Second Letter

Dear Jun's Father
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Dear, Jun’s father.

Hello again, how are you? I hope you will be fine despite the cold weather out there. I remembered you hate the cold weather and would like to snuggle yourself under the thick blanket, that’s so you.

Did you see the photos? What do you think about him? Does he takes after you or takes after me? Hehe, I don’t know too, my sister said that baby’s face tends to change on the early months, I just knew that.

It’s been two months since the last time I wrote you letter, and this is only the second letter. Jun now didn’t sleep too much than before, I mean he sleeps for almost twenty hours in the first month and now he sleep less than that, I’m glad he is growing up, even though I didn’t want him to grow too fast.

I’m sending you another photos of him, he is getting chubbier and cuter!


I feel like I reporting too much to you, sorry it must be a disturbance, hehe you know me.

But you should know anyway, he is your son after all.

Have a nice day on your warm bed, Jun’s father.



Ps: I didn’t expect a reply from you, at least you know his condition by reading this letter.




Sincerely, Kang Jiyoung.

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Chapter 12: This story is truly heart-touching, especially the letters. Oh my. Agree with Shappire11, I also want to see them go back together; but it can't happen because now both of them has living with someone else ;;

I ain't patient to read Daehyun's side story >.<

P.S: Maybe 'Kang Jiyoung' is supposed to be OC here. But idk why I imagine Kang Jiyoung here as Jiyoung ex-KARA :")
Chapter 12: this was just beautiful. like, it actually made me cry. ; A ;
are you planning on making a sequel of some sort?
sapphire11 #3
Chapter 12: Omo....i was actually hoping that they will get back together...but then....
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 11: Omo...why....this is so sad...but why daedae
Eunseo-ah #5
Chapter 11: Why it's ending like this?!! This is so heartbreaking!! /crying/
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 6: Omo...what the....engaged??? But why authornim...
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 3: Omo...i like it authornim...i wonder ..where is this jun dad go....