


Chapter Five


Dear Auntie Soo,

        I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in person, but I need to go back to school early. I really want to get some extra stuff in before break is over, so I left. I don’t think I’m going to make it for Taeyeon’s wedding, either. I’ll call and explain later. Make sure to have fun without me. Give my best wishes to everyone.

Love you lots,





Luhan thought about his aunt that he left without warning as he sat in the waiting room of the shifter clinic. Loneliness filled his chest when glanced around at the other couples in the room, sitting together and quietly talking, excitement filling their features. Some of them barely had a bump, while others were sporting protruding bellies.


“Xiao Luhan?” Luhan stood up at the call of his name to a short, round-cheeked man, about his age. “I’m Minseok. Follow me. We’re going to start with a few measurements and then you can go see Dr. Kwon.”


Nodding, Luhan followed the man to a small room with a few chairs, scale and other equipment.


“Let’s start with your weight. What’s the last weight you remember?” Minseok the electronic scale and motioned for Luhan to remove his shoes.


“113 lbs.” Luhan replied in small voice as stepped on scale. “I haven’t eaten much, so that might’ve changed.”


“Well, it’s probably just your morning sickness, right? After your first trimester, that will pass. Even so, you need to eat as much as you can.” Minseok clicked his pen when Luhan’s weight popped up on the screen.


“110. Not bad, but you need to gain some weight. It would be best for the baby. I assume you’ve already been given vitamins?” Minseok asked, strapping Luhan’s arm up for reading his blood pressure.


“Yeah. The shifter clinic near my reservation prescribed me some….Is my blood pressure low?” Luhan inquired when Minseok frowned at his blood pressure reading.


“It’s a little high. That’s understandable considering all the stress your body is dealing with, trying to prepare for your baby. I won’t worry about it now, but if it’s still high throughout your pregnancy, you might have to be on bed rest.” After jotting down the number, Minseok escorted Luhan to the doctor’s room. “Just lift your shirt up and lay on the table, Dr. Kwon will be here shortly.”


Shortly after laying on the table, Dr. Kwon entered the room, a warm smile spread over her face. “Good afternoon, Mr. Xiao.”


“Good afternoon, Dr. Kwon.” Luhan responded polity.


“Let’s get down to business.” Dr. Kwon glanced a piece of paper, before smiling. “Ah, 2 weeks, so your baby will be a little pea-sized blob. We’ll magnify the picture, of course, but there isn’t much to see just yet.”


She began fiddling with the machine a few feet away from the bed, muttering under her breath angrily. “So, if you don’t mind me ask, is there any father in the picture?”  


Luhan shifted uncomfortably. “Uh, it didn’t work out. He didn’t want kids, and I did. We split.” he said quietly, voice blank.


“Ah, I’m sorry. Do you have anybody to support you?” Dr. Kwon asked, pulling on latex gloves now that the machine was up and running.


“N-no, not really. Just me and little one here.” he patted his stomach, watching as the doctor picked up a tube of clear gel.


“Mhm. How unfortunate. Let hurry so you can see this little one, huh?” she squirted a portion of the gel on Luhan’s stomach, followed by the remote-looking device hooked up to the TV. “Let’s see… where are you?” Dr. Kwon moved the device around Luhan’s belly, pressing different places before she stopped.


“There! See? Just a little blob of nerves and chromosomes.” Dr. Kwon smiled, stopping that exact place and hitting a button on the machine. “Pictures.” she explained.


Glupping, Luhan glanced up at the screen, the breath getting caught in his throat. There wasn’t anything spectacular on the screen, no body parts or a face, but it warmed his heart to know that there was a little human being inside him, albeit a small grain of rice at the moment. The thought didn’t make him feel so alone anymore.  




“Calm down, Sooyeon.” Nan patted her friend’s back comfortingly. “It’s okay. Luhan’s not gone forever.”


“I know but,” hiccup! “he was hurting and he just left alone in the middle of the night. My poor baby!” she cried.


“Stop, you’re making yourself sick.” Nan’s voice became firm. “Just call him, okay? You’re crying for no reason.” she picked up Sooyeon’s cell phone and handed it to her.


“Auntie? Hey!” Luhan released muffled groan when he settled into the couch, his back twinging.


“Yah! Hannie, why did you leave?! You were just gone with a note.” Sooyeon almost sounded angry but there was no bite behind her words, just sadness.


“I’m sorry, auntie. I just had to leave. It’s okay, auntie. I’m okay.” Luhan reassured her. “I’m just cleaning up around the apartment.”


“I don’t like this. You should come back. You’re all alone down there. Kai’s transferred to college up here, you should too. You were even thinking about going to the university up here. What happened?”


“I...I-- um.” the younger let out a frustrated breath, heart pounding in his chest.


“Just tell me, Luhan.” Sooyeon sounded tired and worried, making Luhan finally spit out the secret he’d been holding onto.


“I’m pregnant.”


Luhan expected anger, outrage or disappointment, but instead he found worry. “I’m flying down there right now. I’m packing my bags, I’m--”


“Auntie. Auntie Soo. Auntie!” Luhan finally interrupted her panicked rampage. “You don’t have to come, okay? I’m just fine, I went to the doctor earlier today. I’m okay, so stay at the reservation with Taeyeon and worry about her wedding, okay?”


“But you--”


“I am fine. I’ll be okay on my own, come visit me after Taeyeon’s wedding.” A knock at the door interrupted Luhan. “Hey, I gotta go, but I’ll call you later. Bye auntie! Love you.”


Sooyeon sighed, accepted her nephew’s reason. “Okay, Luhannie. Be safe. Love you too!”


After hitting the ‘end’ button, Luhan went to open the door. “Oh, hey, Sehun! What’s up?”


Sehun offered Luhan a small smile in greeting before speaking. “Uh, I ordered take out and they gave me an extra meal on accident, so I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, you know.” A blush spread across Sehun’s face as he stumbled over his words.


“I’d love to, Sehun-ah. Let me grab my shoes.” Luhan left the door open as he quickly grabbed some slippers and went back outside, locking the door behind him. “Just as friends, right?”


The taller flushed harder, sputtering. “O-of course. I w-wouldn’t...not…”


“I know. Now, what did you order?”




Somehow, the two boys ended up watching some stupid action movie that was so bad, it was funny. Luhan was in tears at some cheesy line the male lead had said and Sehun was right beside chuckling as well.


“Oh my god, that was funny.” Luhan said after his laughter subsided, flicking a tear away.


“I could tell, look at your face.” Sehun showed the other his phone screen, which had a picture of Luhan’s face while he was was laughing (a.k.a. dying).


The other’s eye widened comically. “Delete it! Give me your phone!” Luhan reached out to snatch the phone from Sehun but the other was too slow.


“Nope. This is my lock screen now. Look at your face.” Sehun teased, waving the phone around. “Even better, this is my caller ID for you.”


“You don’t even have my number, brat.” Luhan pouted, making one last attempt to grab the phone and failing.


“That could change, couldn’t it?” he arched an eyebrow. “I’ll give you my phone so you can delete the picture, if-- and only if, you give me your number.”


“Fine.” the other grumbled, taking the phone from Sehun and deleted the horrendous picture.


Meanwhile, Luhan added a new contact and put his number in. “Here, butthole.”


Sehun winked charmingly. “Thanks, Luhan.”


“Yeah, yeah.” he yawned before standing up. “I’m gonna go. It’s way past my bedtime.”


“Thanks for coming. I had fun. Night.” Sehun walked Luhan to his door, waving when Luhan unlocked it and stepped inside.


“I did too. Night, Sehun-ah.” Luhan gave him one last wave before shutting door.


a/n: ello! chapter five is here! Luhan's first doctor's appointment. don't worry kailu shippers, all will be as planned at the end, Sehun's just taking care of Lulu. anyhoo, I need help picking baby names. So comment down below some baby names. girl or boy, it doesn't matter :) thanks for reading! ^.^ 

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Engel24 #1
update plz :)
Chapter 17: Omg! The little babe is here ^3^ Tae-oh will kick once he's grown up
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Oh no!!! I hope those bad people or will stay away from luhan & tae-oh. Kai u better man up & apologize to luhan. Take up yr responsibilities of a father, husband & mate proudly. If u dont, i will kill u personally. U alrdy jerkish enough with your attitude and action towards luhan & the baby.
also this is the very first story i read when i signed up to aff, ive been here for almost a year (theres just a few days till its been a full year)
and im glad that this still gets updated^^
Chapter 17: ohmg dont leave it here!!!!!
HeartlessRose #6
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness I was so happy when I saw you updated! Definitely did not disappoint. Tae oh, ugh so cute <3 I'm so happy that Luhan gave birth safely. I really don't think Kai is all that deserving of him at the moment but I hope he'll redeem himself. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 16: Kai does not deserve someone like LuHan.
Chapter 16: Ohhh so excited for next update. Excited for Lulu to give birth :)
Chapter 16: Omg! I need more! Thanks for the update!