






I could only see white where ever I go the feeling of stepping on a cloud, I felt it right now. I felt like I was in heaven. I'm nowhere. I was lost; I kept running in this unending abyss, until I saw a familiar silhouette, a girl, so familiar. 


"Unnie!" I called out but she didn't look at me, instead the silhouette gradually faded. "Unnie!" I shouted desperately but she didn't look, she didn't hear me?


"Unnie!" I shouted for the last time,That was when she looked at me, her eyes twinkling from happiness.


"Come here Seulgi-ya!" She said while smiling at me. That smile. Her hand signaling me to come near her, I run towards her but before I could be in front of her she faded. She was gone.



"Yah!" Someone was shaking my body. "Yah! Wake up!" That voice, it's so familiar. It's pulling me, pulling me from my sleep. 


I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted by the bright lights of a place, and I was moving, I saw medical personnel at the side, and that screaming voice, I looked for it, It...it was Irene. "Unnie?" I said in a whisper, you could barely hear it. Irene was crying, her face splattered with blood, her hands were shaking and it was covered with blood. What happened? 


But something was pulling me back to my sleep, I want to sleep. My eyes started to drop, my sight become hazy. All I could see were spiraling, continuous spiraling, I felt like it was eating me. "Seulgi!" Irene shouted, I was pulled back to reverie, but I can't help to be drawn to the spiraling abyss I could see, it felt so comfortable.


"Seulgi! No! No!" I was eaten by the darkness but I could still hear Irene screaming, Joo Hyun-ah, I want to sleep.




"Yah! Wake up bear!" I heard a voice, and someone was patting my shoulder. I want to sleep. As the patting decreased I was pulled to the darkness again. But someone moved their shoulder, and as I hit the familiar cement the left side of my face was stinging. I slowly opened my eyes, and was looking annoyed. And I saw Irene in front of me and she was suppressing a smile? A chuckle I presume. I looked at her eyebrows meeting, forehead knotting, and eyes full of fury, I was annoyed. 


"Stand up Seul, we have more rides to ride" she was smiling while talking to me, I'm really weak against her smile. And I bet she knows this, but I didn't care, I want to look at it, to look at her. She has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, and it was a sight to behold. Clearly I can't do anything if she smile at me, so I stood and up and followed her.


"What do you want to ride?" Irene asked me while looking at her back because apparently I'm at her back. She was so gorgeous in everything she do, She's my kryptonite, my weakness. 


"You" I answered her not even thinking. 


"What?!" Her face changing, she looked annoyed but her face was beetroot red, she looked like a tomato. Her face was so red. I didn't even know why she reacted like that. What did I do? Then I remembered what I said, I gasped loudly, and she was looking at me seriously. "I mean I was going to go with you to the horror house" I said while smiling awkwardly, she just chuckled at me and she kept walking. I don't really understand her mood swings sometimes, but that's one thing that I love about her.


As we were in front of the horror house, Irene pushed me in front "you go first" I don't want to go first! So I pulled her by my side and pushed her in front, we were bickering there, but instead we went inside side by side. Irene looks like she about to cry and run away, while I on the hand, was sweating bullets, my knees feels like jello, I'm really not a fan of scary stuffs, and so is Irene she gets scared easily. As we where in the middle of the haunted house Irene was already shouting, I thought I just heard a dolphin pass by, she squealed so loud I thought I was going to go deaf. 


Also, I was laughing at her. Her nails slowly digging my skin, and I really felt that she was scared to death. The horror house wasn't that scary. But suddenly a hand touched my shoulders, I was squealing, probably squealing louder than Irene, I don't know, it was the spur of the moment, I was just terrified. I take back my statement that this haunted house is not scary. I felt like I was going to cry. I thought I was going to piss my pants; I was so nervous and so scared, I run towards the exit, Irene trailing behind me.


I let out a sigh I didn't know I was keeping as I was out of the haunted house; I am not going back there, ever! Like ever again! I learned my lesson. I was still breathing heavily, when I heard a faint laugh. I looked at my right and saw Irene suppressing a laugh but unfortunately she couldn't hold it, so she was laughing now. And I know she was laughing at me. "Karma's a " she told me while laughing. Yeah, karma is really a , I was just laughing at her all through out but that one skeleton hand freaked me out. I heaved a sigh.


"Okay, done with that, the sun is nearly setting Seulgi! Let's go!" Irene was ecstatic as she was dragging me towards the Ferris wheel. I really want to ride a Ferris wheel. As we rode the Ferris wheel, the sky was so beautiful, the scenery was amazing. I was at loss of words, nature is just so stunning. I looked at Irene side and like me, she was looking outside, her eyes widening as she looked at the beautiful scenery. 


I am contented being with her, I held her hand and hugged her without her consent, and I heard a gasp as a response.




As I was driving home with Irene at the passenger side we were singing together. The day at the amusement park was amazing, I felt so happy going there. I looked at Irene for a second and I can't help but be in awe she really is beautiful.


"Look out!" The older screamed


As I looked in front it was too late, I was going to crash on a truck, a delivery truck. I did my best to avoid it but my car was still hit. I heard the loud noise of metal against metal clanging to each other, truck against car. And I saw black, I saw blood, I saw shattered glass, wrecked car. Irene? Where is she? I was about to find her but my sight became hazy, I was being eaten by a black thing and it continued to grow in size, I was swallowed. "Seulgi!! Seulgi?!" I heard the familiar scream of Irene but I was eaten, eaten by the black hole, everything turned black. 



I opened my eyes slowly, and I saw Irene by my bed side, I was at a hospital I thought, I tried to move and touch her, but the searing pain of wounds came crashing back. The back of my head was pounding, it was so unbearable. I do not know what to do. I wanted to scream but a tiny squeak was all I could muster. The pain growing, and my body started convulsing, I was spasming. I couldn't see anymore, as tears clouded my line of sight.


But I know somehow I woke Irene up, I felt her move, but that aside I felt like the darkness is swallowing me again. "Seulgi!" I heard a hint of panic in her voice. She was shouting. I thought I would be eaten by darkness once more, but then there came a light so bright I can hardly open my eyes. It was swallowing me like a warp hole. I wanted to move but I can't my body was still spasming I can't do anything. 


"Seulgi! No! Open your eyes! Seulgi!" Those were The last words I heard as I was taken by the light.




I slowly opened my eyes, and my senses were assaulted with the familiar white ceiling. I stared blankly at the ceiling for minutes. Where am I? I wanted to move, but my body would not move. My body thinned out, I was purely skin and bones, and something caught my eyes, an IV, dextrose was attached to me. I was at a hospital, why? Why am I here? What happened? 


I wanted to talk, to hear my voice, but my mouth down to my throat was dessert dry. It felt like I've eaten ashes it was so dry I couldn't even utter a word. I want to drink water. As my senses came back, my mouth started to moisten, I looked around and I saw a stitch around my waist. What happened to me? Why am I even here?


I heard the door opened and I looked at the newcomer, and I saw the girl, the girl in my dreams. Irene. The name kept swirling in my head. Irene stood near the door awe stricken, eyes widening from shock. Relief, shock and happiness were visible in her eyes. As if she couldn't believe I was awake. I wanted to ask her so many questions but I was shocked when she suddenly ran to me and he hugged me tight, Irene started crying at my shoulder. "Unnie?" Was all I could muster to say, I was at loss for words. 


"You're back! Seulgi! You're back" Irene was sobbing now, I felt her longing ness for me. I felt it in her hug. I wanted to ask her what happened, but I couldn't muster the courage. "You were in a coma for nearly a month, I thought I was going to lose you, but you're back! You're awake" she was saying these things to me while crying. I couldn't but pat her on her back.


"We met an accident on our way home, I was so scared that I was going to lose you but now you are here! You're back" Irene was now sobbing while hugging me. I just let her hug me, I felt safe in her arms.


I felt contented and safe with Irene having me in her arms. I felt so safe and so warm.




I know this is kinda confusing, ugh if u find this confusing the italicized words are from the time that she's in coma, while the normal ones are present happenings. -aith


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snsdrv95 #1
Chapter 1: good story :D
Chapter 1: I really liked your story *-*

"What do you want to ride?" "You" Seulgi!! HAHAHAHAHA.