Great Changes

“I didn’t know she was your sister,” I ask Chanyeol, we were on our way to the dance room; they want to show me the place and to orient me if you ask Baekhyun.
“Not really in blood, we’re step brother and sister,” Chanyeol explain. “Were here, so how what do say?” 
He look around forgetting the before topic, “good, it’s perfect for practice,” he commented.
“See… told you, you won’t regret joining our club,” Kai Baekhyun said.
They sat everywhere they find comfortable, they were now telling me of their own made rules and schedule of practice, since I’m in the same class of Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and D.O they didn’t discuss it any further, they mostly talk about their past activities and dance contest they’ve join. I was half listening and half preoccupied of thinking about her, of what happen in the cafeteria and she having a brother. Her father must have married another woman or maybe they adopted him and just married her cuz there’s no way they could have him as their son as what his age now. But one thing I’m sure is, they were now together, the person that destroy my life and the reason father died. 
“Hey Chan did you bring the CD?, where giving that to Mr. Park today.” Suho reminded him.
“Right I forgot,” he search his bag but from the look of him, he seem couldn’t find it. “I’m sure I have it here.”
“Maybe you forgot it somewhere, we need to find that,” Baekhyun said to him.
“I know, I’ll try to recall where I last touch it in my bag,” Chanyeol said, thinking deeper. “Right Ga In has it,” he took his phone and dials her number. “Hey, where are you?” Chanyeol asks her after the second ring. “Did you bring my CD?” the conversation was quiet in the second line, maybe she was with someone else, I didn’t know why I suddenly felt angry of that thought,  “Ok, I’m the dance room; I’ll wait you here then. Ok bye,” Chanyeol ended the call. “Well that was a relief, she’ll bring it here,” he said.  
“Where‘s she?” Suho asks. 
“Library, with Minah,” he replies. She’s not with someone else then, he smiled inside, aish why am I thinking like this.
“That’s good then, will just wait for them, maybe we can now starts our practice show Sehun our moves and teach him then, how’s that?” Kai said, he did some warm up and some stretching. 
“OK,” they all answer.
They were done in their five dance step when a door opens indicating the person they’ve been waiting, “thanks God you finally came, what takes-” Chanyeol wasn’t able to finish when his sister wasn’t in view. “Minah, where’s Ga In?” his voice shows some concern when it was not his sister who came. “Is she okay?” he asks her again, approaching her.
“Don’t worry, nothing happen, she’s fine. She got a call and went somewhere, don’t worry she said it’s nothing to worry about,” Minah explains, “Here, your CD,” she hand him the cd.
“Thanks,” Chanyeol smiled to her but still shows the concern he has on his sister.
Suho went to Chanyeol and took the CD from him, “Hey, don’t worry I’m sure your sister’s fine,” he gave him a tap on his shoulder, confronting him.
“She’s a grown up now, don’t be too worrisome on your sister, she got everything she need in case she’ll get seizure.” Kai also said to Chanyeol, also confronting him.
“But it’s not Kangjun who called her right?” he asks wanting more confirmation of his sister’s safety.
“I’m sure it’s not, and if he was really the one who called her Ga In wouldn’t even answer it so I’m sure it’s not him,” Minah confirm.
“Come on I’m sure she’s really gonna be okay,” Baekhyun said to Chanyeol, “Let’s get back to practice are we?” 
 I was not sure what they were talking about and why Chanyeol was so concern of her and what’s this seizure they mention that she can maybe experience, is she sick, is it that worst? I can’t find a definite answer to my curiosity unless I’ll ask them or her, but I can’t, I can’t show them that I’m interested of her if I doesn’t wants to involve myself on her eventhough I’m already is. But my unanswered question didn’t last long as I shortly went out in need of personal necessities and bump onto someone, into her technically.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking in my way,” a soft voice apologizes, just hearing it I already know the owner. ‘Maybe a sigh to answer his question lingering on him,’ I thought discreetly.
I didn’t say anything, I only help her in her feet and collected her things that is been accidentally thrown on floor. I stop when I notice that she’d stop moving that she had recognizes me finally I continued then until one last thing remain and it was a small white container, I noticed it was a medicine, intended for person having a difficulties in breathing but I wasn’t able to finish reading the name of it when it was suddenly grabbed. 
I cleared my throat to say something when I was beaten by her, “I’m sorry again and… thanks,” she brought her heads up, “I mean for my things,” she continued.
I looks at her and for the first time our eyes meet, it was like they were back to their first meeting, how her innocent fragile eyes took my attention and how I wants to protect her and to take care of her, how it pulled me to her overpassing any borders closing myself to her, but this was toady and not yesterday, I stop myself in doing what I did before, I came for different reason, an apology from them and witnessing their smashup life.
She turn behind her and went on her way not leaving any more word, “she’s sick?”, I ask myself. “But how?”, another mystery to disturb me. “Aish, stop thinking about her, you shouldn’t worry about her,” I remind myself, I  splash some water on my face to clear my mind from unwanted thought but still failed. I went back to the dance room to get my things, I need to go back early to my apartment, I still has some boxes left of my things and I need to arrange them.
“Ok I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I was about to go when I was stop by Chanyeol’s calling. “Yeah?” facing him.
“Let me borrow your phone,” he requested.
“Why?” I ask, handing him the phone.
“Just…because…” he said in between of typing something in his phone, “here, I have it name in our own name so it won’t be hard for to look just in case,” he handed me back the phone. 
I check what he was talking about, it was their number, his and his sister. I gave him a questioning look but only receive a shrug. “I like you as a friend and, it’s okay if you ask my sister out,” he then explains.
“Your sister?, no man, you know I’m not in-”, I tried to explain but didn’t make it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re gonna say, that you’re not interested in dating, yet”, indicating the last word, “and I was telling you that it was okay to date her when time comes you want it and I saw how you look at her, I SAW you,” pointing his two fingers on me, “okay?”, he then left inside the dance room.
I didn’t know what to say, Chanyeol caught me looking at her and I didn’t know how I look at her, I only, like stared at her and nothing more and I don’t know what Chanyeol was talking about. “Whatever,” I just said and went my way.

I curse myself for being so clumsy, and what’s more he saw the medicine and I just hope he didn’t think it was mine, but who I was kidding it came out from my bag and of course he’s gonna think it was mine. 
“Ahhh!, What I’m gonna do?, ughhh!” I thought loudly. I heard a knock from my door startling me. “Yes?” I ask, and it opens revealing Chanyeol. “Hey,” I greeted him.
“Hey, you okay?” he ask, concern.
 ‘Am I that obvious?’ I ask myself silently, I smiled to him questioning what he meant.
“I mean, you left this early and I didn’t know where you went,” Chanyeol explain, standing beside the bed.
“Oh, your mean that?” I ask back.
“Why is there something else I should worry about?” his look suddenly became serious.
“What? NO,” I defended, “Uh… nothing, I left because I forgot my art kit at Mr. Shim’s room and about the call it was dad they said their not gonna be home this Friday for they’ll have a business meeting and they’ll gonna spend the weekend some break for them both, he and mom,” I explains, I let out a deep breath, “That’s all, why did you panic again?” I chuckles, teasing him. I saw him turn red, blushing, she let out a small laugh, “You did, hahaha! You really did,” I can’t help it but to laugh at his ridiculousness.
“I was just doing what dad told me, to watch over you,” defending himself. “Just go to sleep,” he said when I didn’t stop teasing him. I like that his concern about me and how he treated me as his real sister and that always gives me assurance to our relationship as siblings.
“Oh, by the way I gave your number to Sehun,” he happily said closing the door.
“YOU DID WHAT?” shouting at him; shock what I felt until drowsiness dominated me up until the first sign of morning greeted me. After the tell tail of my brother last night made it harder for me to face the day, how much more to meet him. 
“Hey aren’t you getting up?” my brother asks, he open the window temporarily blinding me.
“Yah! Close it,” trying to cover my eyes with the blanket but he’s fast enough, he grab it, pulled me upward and carried me to the bathroom. “Put me down! Ahhh,!” I shout at him, fighting him.
“There, now get ready, what happen to you? This not the Ga In I know who woke up first than the sunrise,” he block the doorway making it impossible for me to pass.
“Well, she’s here now, whom you’ve disturbed and violated,” I exclaim, I put my hands on both my waist as if demanding him something. He give me an I don’t know what you’re talking about, look,            “Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore anyway, he already has it, and fine I’ll get ready,” I can never beat him and would never will, he has a strong hold of his wants and that needed to be done. “Now go, if also want to intrude behind my cover,” I shoo him brother out.
“I’ll wait outside then, be fast I don’t want you missing your breakfast,” he close the door, showing satisfaction of winning against me, again.
Just a few more years and this meddling would eventually cease in my every life that I always expects and I’ll have the things I wants even I with this lousy illness. 
“Hey you okay?, you’re so quiet,” throughout the drive I didn’t attempt to utter a word that even my breathing was shallow to be heard. “You angry with me? Is this about earlier?” he continually asks, he pricks me as I didn’t answer him. “Hey, come’n, tell me,” he said slowing down. “If you won’t talk I’ll stop this car, turn around all the way back to house and you what Mr. Shim will do if we’re absent, so what’s now it’s your choice,” he fully stop the car holding the steering wheel tighter. 
I finally look at his serious face, giving up I took a deep breath, “fine, I’m angry for intruding my privacy and for treating me as a weak little sis and for not giving me a chance to work myself up that I can actually do things like other girls in our school,” I turn my head in front of me and took an another breath, calming myself, “I don’t want to just to sit, watch and listen to others doing what they want, I want to do what I want and if ever I’ll get an attack I’ll just stop and take this,” pointing the medicine inside my bag, “and I’ll be just okay,” I look at him to see the change in his expression and I don’t know what he’s thinking, “that’s all, now drive I don’t want to be late,” I return to my previous position settling myself. 
He didn’t say anything after that, even a comment or any confirmation, the drive was again silent even reaching our destination we didn’t say anything and just went to our separate ways. I didn’t know if I’d said too much, if I’d hurt him with words I didn’t noticed I’ve said. He pushed me to talk, to tell him and I only obeyed, I didn’t do anything bad and if I ever made a mistake, I didn’t meant to say it I just got carried away, that’s all. No matter how much I ratify my innocence, it still bother me making it hard to give my full attention to the ongoing class plus this still unsolved curiosity, adding up the weight of my concern until the peak of my patience’s limit was reach and I knows what I’ll have to do, I need to face it no matter what happen.
  Getting rid of your curiosity make yourself ready to face what is beyond your expectation and to behold yourself from losing where you’re in now.

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