A Fangirl's Lie


VIXX' Lee Jaehwan x OC Fanfic.

NOTE: All scenes, events, places, dialogoes etc. are all produced by the author's imagination, any recemblace to real people; living or dead, is entirely coinsidential and not meant by the author.


CAUTION: There are lots of grammatical errors and typographical errors inside the story, watch out!




A Fangirl's Lie



Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in lies?


I guess there's no difference between the two. People can make us believe in magic by their tricks.. And people can also make us believe in their lies.


Do you believe in fantasy?

Do you believe in Eternity?


I guess, it's also just the same. Eternal dreams are just an unending fantasy. They can't be in reality.


But how could these things happened? In just one snap.. Your girlfriend turned out to be someone..


Someone you don't know.


Is it magic? Is it an eternal dream? Is it a fantasy? Or everything is just a lie?



What would you do if someone borrowed your life?


What would you do if this someone who borrowed your life also borrowed the love of your life?


And what would you do if there's no way to get back your life?


And in Vice versa,


Would you attempt to get something that wasn't supposed to be yours?


Would you even play a trick to someone who's faithfully loving the owner of your borrowed body and life?


And would you take the risk of dying in your 100th day to face your consequence just to continue your stupid game?


How could you let him give you lots of love, while you're continuing to give him tons of lies?


Are these things happening in reality?

Who knows?

Be careful what you wish because you just might get it.




- A Fangirl's Lie © Oneandonlyhyuk -



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elysian_imperfection #1
Chapter 1: PINOY SI OTOR HAHAHHAHA yung hugot na part nyeta XD