breath taken away


One morning, key woke up to a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. As he walked to his oh so pretious kitchen, he heard people yelling. It sounded like it was coming from taemin's Minho's room. He kept walking down the hallway until he got to a slitely open door. 

He didn't want to disturb anybody, but he really wanted to know who was fighting and why. He knocked on the door and everything went silent.

"Minho?" he whispered while entering the room slowly. "Are you ok? What's going on?"

Minho walked to the door. Key backed up a little, hoping the rapper wasn't mad.

"Can i help you?" Minho said in a grumpy way.

"Why are you screaming? It's 8:00am." key tried not to speak to loud incase the others were somehow still sleeping.

"I'm sorry hyung, me and Taemin are playing video games... we'll try to keep it down." he said in an appologetic voice.

"Taemin is already up?" key asked while yawning.

"yeah, he's bin up for almost 2 hours now" minho simply replied."You look tired, you should go back to bed" Minho's eyes widened as he noticed key's feline eye's glaring at him. He quickly shut the door and ran to his seat beside taemin to finish they're game.

"How am i gonna sleep with those two idiots screaming" key whispered in an annoyed voice.


After a few hours of hearing more and more screaming, key finally got some sleep. 2 Hours after that it was 11:00 and key woke up to 4 hungry boys shaking him, teling him to wake up. "what do you want! let me sleep!" he yelled while trying to get they're hands off of him. "But we're hungry umma!!!" taemin said while pouting is lips.

"make your own food" key groaned and put the blanked over his head.

"but we don't know how to cook. you precious kitchen will probably turn into ashes if we try" jonghyun simply said.

"Ugh!, its like living with 5 year olds!" key finally got up walked to the door before slamming it shut he stuck out his tongue to the 4 hungry boys.

"Umma can be so mean sometimes!" Taemin looked at the 3 other boys who were  starring at the door. "what are you guys looking at?"

"well it's nice to finally get the chance to wake key up, he usually wakes us up. he's probably really mad... maybe we could go help him" the leader said, still staring at the door.

"YEAH! thats a great idea!!!" taemin yelled in they're ears so they would stop staring at the door.

sorry that it's so short, ill try to make chapter 2 longer


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Chapter 1: hahahaha... it's so funny. i like the way key nagging. the real umma :D
can't wait for the next chapter