i ████ you

I hurt you. I did... but it'll be over soon. We will be together. There is, indeed, life after pain. I promise you.

"What the happened here?"

"Found these two bobbing up and down in the canal. Luckily, it's not winter. Luckily, they're still alive. Don't know how long they've been in there though. Must've fallen off the bridge after a heated lovers' tiff."

"Go write a romance novel, why don't you..."

"Try to understand my pain, friend. I'd like to see you patrol these canals without making up stories in your pretty little head."

I don't want to die.

I hurt you. I did... but it'll be over soon.

No, I can't die. Not today. Not tomorrow. I'm not ready. I'm not ready for your kind of happiness.

No, no... not yet.

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panda_maknae14 #1
Hmm interested... you intrigue me :P
Chapter 15: I.. don't understand..
whoaa i saw the title out and i came here...
Chapter 14: Okay, wow! This is so aesthetic! I loved all the gifs and the layout you made. I think it did suit your story. :) And maaan, the story though! So wonderfully and perfectly written. I could never imagine another writing style for this one. I truly loved it! This is awesome. It somehow reminded me of a story we’ve read in our literature class during college. But, that’s totally different. Just the moment wherein the uncanny resemblance both the characters thought they saw in others. Haha. Amazing, this is really good. :)
serial-reader #5
Chapter 14: its a hella crazy piece...i should considered myself as a crazy one to think about this story thorough...
Chapter 14: omg.....this was so good......i can't even......
i could visualize everything in my head. omg. it's beautiful.
iamout #7
Chapter 14: Holy- - ohmygod-
this is amazing. visually and mentally, it really entertained me oh wow /clapclapCLAPCLAPCLAP
Did you make the layout and the images yourself? c: It's wonderful! This really got me xD
Woah! The foreword looks so amazing!
Chapter 14: This was so intense. I loved it!