V's ig update.

Letters from V
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[insert a picture of taehyung baking cookies]


@taekookie0130: baking cookies for my jeon kookie ♡ ♡ ♡




@goldenjeon liked your photo.


@goldenjeon reposted your photo.


@goldenjeon commented on your photo: "send those to me~"


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134 subscribers for Letters From V's first week. Thank you so much! xx


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peggyw #1
Chapter 24: Sorry I found this so late; if you ever decide to start writing again I don't think it matters whether it remains letters despite the title. It all started with letters regardless .
Taetaeki #2
Chapter 24: Is it okay that I’m still waiting for this story to be updated since the last time I saw an update for it ?
Whalien1204 #3
Chapter 24: I just found this story and i almost fell off my bed from rolling because goddamn fluff and too much feelssss!!! Please update soon, authornim! Fighting!!
Chapter 24: OMGAJFDFADLKFA please continue!! I literally died from the fluff and am dying for more!
alxa10649 #5
Chapter 24: I'm still waiting...
Hyukkie56 #6
Chapter 24: I am still waiting
Thelollipoptaesucks #7
Chapter 17: I was hiding under my blanket because the fluff was too much but then I realized that I took my phone with me under the blanket so the hiding was pretty useless XD
Thelollipoptaesucks #8
Chapter 9: You know that creepy face Tae did in V Live when Kookie said he wasn't wearing ans clothes? WELL.THAT'S ME RN
Thelollipoptaesucks #9
Chapter 24: I see no problem with the title. I get what you say, since I'm taking a break from writing right now too. Honestly I love reading this fan fiction so much and I bet I got diabetes, it's just too cute for my poor heart. You have to do what's best for you, but I'll wait, like Tae waited for a reply. Hwaiting!
Rie_13 #10
Chapter 24: Hey, it's been a while... Are still thinking if you're continuing or not? I miss you so much, as well as this story... Either way, I'll be waiting for your words. Hwaiting, Author-nim! :)