Everyone was busy talking about her and Donghae's marriage. Some of them even mentioned her. Telling her that she's so lucky. And there are lots of them who bullies her instead, telling her that she's not the rightful girl for Donghae, Donghae was just marrying her to stop that sponsorship scandal, and that Donghae just marries her because of her father's wealth and power, not because he loves her. She sighs she was about to close her twitter app and ignores all the mentions when suddenly someone laughs sarcastically.

There was a girl standing right in front on her--she didn't realize that the girl was standing in front of her. Mainly because she was too busy with her cellphone. That girl flashes a smirk. "It seems that you're so happy" she said sarcastically. "Of course. A perfect idol like Donghae-ssi is going to marry a girl like you who only has her father's wealth and power. Who wouldn't be happy? Do you think he loves you?"

Eunhyuk raises an eyebrow. 'He's not that perfect actually...' she thought. But instead, she just asks the girl. "Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Im Yoona. I'm miss Amber's assistant" the girl said proudly. "I've known Donghae-ssi since the day that I became miss Amber's assistant. He's so kind towards me. He treat me like a princess even though I'm just an assistant"

'He's kind towards everyone. Maybe you got the wrong idea' Eunhyuk thought--again. "May I ask what's the meaning of treating you like a princess?" she asks. "I'm sorry. I'm used to everyone treating me like a princess, so I don't know any other treatment specifically"

Yoona gritted her teeth. "You're so arrogant, " she said. She flashes a sarcastic smile. "But, well, since you asks for it, I'll tell you"

'This girl has some serious bipolar case' Eunhyuk thought, teasing Yoona happily in her mind while observing her from head to toe. 'She looks beautiful though, that's too bad'

"Everytime that he sees me, he would ask me if I had eat or If I'm doing fine" Yoona said proudly. "There are some days wherein he bought lunch for me too"

'And she got some serious delusional case too' Eunhyuk teases her happily inside her mind. 'How could she define that as treating like a princess?'. "Did he asks for your phone number? Or your kakaotalk ID?" she asks.

Yoona's smile suddenly vanished. She sighs. "Well, he didn't. But is that even important?"

'Of course it is. Kakaotalk, text messages and phone calls were very important for idols because that's the only way that they can talk privately' Eunhyuk thought.  

"So, if I were you, Eunhyuk-ssi, I'll just back off and tell him to call off the wedding. You're giving him too much pressure. He doesn't love you at all" Yoona said while flashing a y smile.

"Does he loves you, then?" Eunhyuk asks while raising an eyebrow.


"Well, you said that he doesn't love me at all, then who does he loves? Is it you? I don't think so" Eunhyuk said. "If he doesn't love me, then why would he marry me? Marriage is not a toy, and I know that he knows that really well. And if he just want to clear the scandal, he can just confirm that we're dating. No need to propose me on his presscon"

Yoona can't say anything, then she laughs sarcastically. "You're so stupid, . So I'm right. You only have your father's wealth and power. You don't even has beauty and brain" she said. "He doesn't propose your for love. He proposes to you because he knows that your father is really rich and powerfull. Shortly, he marries you for your wealth. Not love"

"Do you think you're some kind of a psychiatrist that you can read his mind?" Eunhyuk asks. "And fyi, Im Yoona-ssi. I graduated from Seoul National University, Korean literature major. How about you? Seeing by your job as an assistant, then you're just a high school graduate? Am I right?"

Yoona just kept shut.

"So I'm right. Well, let me explain clearly to you that if I'm stupid, then you're a moron" Eunhyuk said as she flashes a sweet smile. "Besides, let me tell you that the beauty on the inside is more beautiful then beauty on the outside. There's no use of having an outer beauty but don't having an inner beauty. And let me remind you that when I walks around Gangnam district, there are a lot of agencies offering me to be an idol, which proves that I have an outer beauty. Want me to show you my 'collection' of talent seeker's information card?"

"Show it if you really have one" Yoona said. "Do you think it's easy to be an idol?I'm more beautiful than you, , but I don't get any of it. Besides, if you realy got that, then why don't you accept it? Do you think I'm stupid to believe on your lies?"

Eunhyuk opens her bag and took out a bunch of information cards. She walks towards Yoona as she smiles sweetly towards her. She hands her the information cards. "Poor you. This is for you, then. I'm not interested though" she said. "Why don't I accept it? Well, because I'm just lazy to work. I can always take over my father's company and let him retire whenever I want because I'm the rightful heiress. But I'm just lazy. That's it"

Yoona bites her lower lip in anger. She was about to shot back when suddenly Donghae enters the room.

 "Sorry, Hyukkie that was Heechul hyung. He keeps on reminding me about the recording--" he stops talking upon realizing that Yoona was also there. Yoona flashes her sweetest smile and hides the card behind her back. "Kim Yoonji-ssi, you know my fiancé?"

Yoona's smile vanished upon hearing him. While Eunhyuk just snickers. But Yoona quickly flashes a fake smile. "It's Yoona, Donghae-ssi. Im Yoona" she said.

"Ah, sorry" Donghae said. "Ah, by the way, Yoona-ssi, you know my fiancé?"

Yoona stares at Eunhyuk for awhile and flashes a smirk before she stares back at Donghae and flashes a --fake--sad expression. "No. I don't know her. But Donghae-ssi, she suddenly--"

"Oh well, if you don't know her let me introduce her to you" Donghae said, ignoring Yoona's explanation. Eunhyuk bites her lower lip to stop herself from laughing. "She's Lee Eunhyuk, my fiancé. She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Yoona flashes a fake smile and nods weakly. "It's nice to meet you Eunhyuk-ssi" she said. "And you're so beautiful. No wonder Donghae-ssi choose you over any other girls out there"

'How I wish that I can record this scene' Eunhyuk thought. 'Author, I really love you for writing this scene. You're such an evil genius!'

"Hyukkie, this is Kim Yoonji, Amber's assistant" Donghae said as he smiles towards Eunhyuk.

"It's Im Yoona, Donghae-ssi" Yoona said, still flashing a fake smile.

"Ah, sorry, Im Yoona-ssi" Donghae said. Then, he whispers softly, but still audible to Eunhyuk and Yoona "isn't it your fault that your name is so complicated?"

Eunhyuk can't hold it back anymore. She laughs hard until she starts to cry while Yoona clenches her fist, controlling her temper. Eunhyuk wipes her tears at the corner of her eyes and smiled towards Yoona. "It's nice to meet you, Kim Yoonji, ah, I mean, Im Yoona-ssi, see you around while we are preparing our 'wedding'" she said, emphasizing the word 'wedding'.

Yoona bows at them before leaving the room.

Eunhyuk stares at Donghae who is currently pouting at her. "Why?" she asks.

"You're teasing me back then, aren't you?" Donghae said.

"What for?" Eunhyuk asks.

"For not remembering that girl's name" Donghae said.

Eunhyuk laughs softly towards him. "Hey that's okay. That's cute, not stupid. Besides, that only means that she's not that important to you. That's why you don't bother remembering her name" she said. "My name is a lot more complicated than her name. Lee Eunhyuk, but you quickly remembers it. That only means I'm important to you"

Donghae smiles. "I don't think that your name is complicated" he said. "Your name is Eunhyuk. And Eunhyuk means silver. But the owner is more pretty than a silver. She's a diamond. That's why I quickly memorizes your name"

"That's what you think after hearing my name?" Eunhyuk asks.

Donghae nods his head. "By the way, what is it that you're talking about with that girl? What's her name? Yoonji? Or Yunho?" he asks.

Eunhyuk was about to tell him the whole detail--including the bullying part when she suddenly realizes that maybe it'll just make him upset and maybe he'll do something that is ruining his image. And eunhyuk doesn't want that to happen. "No. Nothing. Just something unimportant" she said while flashing a smile.

Donghae just nods his head, indicating that he understands it. "By the way, where's Amber?"

Eunhyuk was about to answer when Amber is back with her iPad. She told Donghae about their idea, an they agrees that they should have a beach wedding at Okinawa beach to avoid the press next month.




Their next 'destination' is a boutique owned by the famous designer, Choi Sulli who happens to be Donghae's mom's bestfriend--this makes Eunhyuk wonders how many famous people--not in the entertainment industry does he and his parents knows?.

A middle aged woman walked towards them and hugs Donghae tightly when they arrives in the boutique. It was Choi Sulli. "Donghae-ya! I almost can't believe it when I heard from Dahae that you're getting married! It seems like it's just yesterday that you rang your neighbors' house's bell and cried after one of the neighbors catched you" she said happily. "Congratulations honey"

"Sulli umma, too tight... I can't breath" Donghae said as he tries to escape from Sulli's hug.

Eunhyuk giggles upon watching them. They looks as cute as a real mother and son.

Sulli quickly lets go of Donghae when she saw Eunhyuk. She stares at her from head to toe, just like what Amber did before. "Are you Donghae's soon to be wife?" she asks.

Eunhyuk nods as she smiles sweetly. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Lee Eunhyuk. You can call me Hyukkie. I'm Mrs. Park Leeteuk's daughter. My mother always goes here everytime she needs a dress for a party" she said.

"Oh! So you're Teukie's daughter? So Teukie's daughter is marrying Dahae's son? What a small world!" Sulli said excitedly as she smiles sweetly. She still looks beautiful despite of her age. "You're so beautiful, honey. You and Donghae made such a cute couple! I can't wait to show you my designs of your wedding dress and tux. You know, I quickly designed it after I heard from Dahae that Donghae is getting married. I'm so excited about the wedding. Maybe even more than the bride and the groom"

Eunhyuk smiles sweetly. "Thank you, Mrs. Choi" she said.

"Ei, no need to be formal. Just call me Sulli umma. That's how Donghae calls me" Sulli said happily. "Now, tell me, what's the concept of your wedding and when is it. I mean, the exact date, so I can finish it just in time"

"Well, we're going to have a beach wedding at Okinawa beach, Japan next month" Donghae said happily. "The concept is ocean"

"Next month? Wow. So you guys were really in a hurry?" Sulli teases them. "Well, since the concept is ocean, how about a blue dress and tux?"

"That was what our wedding planner suggested to us" Eunhyuk said.

"Really?" Sulli asks. "Okay, since you guys agree with it, I'll go get the design in my office. You guys can wait and take a seat while I'm away" she said before leaving both of them.

"Is she always like that?" Eunhyuk asks as she sat on the sofa.

"Who?" Donghae asks.

"Sulli umma. Is she always excited like that?" Eunhyuk asks.

Donghae nods. "Yes she is. She can't carry a child because she had an accident when she was young. She lost her womb because of it" he explains to her. "So she and Siwon appa treat me as if I'm their real son. So of course she's excited like that. She's also that excited when I dated my ex. She even got mad at my ex when we broke up"

Eunhyuk didn't say anything. She just stares at Donghae blankly. "Oppa, since we're getting married, can I ask you about your ex?" she asks. "You see, it's not good for a married couple to keep secrets towards each other"

Donghae let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll tell you" he said. He takes a deep breath. "But promise me that you won't be jealous"

"Of course I won't. She's your past now" Eunhyuk said.

Donghae was about to explain when his cellphone rangs. It's Yesung this time. He let out a sigh. "What does this boy wants from me?" he asks himself. "Ah, Hyukkie, I need to answer a call. It's from Yesung. Is it okay if I left you here for awhile?"

Eunhyuk smiled at him. "It's okay. I'll just stay here" she said.

Donghae smiles at her before he lefts her with the staffs around the boutique.

As soon as Donghae was gone, the staffs starts whispering as they shots Eunhyuk a deathly glare.

"Seriously, does she thinks that Donghae oppa marries her because he loves her? I bet he marries her because he wants to stop his sponsorship scandal. He'll divorce her after a year" a staff whispers, but of course it's still audible to Eunhyuk--thanks to their small distance.

Another staff snickers upon hearing her friend. "No, not a year, but a month!" she said. "I bet they'll never make it to the end"

"Hey what are you talking about? Maybe Donghae oppa will call of the wedding before it happens!" another staff said. "Lee Eunhyuk, stop it already! you're just wasting your father's money"

The staffs all laughs hard at her mean joke.

"What do you mean by he'll divorce her? Of course he will never divorce her!" another staff joined in their conversation. "He marries her because of her father's wealth and power! As long as her family is rich, of course he'll never ever divorce her!"

While Eunhyuk just sat there as she bites her lower lip, controlling her anger and stopping herself from crying. 'I must not cry' she thought. 'They'll be more happy because they think that they've succeed bullying me if I cry. Besides, Donghae oppa and Sulli umma will be upset if they see me crying. I must not cry. I'm not going to waste my tears for those trashes'

She took out her cellphone, trying to ignore them. She scans her twitter timeline, but her mention was full with negative comments about her and Donghae. It seems that the positive comments has been drown between the negative comments.

She let out a sigh. She was about to put her phone back in her bag when suddenly her cellphone rings. It was Ryeowook.

"Yeoboseo? Wookie?" she asks sadly.

"Eh? What's going on with your voice? Did you just cry?" Ryeowook asks. "Don't tell me that Donghae oppa calls off the wedding?!"

Eunhyuk forces herself to smile. "No, he didn't! He'll never do that!" she said. "And no, I'm not crying. Why did you call?"

"Okay, firstly, don't be shock and let me control my excitement at first. Breathe in breathe out" Ryeowook said. "Jongwoon-ssi asked me to go on a date with him this evening!"

"Oh" Eunhyuk said. "I'm not shocked. I know that he likes you"

Ryeowook sighs. "You're such a kill joy" she said. "What should I do? Should I say yes or no?"

Eunhyuk rolls her eyes. "You haven't say yes? Just say yes, Wookie. I know you likes him too" she said.

"So I must say yes?" Ryeowook asks innocently. "Should I call him again or wait for him to call me?"

"Text him. Knowing that weird turtle, he'll be watching his phone all day and will be too scared to call again" Eunhyuk said.

"Okay, I'll text him, then. Thanks Hyukkie" Ryeowook said.

"Ah, Wookie, since you're going to have a date on the evening..." Eunhyuk stops for awhile. She lowers her voice so that those staffs won't hear. "Then you can't accompany me on watching Donghae oppa's live comeback stage later?"

"Of course not. He's your fiancé now" Ryeowook said. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing" Eunhyuk said.

"Really? Nothing's wrong? Tell me, Hyukkie. My feelings told me that there's something wrong. Just tell me, does the other elfish bullies you?" Ryeowook asks.

Eunhyuk was about to tell her the truth when Donghae enters the boutique and sat beside her. He mumbles 'who?' with no sound. Eunhyuk raises her hand, gesturing him that he need to wait for awhile. "No they didn't. I've told you, Wookie that I'm completely fine" she said instead of telling her the truth. "Let's talk again later, okay? Donghae oppa is waiting for me" she said before she hangs up.

"Who?" Donghae asks curiously.

"It's Wookie" Eunhyuk said. "She said Jongwoon asks her to go on a date"

"Well, Yesung calls me for the same reason too" Donghae said. "He told me that he's asking Ryeowook-ssi to go on a date. It seems that a new couple is born"

Eunhyuk smiles. "Well, yes it is" she said. "But, Donghae oppa--"

"Uhm, Hyukkie, don't you think the way you call me is too formal?" Donghae asks. "You calls me just like how my fans calls me. And you're no longer a fan. You're my fiancé now"

"Then what should I call you?" Eunhyuk asks. "You're really older than me. That's why I call you oppa"

"Well... How about Hae? That's my nickname" Donghae said.

"Hae? Hae oppa... Well, it's not bad! I'll start calling you Hae oppa from now on" Eunhyuk said happily.

"Ah, by the way, what is it that you're going to tell me before?" Donghae asks.

Eunhyuk was about to tell him that she's not going to watch his comeback stage since Ryeowook is not coming, but it's his first stage and he must be very sad once he finds out that she's not going to watch his first stage. So she just decided to come.

'His fans won't bully me in front of him, though' she thought.




Their 'schedules' finish right at 3.15 p.m. which means they don't have much time until the comeback stage.

"I'm sorry Hyukkie, I don't know that the preparation will take longer than I predicted" Donghae said. "I can't drop you at home because I need to go straight to the TV station office. Sorry"

"That's okay" Eunhyuk said.

"But, hey, you can go with me to the TV station office. I mean, you're going to watch, right?" Donghae asks.

Eunhyuk thinks for awhile. "Oppa, are you sure?" she asks. "Well... Maybe not all of them can accept our marriage easily"

"Hyukkie, I've told you, they are all kind. Even they are the one who told me to get a wife" Donghae said. "Besides, you've been part of them for years. They must've understand you"

'He has a really high expectation on his fans' Eunhyuk thought. 'I guess I can never tell him the truth' 

"So?" Donghae asks.

"So?" Eunhyuk asks him back as she didn't quite understand what does he meant by 'so'.

"Will you watch it?" Donghae asks. "You see, Hyukkie, this is my first stage. I want you to be there"

"I will. I'll watch it" Eunhyuk said as she smiles sweetly towards him. "I'll be seating at the front row, watching you, so don't worry and smile now, or else your performance will be bad"

Donghae smiles at her. "Should we go now, then?"

Eunhyuk nods. "We're running late" she said.

'Of course they won't bully me in front of their idol, right?' she thought.





They arrived at the TV station office at 3.48 p.m. They quickly parted their ways when they arrived. Donghae quickly ran to the make up room while Eunhyuk walked towards the girl's restroom.

Why girl's restroom? Well. She needs to disguise herself first. So that at least Donghae's fans and press won't recognize her.

She dug her bag and found a mask and a cap. She sighed heavily. 'He got caught when he used this silly disguise on our first date' she thought. 'I'm not sure that nobody will recognize me'

But she didn't have much time left till the studio opens, so she just decided to wear it without any protest.

"If ever they recognize who I am, then I'll just 'talk' with them just like how I talked with that Yoona girl" she told herself before going out of the girl's restroom and ran towards the studio.

By the time she got to the studio, it already opens, and the fans start gathering in--luckily, she found a seat at the front row.

She was about to sit when someone accidentally pushed her, making her lose her balance and fell on the floor.

"Oops, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, are you okay?" the girl asks as she held out her hand to help Eunhyuk to stand.

Eunhyuk nods her head as she take the girl's hand and stands up. "Thank you" she said.

"Eh? Aren't you Lee Eunhyuk?" the girl asks. "Donghae oppa's soon to be wife?"

Eunhyuk was about to lie and tell them that she's not Lee Eunhyuk when she realizes her cap has been on the floor and one of her mask's strap slid from her ear and reveals her full face figure.

"Oh, no" she mumbles to herself as she gulps nervously.

"What are you doing here?" another fan asks. She was shoting her a deathly glare. "Are you not happy that you've take him from our side?"

"Hey... I was one of you before!" Eunhyuk said, trying to defend herself. "It's just that... The whole blind date thingy has turned my love life upside down! I don't even know that he's going to propose me on that presscon! We just known each other for like... 3 months!"

"If you're one of us, you must understand how we feels!" the fan said, agreed by the other fans--without Eunhyuk realizing it, she was already surounded by a bunch of angry Elfishes. "How could after you take our oppa away, you just show up at a moment which is supposed to be for us? You can see him all the time, but stages were the only way we can see him, but how come you're also showing on the comeback stage?"

"It's his first stage! He must be very upset once he finds out that I'm not watching his first stage" Eunhyuk said. 'Besides, he's forcing me to watch! How could I resist those puppy eyes?' she thought.

"Seriously. Why would he be upset?" another fan asks. "It's not like he loves you. He only marries you to clear that scandal. He'll divorce you after a year"

"No, he won't. I trust him. He's not that kind of person" Eunhyuk said.

The fan smirks at her. "Lee Eunhyuk-ssi, you only knows him personally for three months. How could you know that he's not that kind of person?" she asks sarcastically.

That's when Eunhyuk losts all her words. That girl is right, she only knows him for 3 months. She doesn't really know him completely, yet, so how could she say that Donghae is not that kind of person?. What if they are right? What if he really marries her to clear that scandal and that he'll divorce her after a year?.

Tears started to form in her eyes upon thinking about that.

She takes a deep breath, trying to drift away those things from her mind. "Well, I may not know him that long yet to define what kind of person he is, but don't you have trust to him? He's your idol! I used to believe that he's perfect when I was still his fan!" she said.

One of the fans slaps her. "Do you think he really loves you? Hell, no!" she said. "Lee Eunhyuk, he's just going to marry you because you're Lee Youngwoon's one and only daughter and heiress. That's it"

"Who told you?" no. It wasn't Eunhyuk's voice. She was to busy holding back her tears that she didn't notice someone watching. It was Donghae. "I'm really disappointed at you guys"

"O-oppa" the fan muttered.

Donghae sighs. "Aren't you guys the one who told me to get a wife? Why did you bully her? I don't think that she did something wrong for you to hate her" he asks his fans. They remain quiet. "Besides, aren't you guys my fans? Why did you think so negatively about me? Do you think I'm really that bad to marry a girl just because her family's wealth and power? I consider marriage as a serious problem, and I promised myself that I'm only going to get married once in my life. And Hyukkie is the girl that I'm going to marry. And I'm sure with it"

"But... Oppa... You just know her for a few months. That's why we object it and think negatively about you" one of the fans said.

Donghae pouts at her. "Aish, seriously, who needs a hater when there's a fan like you" he said teasingly. But then he flashes a smile. "Want to know why do I choose her over the million girls out there? And over the girl that I know longer than her?"

His fans stares at him curiously.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm actually stupid. Lots of people told me so, including Heechul hyung, and my brothers, Yesung and Kyuhyun" Donghae said starting his explanation. "I got into people's trap easily, and I mistaken almost everything. I can't even make difference between Indonesia and Malaysia, and worse, I don't even know that I can use like instead of love for things. And to tell you the truth, I could barely remember a people that I just knew's name correctly"

Everyone gasped in shock, excluding Eunhyuk. She just stares at him blankly, wondering why does he needs to ruin his image just for her.

"But, Hyukkie is different, I can remember her name clearly even if I just heard it once. She accepts me just the way I am, even though I'm stupid" Donghae said. "She taught me what I do wrong in a simple way that I understand. She's the one who told me that I can use like instead of love for things, and the best part is, she never teases me for my stupidity. Well, she laughed at it, but she said that it's cute instead of stupid and she takes everything in a positive way. That's why I choose her. Because she understand me"

The fans remain quiet. The one who slapped Eunhyuk even cried.

"Now, stop crying because I hate seeing girls cry, and apologize to Hyukkie. And don't bully her anymore" Donghae said. "I'm not hesitate to put an end to my idol career if ever I find out that you guys are still bullying her. I don't want people to think that I'm being a bad idol because my fans were such a bullier"

The fans stare at him with teary eyes and then stares at Eunhyuk. "I'm... Sorry, Lee Eunhyuk-ssi" she said, her voice was shaky because of crying.

"I-it's okay, you don't have to apologize" Eunhyuk said. "I understand you, though"

"Now, that you guys are already in a good term, it's Hyukkie's turn to be punished for keeping everything a secret to me. Please excuse us" Donghae said as he holds Eunhyuk's hand and pulls her outside the studio.




"Why don't you tell it to me?" Donghae asks. He raises his voice when Eunhyuk remains quiet.  "Why don't you tell it to me and let my fans bully you? Why?!"

Eunhyuk stares at him. She was already crying. "Because I don't want you to ruin your image in front of your fans like that!" she said, raising her voice because of the mixed emotions she has right now. "It all started in my twitter account's mention this morning, and then Amber's asistant, Yoona, and then the staffs at Sulli umma's boutique and lastly those girls. I keep it a secret all for your sake! Why did you get mad at me?!"

Donghae sighs. He pulls her for a hug. "I'm not mad, Hyukkie. I'm just upset because it seems that you don't trust me that much that you can't tell me your problems" he said as he pats her back, comforting her. "Now, tell me the truth, what did Amber's asistant and Sulli umma's boutique staffs told you?"

"They told me that you don't love me and that you just marry me because of my father's wealth and power" Eunhyuk said, her tears were still flowing from her eyes. "Oppa, maybe everything is wrong. No one likes me for you. Let's just stop all of this. Our world is different, we can't--"

Eunhyuk stops talking when Donghae kissed her lips to shut her up. He lets go of her after a while and stares right into her eyes.

Donghae shook his head. "No. It's not wrong. Please don't ever say that anymore because even if the whole world hates you, I'll still love you and I want to marry you because I'm sure and I already see you as my future and happiness. Please don't ever listen to what people's said because I  love you, and that's why I marry you" he said. He flashes a childish smile. "And no matter how hard you push me away, I'll always stay by your side. So do yourself a big favor and stop trying to push me away from your life becase you're just wasting an effort, arasseo?"

Eunhyuk nods shyly as she smiles sweetly towards him. "Arasseo" she said. "And I'm going to prove everyone that I'm worth to be your wife. I'm going to tell Appa that I'm going to work at his company"

Donghae chuckles. "And you're not going to ask permission from your soon to be husband?" he asks teasingly.

"Will you let me?" Eunhyuk asks as she shots him her puppy eyes.

Donghae nods. "Of course I will. As long as you wants it and as long as you will still spend a lot of time with me" he said. He pulls her from a hug--again. "Don't worry. If ever they bully you again, don't ever hesitate to consult it to me because I'll protect you, no matter what it takes. And I'm going to tell Amber and Sulli umma to fire those staffs who insulted you for acting rude towards a client"

"No, you don't have to do that! It's not--" Eunhyuk stops talking when Donghae places his thumb on her lips.

"I don't like objections. I'm such a brat" he said as he smiles sweetly towards her. He lets go of her lips and holds her hand. "Now let's go back to the studio before this TV station bans me from their station for cancelling schedules at the last minute"


To be continued...


Next chapter summary: HaeHyuk got married! No conflicts for them for the meantime--maybe XD Kyumin and Yewook, trouble alert! XD


a/n: comments would be highly appreciated :)

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Chapter 5: KyuMin free press show lol
gitaawe #2
Chapter 16: Its lovely story but to much drama...hahhaha....but its oke, thats make this story interesting...
But you spoli jessica to much...coz im a person not belive in third chance....hahhaha
but its good its end with happy ending ^^
Keep writing~~~~^^9
LEHJ04 #3
Chapter 16: Ahhh!!! Such a cute story ;D
Thanks for sharing~
2minhaehyukyunjae #4
Chapter 16: Yeah hyukiie safe give birth to baby boy
Donghae always want making baby more
Happy ending
2minhaehyukyunjae #5
Chapter 15: Yah donghae why u not coming
U know hyukkie needs u to more when she gonna gave birth
imarsha16 #6
Chapter 16: Nooooo don't end this story
2minhaehyukyunjae #7
Chapter 14: Lol donghae stalking eunhyuk...
Yeah...finally they meet
primlee #8
Chapter 15: Heol... donghae-ya hyukjae needs u more if she really gonna gave birth
kina_kirana #9
Chapter 15: Ehhhhhh...he's not coming?
ehmura #10
Chapter 15: Why donghae why