

(warning: time skip)


Chapter Six



Months passed in a blur for Luhan as his pregnancy progressed. Three months in and one-third through his pregnancy, Luhan grew a bump and hiding his secret from the other students at school and his only friend, Sehun, became near impossible.


Therefore, Luhan invited the other boy out for lunch, one weekend at a little cafe near his apartment. It was where he and Kai shared their first kiss, and Luhan's heart squeezed each time he walked passed it, yet Luhan returns to the shop each time, unable to give up the addictive cookies and sweets that the cafe served.


"Hey, Sehun." Luhan greeted when the taller male was waiting for him.


Sehun smiled in return, jumping up to pull out his chair.


"What's up, Hannie?" He asked when Luhan sat in chair across from him.


The younger boy smiled slightly before speaking. "Not much, but I have a reason for asking you meet me here."


Sehun's interest was piqued and he raised a brow. "Hmm?"


"I, uh... I, um, am..." Luhan stumbled nervously over his words, trying to pick the right ones.


"You're pregnant?" Sehun supplied after a minutes of stumbling nonsense coming from Luhan's mouth.


"H-how did you know?"


Grinning, Sehun leaned forward and dropping his voice. "I smelt it on you."


Confusion marred Luhan features as he digested the new piece of information. "You smelt it on me? How...?" The answer finally came to him. "You're a shifter?!"


"Shhh. You're being loud, Hannie. Not everyone needs to know... And yes, I am."


"How come I couldn’t smell or sense you?" Luhan asked, dropping his voice to the same volume.


"Because I'm a lone wolf. When you smell a shifter, you smell their pack. You can’t smell a pack on me because I’ve never had one. You're from the West River Pack." Luhan froze when Sehun mentioned his old pack. “I don’t know why you left if you’re pregnant. They could take better care of you…” A lightbulb lit over Sehun’s head as the finally got the gist of Luhan’s situation.


Eyes scanning the younger’s face, Sehun sighed. “...unless the person in your pack is the father, and for some reason you don’t want them to know.”


Luhan just nodded, eyes glued to the black tabletop. “If you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, I understand.” he said glumly.


“Really, Luhan?” Sehun’s sharp voice caused Luhan’s eyes to connect with the other’s. “Do you think I would quit being friends with you over this one thing.” he shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You’re your own person.”


A small smile graced Luhan’s face as he suddenly started crying. They were tears of happiness but it startled Sehun, nonetheless.


“Wait, don’t cry!” Sehun leaned forward to pat his shoulder awkwardly before sighing and just pulling Luhan into a hug when he wouldn’t cease crying.


Sniffling, Luhan managed to calm himself, inhaling Sehun’s smoky scent, that now that he thought about it, smelt a lot like alpha.




Back in Luhan’s apartment, Luhan managed to tell the story of his unexpected pregnancy to Sehun.


“...And here I am.” Luhan shrugged helplessly when he finished, burrowing further into his favorite quilt.


There was pause of silence before Sehun finally spoke. “That....”


Luhan snorted, smiling slightly. “That’s the understatement of the year.”


“I’m sorry this turned out so bad for you. I honestly kind of want to punch Kai in the face now.” Sehun tried to joke, before sighing and crossing the small distance between them with a hug. “I’m really sorry.”


Luhan sniffled, wiping away a few stray tears. “I loved him, and it hurts so much. He chose his duties over me, b-but…” the younger in a breath of air before continuing. “...I know, deep down in my heart that if he wanted me back, I’d go back to him, even after everything. What does that make me? An actual ? How am I supposed to be a good appa when I can’t get over him? Does this make me a bad parent?”


A few tears quickly turned into full-blown sobbing for the second time that day.


“Luhan.” Sehun called, trying to get the younger’s attention. “Luhan!”


The tears finally stopped and Luhan glanced at him questioningly.


“You are going to be the best parent a kid could have, okay? I promise on everything that I know and have seen. You already care so much for your baby and he or she’s hasn’t ever been born yet. I don’t miss the loving pats and rubs you give to your belly, and more so, you aren’t afraid of your growing stomach, like others, you welcome it! I’ll bet all my money that your kid is going to be the most beautiful, smart and wonderful kid ever, because he or she is going to inherit all those traits from you.”


Bottom lip trembling, tears welled in Luhan’s eyes. “Do you really think that?”


“I don’t think it, I know it.” Sehun stared deep into Luhan’s eyes blinking a moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips against Luhan’s.




“So, I was thinking, we could go and visit Luhan. His spring break is coming up, and I think we should surprise him.” Sooyeon suggested as her family and Kai’s sat down for a combined family dinner.


Several people at the dinner table froze, all for completely different reasons.


“Perhaps he just wanted some alone time, mom. He is an adult, umma.” Baekhyun piped up from his seat next to his sister.


Sooyeon frowned, sighing as she dropped down in the seat next to her husband. “But he’s my baby, just as much you and Tae are. I miss and worry for him. It was one thing when he’s with Kai at the big university, but it’s another when he’s there all alone, especially since he’s--” the older woman cut herself off before she could spill the beans.


Beside her, Sooyeon’s husband frowned. “Luhan’s what?”


“I guess I should tell everyone the exciting news…. Luhan’s nearly three months pregnant!”


A few gaps sounded from the table. “Really? Lulu’s gonna have a baby? Cool!” Tao sounded amazed, before frowning slightly. “But, who’s--” he was cut of by Baekhyun, who slapped a hand over his mouth.


“If he’s pregnant, why is he still at school. That can’t be good for him; all that walking around and stress.” Kai’s father asked. “Perhaps we should visit him over the break. To see how he’s doing.”


“I’m sure that’s not necessary, Luhan’s more than capable to handle himself.” Kai interjected nervously.


“Luhan’s family, if we don’t go to check up on him, we should go to visit him for break. There’s a nice hotel near the campus, and you or Baekhyun can stay in the apartment with him.” Kai’s father waved him off, glancing at his wife and Sooyeon. “It’s plan?”


Sooyeon clapped happily, face lighting up where worry had darkened it. “Yes, of course. I’ll book the flight. Make sure to pack, we’ll leave in a day or two!”


a/n: I SWEAR TO GOD THIS ISN'T A HUNHAN STORY! Please just wait, Kailu is coming, sooner or later. I'm just trying to make sure this story makes it to atleat 15 chapters. Anyhoo, in celebration for 1,000+ I'm starting a new story, according  your guidelines. Vote in this poll to make your voice heard. Comment below if you liked the story! Love you all <33


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Engel24 #1
update plz :)
Chapter 17: Omg! The little babe is here ^3^ Tae-oh will kick once he's grown up
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Oh no!!! I hope those bad people or will stay away from luhan & tae-oh. Kai u better man up & apologize to luhan. Take up yr responsibilities of a father, husband & mate proudly. If u dont, i will kill u personally. U alrdy jerkish enough with your attitude and action towards luhan & the baby.
also this is the very first story i read when i signed up to aff, ive been here for almost a year (theres just a few days till its been a full year)
and im glad that this still gets updated^^
Chapter 17: ohmg dont leave it here!!!!!
HeartlessRose #6
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness I was so happy when I saw you updated! Definitely did not disappoint. Tae oh, ugh so cute <3 I'm so happy that Luhan gave birth safely. I really don't think Kai is all that deserving of him at the moment but I hope he'll redeem himself. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 16: Kai does not deserve someone like LuHan.
Chapter 16: Ohhh so excited for next update. Excited for Lulu to give birth :)
Chapter 16: Omg! I need more! Thanks for the update!