VIXX Dolls


A mysterious package arrives at Hakyeon's door.  He was not prepared for what was inside.



Summary: A mysterious package arrives at Hakyeon's door, and he opens it to find 5 little human doll/figurines! What will he do when they come to life and terrorize him?
Pairings: None really; OT6, I guess? (though I ship Neo super hard so if that pops up I apologize because I didn't mean to LOL)

Rating: G? Probably
Genre: Comedy, Crack, Mini VIXX AU?
Disclaimer: I don't own VIXX, and the idea behind the story is loosely based off of the "Mini Luhan Owner Manual" thing, but other than them arriving in a box and having a manual, nothing else is really like that, haha. Any likenesses to any other fics is entirely coincidence and not intended!



A/N: So there's a Ficathon going on over on livejournal in honor of VIXX's 3rd anniversary, and I've been posting prompts and filling them (both on and off anon), and... well... a fic happened LOL I thought i'd go ahead and post it here and maybe continue it??? I know I need to keep working on my Hanjoo fic (and I am, just slowly because i'm having some writer's block with that one) but I figured i'd go ahead 8'D Probably won't update this for a bit till I get the next chapter of my Hanjoo fic done, but we shall see!

Here's a link to the original prompt and my comments for those who are curious!

Enjoy <3


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kpoplover9258 #1
Chapter 2: This is so cute! I love it so much. Please come back to this soon
Chapter 2: Ahhhh...authornim, this story is so good, the tiny vixx dolls makes everything seems out of place but fun, Like it much authornim, please update soon, keep writing authornim^^ and I'll be supporting, hwaiting^^9
chaglutinous #3
Chapter 1: Omg this is just too cute ahahahaha so cuuutteeeeeeeeee ooommmgggg^^ thank you for writing this! Fighting! Aha
Chapter 2: Woohoo! There's a second chapter now! ^^ Thank you so much for that, I just love this, it's so adorable. :3
chaglutinous #5
Chapter 1: I just want more hahahaha
Chapter 1: Hi! I love this. That is all. :3