
It's Good to be Bad

I've decided to continue this drabbly deliquent series. 

They should be studying for their end of year test. 'Should' being the keyword. But instead Sehun is pointedly trying to ignore Jongin as he commits a crime in front of his face.

"Why'd you always study indoors?" Jongin asked him.

Sehun gave him a puzzled look. "Where else would I study?"

"It's such a nice day, why don't we study outside?" Jongin asked.

Sehun hesitated. "I don't know..."

"Oh come on, the sun hasn't been out in ages and we've been studying forever!"

"Jongin the end of year tests are coming up, we need to focus."

"Ok but we can get some fresh oxygen and vitamin D as we focus." Sehun just stared at him. "What? I did learn some stuff. See you're a good influence and things, now come on babe."

Sehun shouldn't have fallen for his sweet words and innocent tone.

"Jongin!" Sehun hissed. "What you're doing is completely illegal!"

Jongin gave him a deadpanned look. "I'm spray painting a wall, I'm not murdering someone."

"That's illegal!" Sehun looked around to see if anyone was watching. "I don't want us to get into trouble."

"You're not even doing anything."

"Yes but I'm affiliating with you which makes me just as guilty."

Jongin laughed at him. "Come here."

Sehun shook his head vigorously. "No. I don't want to go to jail, I have my whole life ahead of me."

Jongin rolled his eyes. "They don't send you to jail for graffiti, they give you community service."

"I don't want that on my record!"

"Just trust me." Sehun hesitantly left his books and walked to where Jongin was standing. Jongin manoeuvred him to a blank piece of wall and handed him the spray paint which Sehun proceeded to stare at as if it was a murder weapon. "Here this is how you hold it." He stood behind Sehun, one hand on his waist and the other wrapped around the hand that was holding the can. "You can vary the shade of colour depending on how much pressure you put on the nozzle." He pressed down lightly on Sehun's finger and a light spray of black paint printed on the wall. "See it's easy."

Jongin took a step back and let Sehun take over. The boy was tentative at first but when he got into it, he seemed to be having fun. Sehun did some random squiggles, then he started to write his name before he realised how incriminating that would be. He turned to Jongin who was watching him with a fond expression on his face.

"Not bad for a newbie." Jongin said as he took that can out of Sehun's hand.

"Don't lie." Sehun whined. "It's just a bunch of doodles and 'Seh', while yours is..."

He trailed off when he saw just what Jongin had been graffiting on the wall. It was a twisted, dark mashup of all the characters in 'Alice in Wonderland'. It was a book they had been studying for their English test, Sehun didn't think Jongin even liked the book but apparently it had left quite an impression on him. Sehun stared in awe at the detailing and the sheer talent his boyfriend possessed.

"This is amazing." he whispered.

"You sure?" he teased.

Sehun hit him lightly. "Yeah I'm sure. You're really talented."

"Talented at being a criminal. This will probably be washed off in a week or two."

Sehun whipped out his phone and quickly took some pictures of Jongin's masterpiece. "Is this what you want to do with your life?"

Jongin snorted. "Nope, this is just a hobby. I'm going to be working in my uncle's garage, fixing things for the rest of my life."

"But is that what you want to do?"

Jongin sighed and answered honestly, "I don't know what I want to do Sehun, I never thought about the future, I just live here and now."


Jongin changed the subject. "Come on, there's going to be a police patrol coming around here in about 20 minutes so let's get going."

Sehun squeaked before running to pack up his books. Jongin chuckled at him as he packed up his bag of spray paints. Then they ran hand in hand away from their misdeeds with big grins on their faces.

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I'm marking this story complete because uni has started.


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Chapter 4: Oh lord I need more. This is so good and fluffy I just hnghh
Chapter 2: I’m mad I love this so much ahsjjdjd
Chapter 1: I just started reading and oh lord I love this concept so much already!!
Chapter 4: I just found this !!! and holy crap this is so good even tho it is short ergh I really love bad boy kai and cute innocent sehun xD tq for this cute story!
Chapter 4: This honestly really nice. I'm a er for bad boy Kai and good boy Sehun. :))
fabfabfabulousss #6
Chapter 4: this is the sweetest and cutest thing ever oml
Chapter 1: you should make a story on how they got together and all omg !!! this is ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Omg I want more! I can feel their genuine love towards each other. Thank you so much for sharing Author-nim!
Cheekobooie #9
Chapter 4: I love it.. i loveeeee ittttt.. i love sekai and jong jong bros...
Krystal_Nya #10
Chapter 4: Omo my SeKai feelings!!! They're just too adorable and cute~!