The only chapter

How Jamz Get Stolen

So i'm just typing exactly what my friends and I said but I will add just a couple of extra stuff. Hope you like it.


Yoongi headed out the front door with Jimin and Jungkook to go to the recording studio. He honestly hated going out with the two because it was always Jikook and never Yoonmin. "Alright we're leaving and no I don't know when we'll be back so don't blow up my phone!" Yoongi yelled out to whoever wanted to listen while he walked out the door with the rest of the two. Jimin's wife Jin Sae called out to him "Yebo you dropped your jams! You can't forget them." She said earning the sweet smile that she loves so much. Jimin said thank yoou as he kissed his wife on the lips hugging her while he rubbed her belly "I'll be back my jamming son. Try not to give mommy to much greif okay" he said to the baby in her stomach and left.

"AGH NO JAMZ!" Bora Hye yelled from the kitchen. "Ugh HE HAS JAMZ! HOW MANY TIMES ARE WE GONNA GO OVER THIS?" Jin Sae yelled as she walked(stormed) into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh Chim Chim control yourself your jamz are leaking" Young Gamja said. She wasn't about to take care of an emotional pregnant lady. Jin Sae laughed a little "No they're not" but she second guesses herself and rushes to the other side of the kitchen to go see if her jamz jar was okay. By the time she got there Young Ji just decided it was nice to knock her jar on the ground and Jin Sae tried to catch her jar but misses "whoopies" and the maknae walks off like nothing happened. Young Gamja had a shocked expression on her face when she witnessed what just happened "Oh my maknae!" the pregnant lady starts to produce tears while looking at the broken glass pieces on the floor. She crawls into the closest corner with the glass shards in her hand stained with jamz. "Bora Hye I need your help! I think the maknae is feeling mischievous today" Young Gamja called out and patted Jin Saes back while thinking 'at least Jungkook isn't here or else that would have been the end of Jin Sae and me'. "I can loan you some of my swag until you refill your jar" Unnie would let Jin Sae have her swag for backup until she had the time to get another jar and jamz(swag can be transferred into jamz but swag is more costly than jamz are) "Maknae that was rude!" the unnie said as she turned her head to Young Ji who was drinking water. 

"Hm. What should I do?" Bora Hye came back in the kitchen looking at the mess that has been caused. The pregnant sister pops her head out with tears still rolling down her face "No one knows." Young Ji took the swag away from unnie and walked away "Thank You!" she said with a smile. Unnie just looked up with an expression of 'why would you do that' "Bora Hye I don't know what to do! Do something!" the eldest sister yells with confusion. "Here Jin Sae take some of my swag" unnie offers again but the younger takes her swag once.... again "Thank You" she said with a smile and goes to spend it on ribs because shes hungry. "I'M SORRY UNNIE" Jin Sae sobs uncontrollably mostly because of her mood swings.

"Woahhhhhhhhh" unnie grabs the maknae "No one touched my swag without my permission!" she said as her voice was filled with rage. She felt so mad that she took her swag that she had left and  her ribs."I'm so through you guys" and the sister in the corner gets up and walks towards her and her husbands bedroom with a straight wet face only to hear. "NUH UH! NO ONE TOUCHES THE MAKNAES FOOD!" and she pushes unnie, grabs the ribs and acts like gollum "my precioussssssssssss" that action earned a shocked face from the sister that was curently leaving. "Ewww Young Ji don't act like him and I'm making dinner now. Taehyung oppa come cook with me!" the more chilled sister said as her husband ran in the kitchen with his box smile. "Oh! What are we having?" he said with an eger face(just think whatever you want her to cook)

"That's it maknae time to teach you a lesson!! Lets do this." unnie said as she pulled out the BTS cannon. bts_1420712516_af_org.jpg (there's really no people used in the making of her cannon) "Yeah Young Ji-ah that's very no fun" Jin Sae responded not fazed by the cannon (wasn't big what so ever. It was able to fit in her pocket) "Taehyung, Bora Hye I really love you guys but you aren't helping with the evil maknae" unnie says as she's waiting for her little tall sister helps her.

"She never does" the pregnant sister says and motions her hand for her sister to put the weapon away. Unnie finally puts the cannon away when she remembers that Jin Sae didnt have any jamz to help her power it. Young Ji grabbed Jin Sae's collor "Youre not going anywhere not going anywhere Ms. I have no jamz but I have metabolism. And what are you gonna do Song Young Gamja" she had a very thuggish voice. We called her Monster Makenae anytime we saw this side of her because it was just too very rude. Jin Sae's face gets filled with worry and someomre tears "What?! What did I do?!" she reached out for her unnie "I NEED SOME HELP WAE because I'm about to be (whatever she's gonna do to me) and I have jamz Thank you Miss Maknae"

"So! What are you gonna do Song Young Gamja?" the maknae still has her hands on her sisters collor and no one is helping to the pregnant sister surprise so she tries to struggle her way out but gives up mostly because she's tired "I five up. No one can resist the maknae. She's so cute" Unnie decided to do something when she saw her sister fall for the maknae's cuteness (she's a er for cuteness so Jungkook and Young Ji use it to their advantage *evil face*)"Bora Hyeeee~ Hellpppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kinda maknae is this?!" she said with her hands now on her head with confusion running through her. "I AM NOT CUTE!" Young Ji yelled but then she took Jin Sae in the dark corner (no one knows why lights never shined there) and the pregnant sister screams in agony.

The maknae walks back into the light with only jamz on her hands. "I think she has DID but she remembers what she does.... When she wants to" the sister in the dark corner says but then relized that she saw her jamz on the floor(I don't hink anyone cleaned the other mess up) "I AM SO NOT OKAY! I'M REALLY IN TEARS!!! SHE'S BEING A CREEP! I'M GONNA GET ! I CAN'T EVEN HAVE ME AND JIMIN'S SON!" she screamed uncontrollably and hugged her not so big stomach. "All the jamz that I need to give my baby nutrients..... Is gone" those were the last words the pregnant sister said and she was silent after that.

Young Gamja was very scared, she had no idea what kind of maknae this was because this was not 'War of Hormones Maknae' and she attemps to retrieve the dead sister "Bora Hye help!" Young Ji turned back to normal for a second just to say "Okay first of all I am not a creep. Second of all I don't want to you ew. No. Girls have cooties too gosh" but then goes back to Monster Maknae after she's finshed "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Jin Sae heard what the maknae said and let out a small and very weak chuckle "Good bye cruel world/Maknaes..... I feel like Himchan when he lost his child in those fan fictions that i read"


"Fine....... But you did something" Jin Sae responed to the maknae and felt as she was slowly making her transition. " Jin Sae activate the BTS connan!!! We need the normal maknae back" unnie said, the slowly but surly dying girl felt like slapping her sister but didn't have the energey to. "I snapped your neck and revealed your organs cause you hate that. I cut you open with your jam jar." the maknae said but noticed that the girl was dead due to an alarm. "*BEEP BEEP BEEP* We're sorry but the person you are trying to contact is dead and will not be able to contact in another hour. If you would like to take the baby please hang up and dial this number again but add a 3 at the end.......... Good Bye" Unnie didn't know what to do "Ummmmmmm what is happening!!?!?!?!?" she dialed the number again and pressed 3 this time, waiting for the phone to pick up she heard the answering machine say "I will babysit for an hour" unnie didn't understand it but she just yes after waitin five seconds it responds with a 'thank you' and 'Good bye' unnie hung up the phone with a confused face and then slouched down, now sitting completely on her legs.

Jin Sae did die but her spirit still lives on.... Until then.

"Oh gosh Young Ji that's nasty. I'm so done with my family..... Everyday. Bora Hye I know know how you feel when your so done with me and Jimin" the spirit of Jin Sae said, she was no visible to whoever she made herself visible too. "YOU NEVER HAD A BABY!" Young Ji screamed at the spirit and unnie saw almost ghostly body but wasn't worried, she got up from the copse and walked over to her little sisters "Hello! Let's deal with the fact there is a monster maknae!" This made Young Ji turn back to normal "You know what... I don't think you guys can handle me. Bora Hye can't even handle it and shes in the family."

Jin Sae is able to talk but only for a certain period of time

Young Ji's comments made Jin Sae say soemthing in return "Yes it did. Jimin is my husband and my sons name is Chimin. He won't even get to see his mother cause she died. He's gonna be a sick baby cause he has no jamz to be healthy" after that the spirit went back to being dead. "Oh my gosh! I can't handle this child business!" so Young Ji sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the dead body. "Yes Young Gamja there are 3 of me now. Hormones, Monster, and gangster" once agian the spirit has something to say (as always) but htis time she just makes herself visible for unnie to see "No, but I can't do anything about it. I'm dead. Go get your boyfriend he'll know what to do. Really only only Tae and Jimin would but Jimin's wife is now dead and gone which he doesn't know about and Tae is cooking with his lovely wife" the spirit got so upset but the when she talked about how cute Tae and Bora Hye were she would coo at it. "I can't deal with this monster maknae!!!!!!!!!!" unnie said with a furious face and hands thrown up in the air. "Tell me about it. That's why I gave up a while ago." Jin Sae told unnie to never fight with the maknae's because it would only lead to a big mess. Unnie looks at the cooking couple to hopfully get some rocognition about the issue "I see what's happening. The maknae took the opportunity to attack though. The spirit finally reviles herself to the cooking wife who is no longer cooking because of all the commotion behind her "She is being EXTREMLY rude. She took me into a corner and took my jamz so now my baby Chimin can't be healthy and she snapped Unnie's neck and took a glass shard from my jamz jar to cut her open and she keeps threatenting people too. So I just stay dead and talk through my sprit world. I'm watching a drama so myhour is almost over and I'll come back to life." Unnie sighed after that long brief description of what happened "Do you not see the estruction that the maknae has caused?! Jin Sae is gone!" she yelled as she pointeed at the dead body still in the corner with jamz staining the floor. Young Ji decied to correct Jin Sae's statement "No no no I think you're confused Mrs. No Jamz. I snapped your neck and cut you open with the glass. Unnie is fine.... Well almost"

"Oh she'll be alright I have powers too you know" Bora Hye said as a matter of fact and this made all the others think. 'If she had powers that means I have powers too..... hmmmmm.'  "And little Maknae-" but before the cooking mama could finish her sentence she was cut off by the spririts furry "What?! Why?! What did I do to deserve this?!" she broke down in tears agian (I guess her mood swings nerver left when she died) "NO! NO! NO! NO MORE DONUTS! That's probably why this who thing started in the first place" mama yelled at the spirit as she tried to remember how all of this started. "Why does everyone have powers?!!!! Except me?" Unnie felt pretty left out'"Why not?! To late I'm eating them already! It's okay Unnie I don't have them either... They're on the floor" she said as the spirit got spirit donuts. "You don't need powers, you have swag" mama said to unnie as she put a hand on her back. "Only me, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jungkook and Bora Hye have powers. Well I have mpd so I'm not sure if that's powers but it might be" Young Ji added in but the spirit got mad once again "APPERENTLY I DON'T CAUSE I WAS KILLED" she lashed out "Oh here Jin Sae: a revival and a alien force field with emergency supply of 20 V & Bora Hye jamz" mama gave her little spirit some special alien jamz so she could heal faster "I never said you were dead. I just said you were in a lot of pain. I never said I killed you" the makne added. "But you snapped my been and gutted me with glass. Tell me how am I not dead... AND YOU TOOK MY JAMS! No Taehyung this is not the time to smile!" Taehyung flashed his signature smile at whoever was the sixth voice in the room(Jin Sae doesn't make herself visible to the alien, he might become obsessed with her) but after he couldn't find the persons voice so his smile dissapeared and went back to cook by himself.

Unnie was now confused about everything that was going on "I don't even know what's happening anymore" she said as she threw her arms up in the air once again popping a swqat next to the maknae. "But I just helped" mama felt offended and spirit didn't want her to feel bad (she'd never help again) "Thanks but my time still isn't up yet. I'll gladly tae your alienated jamz but I'm stil dead. Just leave'em near my body" mama walked over to the corspe and placed the jamz and force field. As soon as mama was about to get up from doing what she currently doing, Young Ji being the rude yet cute and inncocent maknae she is took Jin Sae's(Bora Hye and V's) jamz from the immobile body. This problem led to the little tall spirirt come running back from recovering to break down in tears sitting next to her body in despair "Noooooo why does this happen to me?! Eomma!" she kept sobbing thrying to find out why is it that Jimin and her jamz are always getting taken by the maknaes. "Young Ji who's jams did you just take" mama Bora Hye said with a curious face with hands crossed on her chest. "The ones you took" and as soon as the maknae asnwered with a straight face Young Gamja was so~ through with everything "Are you back to normal yet" but suddenly mama processed what the maknae said "NO! That is unacceptable! Those jams were a present" with anger and pity she yelled at the maknae pointing her finger at her stating what she did was wrong. "No she took me jamz, then unnie's jamz/swag and then she took yours" the spirit stated to make clear throughing in "Ahhhhhh Bora Hye is angry... This is so new. Yes, little maknae that's very unacceptable" little spirit was baffled about mama yelling. "Ohhhhhhh Young Ji your're in trouble" unnie said as she remembered what Jin Sae does everytime she hears the word trouble "It's gonna get you in trouble~ Oh." she sung in Namjoon and Seokjin's voice.

"I don't care. She was rubbing her donuts and metabolism in my face. It's only fair." little maknae defended herself as she pointed at the spirit who was slowly but surely becoming translucent.

"Was Not!" spirit said to defend herself with hands crossed looking the other way, eyes closed.

"Was too!" the bickering didn't stop between the two until mama spoke. "Young Ji you've been very bad.... Are you jealous of Jin Sae?" she questioned as she only listened to half of their argument. The spirit sniffles and she tries to aegyo but fails ( she was told she her and Jimin could't aegyo but they can only be cute when they aren't trying) "I think she's jealous of my jamz" the maknae gaps and rolls her eyes at the comment "I'm not jealous of your jamz. I don't need them." she said as she rolled her eyes "I think your are" little spirit said. "Then give them back!" mama yelled for the comment the maknae said and in response got a "make..... me....." with a devilish smirk and raised brow.

"Okay.... Well just so everyone knows. Jin Sae was surrounded by a force field. And my jamz are self destructing if they get in the wrong hands" mama said with her hands crossed to make herself look sassy (She can be sassy when she wants) "On the contrary. So what you mean is that Mrs. No jamz is dead. Cause she had them first and she isn't supposed to have jamz, as you said before. So really. No jamz is dead. And her guts didn't slpatter anywhere because of the force field. Good Job mama" maknae clearified and high fived mama just cause she put up a force field. "Noooo~ I can have jamz I just can't have Hope. There shall be high fiving here!" spirit felt offened from the maknae's words (as always). "You can't have peace without war" mama said her words of wisdom that made the sprirt think negative (she likes to find the opposite of certain things"Yes you can".

"Jin Sae unnie are you not at all concerned that mama blew you up" the maknae never addsin 'Unnie' unless she's trying to make her unnie think. "Guys let's make peace" unnie says as she finally jumps in after all the conflict. "If there wasn't war, there would be no need to make peace because there is always continuous peace. And Young Ji you took the jamz that blew up. If you would have left them alone, they would have been with Jin Sae and not blown up" mama said as a matter of fact. "Oh how nice that would be. And she didn't blow me up cause I never touched them, they were near my body, I can't pick things up when I'm dead" Jin Sae said as she noticed herself getting a little solid 'hmm maybe I can pick things up.... but I know I didn't touch them' she said to herself with a small smile. "Guys stop and make up now!!" unnie said "I'm fine and my time is almost up so I can go back to by body soon" the almost solid spirit said with so much joy in her voice (she hated being away from her body. Stuff always changed and she would have to get used to it with was a bother).

*Monster Maknae compresses explotion and fires it back at mama* (she thinks it's gonna work) "I think not..... My force field has been up this whole time as a precaution Young Ji" mama said with a 'really' face. "I feel so safe" little spirirt says with tears whealing in her eyes.  "Has this really turned into a pokemon battle" unnie commented and earned 'really' faces from the two youngest "besides if the maknae would stop bullying everyone, this would have never happened" mama said because she never said it before. "Jin Sae started it!" the maknae pointed her finger at the spirit and shouted "Okay........ Jin Sae what did you do" mama asked with her arms crossed, one brow up and one leg bent to give her some leaning affect. "Oh My Gosh for serious?!" unnie was baffled at the maknae's comment. Young Ji started showing evidence of Jin Sae eating donuts adding in "Rubbed her donuts and metabolism IN MY FACE!" and unnie was shocked that she had evidence.

"All she was doing was eating donuts" mama said as she didn't get the reason why she felt so offended.

"And she made it clear that she could eat an entire box of donuts and not exercise and not be fat. *insert crying face* Why is this my life... *insert more crying faces* I didn't put the rest of the combo cause I'm lazy but Unnie was there" the maknae cried a little.

"Hm. Well, everyone's body is different. That's a fact. And it's alright. Being able to eat a whole box of donuts is not good or healthy for you" mama said as she went to hug the little crying maknae in her arms.

Mama saw Jin Sae's face turn and she knew she felt bad. "See Jin Sae is sorry" but the maknae only said to get out as she muffled her words and continued to cry on Bora Hye. Jin Sae became compeletly solid and picked up her stuffed chickens that belonged to her and Jimin only (and soon Chimin) and put them up to her pouted face "Where did you even get those" the tearing maknae said as she looked at Jin Sae with a confused face. "Jin Sae no" unnie said as she face palmed herself and let out a sigh "I had them with me to keep my child safe and happy. She likes it when I hav'em by my side" Jin Sae said with a smile. The maknae ended up taking one of the two chikens from her and threw them somwhere out of the kitchen and left. Dinner was finally finished and Taehyung called everyone for dinner but saw the maknae gone, Jin Sae with only one of her and Jimin's favorite stuffed chicken's and a shocked face in her hand while his wife and Young Gamja sighing with heads shaking. He pouted his face as he went over to his loving wife and asked what's wrong with everyone and got a simple answer "The maknae pushed Jin Sae's jamz on the floor again" and pointed a finger at the mess where the body was no longer there. "Oh" was all Taehyung could say and set the table for only Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Bora Hye, Young Gamja and a side plate for Young Ji ans Jin Sae. Jin Sae went out side the kitchen to find her other chicken (she didn't bother to greet Jimin when he went ot her) and Young Ji went to sleep even though she didn't have food to eat. After everyone settled down and went to bed the problem with Jin Sae's jamz being spilled still wasn't recovered.

The moral of the story is:

Wise Words From The Maknae or WWFTM "Jimin and Jin Sae don't deserve jamz"

A Moment With Jin Sae "One does not fight with the maknae when you know you can't win"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hello little Songbird here :)

I took all of this from a text message that me and my friends were doing so some of it may not seem like sence but you should get what happens just by the title.

This is my first one shot and I hope you like. Please leave comments I would really appreciate that :)

Have a Good Morning/Night/Evening

Come with me again on another Songbird adventure

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MinsulAddict12 #1
Chapter 1: i"m crying this is hilarious !!! thx