I did it for a reason....

Please...look at me [GIF FIC]

Mr. Choi!

Clearly their teacher was not happy. He pointed them out off the class.


In detention;

My hair is so fluffy. He said while playing with it.

She was looking out the window of the detention room. Clearly she was angry. Then her eyes got teary.

Are you okay? he asked worriedly

She didn't say anything. Nor even look at him.

He faced her

Hey. Smile.

She smiled a bit, a sincere one.

You're pretty when you smile.

 Suddenly he blurted.

That compliment made her blushed. 

"Why are you like this?!" She said frustratedly.

No..why are YOU like this?! he immitated her.

Is it because the fact that I liked you? she said shyly.


His eyes sparkled as he moved closer.

She moved back a bit..

"I t..t..thought you k..k..knew."

No! No I did not know that!

He was hyped! 

She ducked down the table, and squealed frustratedly. "Curse my mouth!"

Taemin looked at her action and giggled.

Ehem...so you like me?

"Yeah, don't you?" she asked.


"What makes you think so?"

'Isn't that what mostly boys do to get the girl's attention?'

"Ohh..about that..."

"Why? was I wrong?" 

"Great! Just perfect! Now I'm a complete dork." she snorted

"Nope." he said as he rested on his arm.

You're right, I like you too...



Okay, so not as good as my other gif fics, but I just had to do a Taemin one. Sorry if it's lame :(

Anyway, enjoy!~

Comments and critics and oppinions are hoped and wanted :D

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Chapter 2: if this wasn´t posted such a long time ago, you have used all the gifs from WGM Taeun COUPLE <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
how cool! a gif fic~ awesomee!!!^^
Therealsin99 #3
I love the gifs. It looks pretty cool, but can you lengthen your next story? :D
LOL at Taemin's face in the first gif on Chapter 2! xD
MushroomMint #5
that was actually adorable :3 love the gifs you picked :)
JueJue997 #6
Awwww~~ xDDD
woohyunism #7
This is adorable.Just adorable.
Lol, whut? I do not understand -..-
What exactly is on Taemin's face? It gave me goose bumps when I saw this and was thinking "WTH!?!?STONES IN HIS FACE!?" Seriously which show is that, if its even in the show.
Aww it was soooooooooo CUTE !!!! ( can't stop fangirling over this)