Goodnight babe

Taeny in love
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In the next morning taeyeon text her girlfriend when she wake up 

" good morning beautiful " No reply  " i think she's still sleeping " She get up from her bed and get ready for her shower , after the shower she heard her phone ringing and when she saw the caller she simle  " gooood morning tae tae i miss you babe " " miss you too fany ah i wish you are here with me "  " really tae tae ? "  " yeah fany i miss you soooooooo much you can't imagine how much i want you right now "  " if you really miss me go open your door "  " why fany ah " " hurry up tae tae " Taeyeon obey what Tiffany said and when she open the door she received a big hug from her girl  " miss you too babe "  Taeyeon hug her tighter and was smelling her perfume  " i miss everything about you fany please don't you ever be a way from me okay " " i will never be a way from you my tae tae "  They see each other and smile  " did you eat your breakfast fany ah " " i ate a apple before i come her " " it's nothing , come lets do something " They go to the kitchen and prepare a lot of thing  " now thats what called breakfast " taeyeon said  " thank you taeyeona " ;) " lets eat now and we will go to the mall after this okay " She nodded because she was busy eating    IN THE MALL  Taeny was walking around when they walk beside a Jewelry store Taeyeon smiled and dragged Tiffany with her  " why we came her tae tae "  "Im looking for something for my special person " Tiffany thinks ' how's Taeyeon special person ;( that she buy her something on our date ' she get annoyed , Taeyeon notice it and smile  Taeyeon find a lock in heart shape and a key for couples  " what you think about that fany ah is it beautiful "  " it's really beautiful tae tae " ' is it me that special person ;/ ' Tiffany think  " do you think she will like it ? " Taeyeon want to tease Tiffany a little bit  " yeah i think so " and she give her a fake smile and look a way and went to the other side to look at the rings   Taeyeon bought i
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Chapter 9: Keep writing taeny lovely stories
Jang91 #2
Excited to see the story
Chapter 38: belated happy birth day!! author-shii ^-^
gg8snsd #4
Chapter 38: Happy birthday
tipco09 #5
Chapter 38: What to update? All the TaeNy fics of course.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 37: Happy birthday dear. Thank you for the pleasure of reading your stories. I hope you have a blast.
Chapter 38: Happy bornday ^_^
cutegarbage #8
Chapter 38: happy birthdayyyyyy!!