Learning How to Like


 A girl who knew and saw nothing more but the rigid subjects of academics was paired up with a boy who lived and breathed in his music.

Yun Hyun Ae, the number one student in the class, never thought she and Bobby, the second in the class, would ever get along.

But, it was that fateful pairing that awakened Yun Hyun Ae's eyes to what life truly has to offer outside of books and perfect scores.

It was Bobby that had managed to introduce her to the beauty of life.

And it was through music that these two students got to become great friends in a short matter of time.


Teaching Yun Hyun Ae how to live was surprisingly easier than Bobby had thought it would be.

However, what will happen when these two take on an entirely different subject together?

Will their love for music help them become a stronger harmony or will they end up becoming two discordant notes?

Please do not copy any part of the story. Some situations may appear similar as other stories, but this is 100% my work. Sequel to "Learning How to Live" 


Hi guys!

So first off, this is the sequel to Learning How to Live!

Thank you to all of those who had read the first story and have come back to read the sequel; I really appreciate it!

I'm still in the process of editing the first one, so it might be a while before I officially start updating this one. I have plans on making this a longer story than the first one because well, liking someone is never easy, right? Haha. I originally had this title set to be, "Learning How to Love", but I thought that might have been too far considering they're still at the age where there is so much to discover about themselves before they learn about being able to love someone else. So, I settled on the title you see now :). 

For those who haven't read the first part of this story, please do! It'll give you a lot more background on the characters and how they kinda change with one another. I'm planning to develop their characters much more in this story as well as introduce some new characters that will help spicen up the story a bit further. 

I've always been a "motae solo" (never dated), so forgive me if I start to sound too cheesy in my writing at points. I want to try and make this story as realistic as it can, but relationships can be so different depending on the couple, so we'll see how this goes. I'm still going to fit in some life lessons that are personal to me and what I've learned now that I've finally finished my first year of college (I finished about a month ago, but I was in a bit of a writing block for a while) - so, I hope you readers are still able to get as much inspiration in LHT(Like) as you did in LHT(Live)

As always, I always appreciate your feedback (especially on grammar since I often type too fast but don't proofread well enough).

I hope you all enjoy, and thank you so much for reading!

I'm sorry I lol. I'm in the process of trying to set up the story and its plot, so thank you all for waiting :)


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