last chap

Worrisome dongsaeng, Worried hyung
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Jongin’s POV

I woke up because of the shooting pain on my back, I scan my eyes on my side but my baby was not there so I thank God that Kyungsoo always woke up early to cook for us.

The pain on my back was so unbearable that I grunt and cringed in the bed. I spend morning lying on our bed to at least ease and suppress the pain on my back. I was whimpering because of the seething pain, every little movement brings pain shooting through my spine. Thinking about my doll eases the pain so I close my eyes and focus on my hyung’s smiling face.

When I heard the door being open, my senses were immediately awake. I scan the entrance for my lover but I saw the maknae entering.

“Yo.” Sehun simply greeted me while sitting on our bed.

Removing the blanket while struggling to lean on the headboard, I cannot help but whimper because of the pain I am feeling. Sehun comes closer and helps me lean on the headboard. I thanked him and we are in silence for a moment. Sehun was the one who break the silence between the two of us.

“Uh hyung sorry for my inconsiderate attitude last night, I acted without understanding your situation.” Our maknae sincerely apologize.

“No Sehun uhhm. I was the one who should apologize but I only did it because Kyungsoo should focus on his rising career.” I tried to make the maknae understand, even if I was sorry I still do not want to Kyungsoo to know about my injury.

“But hyung don’t you think he should at least know, he is your boyfriend for God’s sake. He deserves to know and hyung if he would know about this he will be the first to help you get your operation. Hyung you know that Kyungsoo hyung will gladly give up his acting career just to help you get better. He would not care hyung and besides there are still other acting projects coming his way. ” Sehun frustratingly retorted.

“That’s the problem Sehun he will risk his career, the opportunity and I didn’t want that!! Do you know how big the project coming his way this time? It will help him a lot to prove himself for his future acting career. I know that he waited for that main role since he started to take a part in that drama, damn he even overcame his anxiety for the role.” I was now frustrated that I unconsciously raised my voice and tried to move stand but I grunted from the familiar pain.

“See hyung! You are in such pain! I can see that it was unbearable for s sake hyung you need help, you need our help, you need Kyungsoo hyung’s help.” He hissed loudly.

Driven by frustration and pain physically and mentally I did not control my temper and burst at my dongsaeng. “Bull Sehun I already told you I don’t want the help, what part of it can’t you understand.”

Sehun was equally angry that his face was red, he bit his lower lip hard and what he told me makes our fight more intense. “You know what I think your pride was just taking over again, you didn’t want to view yourself as a burden. That was always your problem hyung you always hurt yourself and Kyungsoo hyung with that ing pride.”

“Shut it Sehun! You do not talk to me about pride because you are the same. You just pretend that you are okay with him leaving because you don’t want Luhan hyung to worry and you don’t want to view yourself as a pathetic boyfriend who was left by his lover.” I said the later statement with gritted teeth.

Sehun looked at me with pained and sad expression and said. “You are right hyung I’m pathetic but at least I did not and will not hurt my lover with my action.”


Sehun left the room leaving Jongin to wallow at his own thoughts. The later was hoping to reconcile with the maknae but it turned out the other way around. He knew that he was older than Sehun and should have more control on his temper but he just lost it resulting into hurtful words towards the younger.

After the argument, the two maknaes decided to avoid each other. Even the hyungs take notice of the gap between the two maknae. It was not the usual brat fight, this time it was a serious argument but no one knew the reason.

 Kyungsoo tried to open a topic regarding the two maknaes’ argument but Jongin just brush it off. The ignoring and avoiding pattern go on for few weeks.

Jongin feel relieved when the pain in his waist subsided there was still pain sometimes but at least not as unbearable as the previous. Pain killer help numb the remaining pain, thus Kyungsoo and the other remaining exo members are unaware of the reason why the two maknaes ignore each other.

The hyungs just let the avoidance period unsolved because neither one of the two wants to talk about the matter.

Jongin’s routine continued for the few weeks, he regularly takes his lover home and secretly visits interviews if he had time. He was trying to fit all the activities through his schedule but it did not last for long since their management received a contract for the dancer. It was a modeling contract for a famous brand.


Jongin’s POV

I was driving to the company building where my lover was having a meeting regarding his upcoming main role project. As usual I am stubbornly driving him home even though the place was much farther than where my photo shoot was held. Kyungie also scolded me for that matter telling me to go home straight and rest but as I said a while ago, I am stubborn.

Pain killers is also great help for me this time, whenever my waist started acting up. I have been doing well except for the minor conflict with Sehun, I know that I hurt him with the words that I have say. Comprehending and realizing the statement I have carelessly blurted to the maknae, I cannot help but feel guilty. The maknae was already bruised with lawsuit thing, then there I was adding salt to the wound instead of being a good friend and a hyung to help tend the wound.

Breaking from my thoughts, I walked out of the car and entered the building in front of me. My Kyungie was sitting while his hands was carelessly splayed like how his head was at the table. As I approach my angel, I already knew that he was sleeping even if the back of his head was facing me. A staff smile and nodded as I greet him.

“He said he was going to wait for you Jongin-shi, so the others just go ahead. They have finished earlier than expected so he just stayed here to wait. I saw him dozing off so I just let him be.”

“Oh thank you hyung for taking care of him, I will just take it from here.” I smiled and he took his leave. Staring at the sleeping angel I keep on pin pointing how can such a great person love a stubborn person like me. I know that I have been bit bad boy when we are still trainees, I also done hurtful things to my doll just to deny the fact that I am gay. Teenage stage was undeniably hard for a guy to admit that they are falling romantically for the same gender. I was scared on the society’s opinion, my friend’s judgment and the disappointment I will bring to my parents. I pushed and scared him away to the extent that I myself could feel his pain but unknowingly I am hurting myself more than I hurt him. That was the time that I realized that he is my everything hurting him would hurt me more, his happiness was my happiness.

I fought for him, for what I felt, I leave our household while my mother was crying and my father was upset. My two sisters was as supportive as Yunho hyung’s lover’s nine sisters, yes if you were thinking that it was Jaejoong sunbaenim then you are right. I was close to Yunho hyung not just because of dancing but he was also the person to open my understanding to the fact that loving does not limit to gender, age or status.

Staring for a bit long time and deciding not to wake up the smaller one I just put on my cap and pull Kyungsoo’s hood. I carried him bridal style and walked to the parking area, he was murmuring something while rubbing his soft cheeks on my chest. I settled him in the front seat beside me and tucked his seat belt. I kissed his forehead and started the car.

We arrived after 30 minutes drive I was removing his seat belt carefully not to wake my doll up but he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and he smiled.

“Jongin why didn’t you wake me, you didn’t have to carry me.” He looked around and noticed that we are already at the parking lot in front our dorm building.

“You look so tired baby I don’t have the heart to wake you up so I just carried you.”

“But babe are you sure that no one saw us, you know what will happen if some of the repo---.”

“Don’t worry baby I pulled your hood and I wore my cap.” I cut off and assured my lover while cupping his face. Ushering him outside the car, we proceed to the entrance to the dorm.


The exo members just walk out of the meeting room they proceed to their respected rooms to pack their things. Tokyo was the next concert venue thus making them excited and hyped.

Kyungsoo was neatly packing his belongings while Jongin was pouting because he struggles to pack his clothes neatly. Kyungsoo was watching him, Jongin’s reverse charms never fails to amaze him. Being a charismatic, sizzling hot tan-skinned dancer on and off stage, he always has the ability to look like a kicked puppy when things did not go his way. So the heart-lipped singer slowly approached him and cling to the dancer’s neck and kiss him in the lips.

“Babe let me just do it for you.” Kyungsoo stated while turning his back at Jongin neatly packing the other’s belongings.

Jongin slips his hands in his lover’s waist and slowly rubs his soft tummy. He rests his head on his neck to take the others natural soft skin.

Kyungsoo humms at his boyfriend’s sweet gesture. After packing, they snuggled and sleep early for tomorrow’s flight.


Kyungsoo’s POV

The concert was till the day after tomorrow so most of the members decide to drink off the stress and to have some fun. Since there was no minor in the group anymore the manager-hyung let us drink but reminding us not to go out of the hotel. Everybody agreed just so they can consume the bitter liquid, I just smiled and let the giantyeol prepare the snacks we have bought on the way to the hotel.

It was already six in the afternoon when I noticed that most of the members and even the three who have high alcohol tolerance including my Jongin were drunk he was now slurring while snuggling in my neck. Well I can say that I am the only sober one because I did not drink a drop of alcohol. I need to look out for the members and make sure that the manager-hyung’s reminder will not just be a drunken promise. We cannot risks some of the fans and reporters seeing the members in drunken state because even if we are in a legal age to drink, being an idol means doing something causes media and internet ruckus even how small and common the matter was.

“Babe you are so drunk we should get you to bed. Okay?” I asked my boyfriend while rubbing and cupping his face.

“N-no amnotdrunkishhh, canmore, c-can drink more. Yah CHANYEORRR letsshh drink moremhhp. Why ish evry thing sphining aishh. H-haishh spi-spin-spining.”

My boyfriend tried to wake the giant rapper up just to challenge him for another drink while struggling to keep his balance. I stand next to him while laughing and convincing him that he was more than drunk to challenge someone for another drink, and obviously the giant was not going to accept his challenge.

He look at me drowsily and pout, I refrain myself from laughing loudly cause damn he was so cute and funny. I just give him a peck and cupped his red cheeks.

“Huh hyung doesh not believe erm in mehhh? I-I cern drink rik a pro yoknow.” He drunkenly stated.

“Of course you can but you have enough babe.” I retorted and hardly pinched his waist he winched and let his head fall on my shoulders murmuring incoherent words. Nuzzling his head on my neck, I steadied him and tried to have a conversation. I look at his drunken face and damn how could he still be looking hot with -drunk face.

I was balancing our bodies or more like his body while guiding him to the room.

“Thush Mshory humshom.” Jongin mumbled.

Tucking him and making sure that he does not fall from bed. I smile and slowly leave the room to tend to the other members.

I proceed to where the other drunkenly members were splayed.

I saw Baek-hyung trying to lay Chanyeol in the sofa. He was at least sober enough to tuck the giant. The giant was so drunk that he cannot carry his own weight.

“Hyung aren’t we going to help Chanyeol hyung to your room?” I asked the person who was sadly looking at Chanyeol-hyung’s face.

“No its okay Kyung, he does not want to anyway. I know that he proposed to drink tonight just to have a reason to sleep in the couch and avoid me” He retaliated.

I just silently hum just to show him my concern. We ended up tucking everyone in the respective rooms. Junmyeon hyung help us so we finished faster.

I entered the room I was sharing with my lover and saw him sleeping with a slight cringed evident in his face, thinking that maybe it was from the alcohol intake I rubbed his stomach and gently caressed his face. Once his facial expression relaxed, I snuggled closer in his chest and let his masculine scent lull me to sleep.


Jongin’s POV

Waking up with hang over was not the best situation at all my head was throbbing and I feel like throwing up. I look down at my chest and saw the beautiful scenery that knocks me out of my hang over state. I hugged him tightly he stirred and slowly open his big round eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he yawns with that heart shaped lips and he reminds me of an innocent uke on a manga.

“Good morning babe.” He pecked my jaw while he snuggled closer in my chest.

“Same baby.” I replied shortly, my head was throbbing again, which makes me squint in pain.

Kyungsoo noticed it and asked if I am okay. He pulls himself away from me, walking to where his bag was I saw him took a pill, he also pour water in the glass.

“Here take this it will help with the hang over, I bought it when we went to get snacks at the supermarket because I know that the members will suggest drinking marathon.” My boyfriend smiled while handling me the pill.

Before I could take the pill, I feel the bitter taste coming up from my stomach. I quickly run and lock the bathroom while purging. I felt drowsy washing my face to ease that feeling. I heard a knock and a worried voice asking me to open the door. I locked the door because I do not want him to see me like this.

“Jongin open this ing door. Are you okay, open up babe.”

I open the door and saw a pair of doe eyes worriedly directed at me. I smile and pat his head weakly. “I am okay baby.”He helped me walk to our bed I lay and massage my head.

“Babe take the medicine I will just cook breakfast and something to nurse your hang over, might as well prepare for the others.”

I grunted out of protest but he just smiled and walked out the door. I continue to sleep to lessen my drowsiness.


Everyone was groaning out because of the hang over except for innocent looking kid man, who had just finished cooking soup and breakfast. Chanyeol hugged the said person at the back, scrunching to lean at the latter’s shoulder. The smaller was struggling to shake the giant off but in no luck, he was not just a giant but his strength was also remarkable. The scene looks like lovers having a romantic breakfast routine.

“UHEM UHEM, Yah Yoda don’t you think it is too early to piss me off, considering that my head was also throbbing and I can pack a good punch even to my hyung .” Jongin more like threatened than questioned the giant rapper.

The giant froze while still hugging the squishy ball of fluff. The smaller took the chance to shrug the giant off and peek like a child slightly moving the massive body.

“Geez khamjong, I just want to hug this fluffy kid.” The giant countered.

“Babe sit down, I just finished the soup. You too hyung.” Kyungsoo instructed the two.

Kyungsoo serve the soup to the two immature people and proceed to have his breakfast not forgetting to feed his boyfriend who was beside him leaning on his shoulder.

The members were preparing for the Tokyo concert, they were excited and pressured to show the best of what they got. The backstage was so busy, preparing the props, stage, special effects and of course the members.

The concert was going well the kaisoo couple gives fan service that makes both the fans and couple tingly feeling. They were dancing with the other members fooling around and making fun of each other. Jongin was waving to the fans when they noticed that he stumbled and steadied his body by holding into his knees for a second.


Jongin’s POV

I feel my body float for a minute, a minute when I cannot control my movements which was odd for me considering that body movement was my expertise. I can hear the fans screaming and I succeed at steadying my body. I proceed with the members at the main stage as if nothing was wrong but I was drowsy. Thinking that it was just a payoff of drinking excessively I just brushed it off.

We arrived at our designated hotel all of us were tired but contented. The drowsy feeling subsided when we are in the car but I think it was bugging me again my waist was also acting. I take a painkiller then try to will it off.

I walk to the kitchen where my baby was cooking dinner. I know that he was tired but that does not stop him from cooking healthy meal for us. He was that caring and concern to the people around him that he never thinks of himself at all. That was also the reason I do not want him to notice my injury.

I hugged him from the back and kissed his neck. He hums then continued to cook. “Baby how did you know it was not that ertyeol hugging you?”

“Your smell and your familiar warmth babe.”  He looked back and smiled.

I hugged him tightly when I suddenly feel the familiar drowsy feeling on my head. I tried to shake off, spots of black was swallowing me. I heard Kyungsoo telling me to c

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