I wish you saw it happen...


Kim Jonghyun. The lead singer of SHINee. Composer of Juliette and Obsession. Famous Dinosaur. Ex-Boyfriend of Shin Se Kyung. Amazing singer...


The kpop world knows this Jonghyun, but what ever happened to Kim Jonghyun, ordinary high schooler with big dreams? Did anybody see it? Was there anyone he wanted to be able to see him achieve his dreams?

Minyoung-ah...I wish you were there...I wish could have seen it happen...I wish I could have shown you that I made it happen...for you...


Jonghyun-ah, you babo, I always knew you could do it with or without me. I wish I could take back the lies, and be able to tell you the truth. All well...I guess you are happier without having that burden on your shoulders. Good luck~




Whoaaa...my first story on here...I'm so nervous! >.< Please be nice to me! Just a short story, like one or two chapters long ^^ Hope you enjoy it =D

I'll upload a background pic and main image when it's not 1am and Imma a sleepy. Well...and if anybody reads this at all XP




            “Jonghyun, you’re such a dork!” Minyoung shouted at the teen bouncing around his room, trying to gather all of this clothes. Jonghyun grinned cheekily at her as she rolled her eyes at him.

            “But you love me anyway yeah?” Minyoung rolled her eyes again.

            “No.” she replied and he pouted.

            “That’s not very nice. Think of all the things I’ve done for you.” He whined dramatically and she scoffed as she kicked a pair of dirty boxers to one side so she could walk over to his bed.

            “Like what? Cheating off me in that test? Or getting me in trouble because you dragged me along to that concert?” she asked sarcastically and he grinned.

            “You shouldn’t always remember just the bad stuff, Min.” he said teasingly and she sighed, cursing the day that she became best friends this the puppy eyed idiot. How did it happen again? Oh yeah, he decided to throw a snowball at her head when they were five years old. She got him back, managing to sock him one in the forehead. Maybe their snowball fight was the reason he was starting to look like a dinosaur?

            “What do you reckon?” asked Jonghyun, running out of his bathroom. I cocked a brow at him.

            “What are you? Gangster now?” I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.

            “Yeah! What do you think of the name Bling Bling Jonghyun?!” he asked excitedly, tilting his hat to the left a bit more. I blinked, honestly thinking he was joking.

            “You’re not serious...right?” I asked and he nodded, grinning so widely his eyes disappeared.

            “Yeah of course I am! So what do you think?” I groaned, lying back on his bed.

            “It makes you sound like a pimp or something.” I replied and he pouted.

            “But it’s meant to be like…hip…or gangster…” he trailed off, looking disappointed. I sighed, knowing his kicked puppy look what getting to me already, damn that boy.

            “Well you got that audition coming up soon don’t you? For SME?” I asked and he nodded excitedly.

            “Suggest it to them, they’re the real genius’s. If they let you be the gangster Asian kid who can sing higher notes than most girls, then go right ahead.” He laughed.

            “I’ll show you Minyoung! I’m going to be the most famous Gangster kid in SME!” he shouted, striking a pose.








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