It Gets Better


Hana had always thought she'd be one of the girls who would meet a guy at a coffee shop. Sharing the same favorite drink and having endless of things to talk about. Fall in love with the guy and get married. 

But that wasn't the case for Choi Hana. 

She definitely didn't meet him in a coffee shop. They didn't share a favorite drink or had a lot of similarities. She didn't fall in love with him but she got married to Kim Jongin. 


“Honey, you know both me and your dad love you very much and I hope you understand where we’re coming from. Don't get mad at us, whatever we did was with you in mind” hearing those words made my stomach churn. I could feel the dinner I just had come up to my throat. 

“We met with our old friend, the Kims the other day and we would like for you to marry the Kim’s son, Jongin.” My mother finally said it. She looked nervous glancing between me and my father. 

10 June 2015 - The start


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Heyyaz #1
Chapter 5: Cant wait to the next chapter
Chapter 5: So short omg but thank you!!! I'm really anticipating for the next update. Story seems good!
Chapter 5: Gawd!!! My curiousity is as big as pacific ocean. I'll wait for your next update author-nim :)
Chapter 4: Ah seems really fun and cute! Excited for the next update
Lovin' your story!! :) Will wait for the next chaps!
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter