Chapter 1





Jimin pushed further, pulling himself up and taking himself down momentarily before repeating the cycle. He persevered on working for the perfect body, burning his energy through the multiple tactics on earning the ideal body. He huffed, shaking his head at the amount of working out he did; it wasn't enough, he had to do more, he had to take the fat off of his thighs and replace them with muscle, he had to change his stomach into something the girls would scream at. He had to do it. 

Jimin's thighs burned with an agressive passion, pumping the blood through his veins, pushing his determination further into the dance. His breaths came out in short puffs as he struggled to keep up with the speed of s. There were a few more seconds, just a few more intense moves, til the dance had ended. Once it had, Jimin dropped to the floor, clutching his ribs as he finally swallowed the breaths of air he'd struggled to catch before. The members gathered around Jimin's body as he fell onto his back, clutching onto his shirt as he struggled breathing once more. Soon everything turned black. 

When Jimin's eyes opened he saw Taehyung's hands frantically moving back and forward, he then watched Jin pull him out of the way as the Manager took Taehyung's place. Jimin was sat up, he felt multiple hands on his back, some patting and some rubbing. Jimin heaved a couple times before the manager retrieved a bucket for Jimin to use, and he did so. Namjoon's deep voice was heard, but it sounded as though Jimin was under water, he couldn't hear him very well, everything was muffled apart from the sound of his own heaving. His throat felt raw. Tears leaked from the corner of his eyes, and he didn't stop them either. Soon Jimin's sobs filled the room and everything turned black again. 

Hours passed and Jimin opened his eyes. The room was familliar, it was the manager's room. Jimin breathed heavily through his nose, realising that his throat didn't feel as sore as it did hours before. But what Jimin didn't notice was the figure of Namjoon hunched over the chair nestled in the corner of the room, yet when he did he choked on his spit which  alerted the leader. Namjoon's complexion was uneven, his tears had created lines where the makeup had been wiped off and his eyes were surrounded by smudged eyeliner. Namjoon grabbed the wipes from the bedside table and cleansed his face before greeting the younger boy. 

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon finally asked. "Do you want water?" Jimin nodded. Namjoon moved towards the door, opening it slightly. "Hyung, can you get him some water, he just woke up." 

As soon as Namjoon had said that, shouting filled the dorms. The door opened revealing Yoongi with a glass of water, his face was bare with an ecpression of worry etched across his soft features. "Here." his deep voice filled the room, "Drink that and there's some medicine in this bag, ok?" he said, dropping the bag onto the bedside table. "Feel better quickly and don't scare us like that again, Jiminnie." 

Jimin took a sip of the cold water, settling the dry feeling that resided no more. "Thanks, hyung." 

"Take care." Yoongi said, tapping his thigh and moving towards the door. "Make sure you look after him, Namjoon-ah. I have too much work to do and the manager won't let me off." 

"Ok, hyung, I will." Namjoon answered, shutting the door softly and looking at Jimin. "Are you hurt anywhere? When you fell you took a hit to your thigh, do you want some pain killers?" Jimin nodded.

It wasn't that he couldn't speak, he just didn't want to. Not after what his hyung's had witnessed, he was too embarrased. Namjoon sensed Jimin's embarrassment as the younger's eyes moved like an earthquake, they never settled on the leader, they settled upon the objects beside him. Namjoon left Jimin to his thoughts, telling him that if he needed anything he'd be a phone call away. 

Jimin layed back and sighed, finally letting his body rest after constant torture. He couldn't carry on this way, he couldn't bare to put his body through the ripping feeling of his muscles being torn apart. Yet, despite thinking this way, he thought that his body could still do with a little more tinkering. Jimin began deciding against the idea of ripping himself apart and by doing it gradually and slowly, but he didn't want things to be done slowly. Groaning, Jimin closed his eyes and cringed at the pain in his head. He was going to explode if he kept acting this way. 
The door knocked and was cracked open. It had been several hours since Yoongi had came in and placed the medicine on the bedside table. Yoongi nodded his head and sat down on the chair Namjoon was sitting at before. Jimin could hear Yoongi sigh before he spoke.

"Is there a reason why you were stressing yourself more than needs be?" Yoongi questioned, pushing his black hair out of his face and keeping it back by wearing his snapback. 

Jimin sighed. "I always act like this when it's this close to a comeback, hyung, you know that." 
Yoongi shook his head and sat up, "You don't, and even you know that." Everything was quiet for a few minutes til Yoongi his lips and spoke up once more. "Is it your weight?" he asked quietly. 


"It is? Why? Your figure is probably the most defined and idealistic figure of the group. You don't have firm muscles of a main dancer for nothing do you? It's not like you can lose those features of yours seeing as though you excercise on stage for a living, right?" Yoongi said, "Why are you worrying so much, Jimin? You've achieved the perfect figure you wished to achieve within five months of working hard and keeping on track with a constant diet, you managed this four months ago. You're working too hard and soon you'll burn out, you know."
Yoongi's name was shouted from somewhere within the dorm. Yoongi groaned and sat up, "Think about it, seriously. If I see you on the floor crying one more time, Jimin, watch what I'll do." he warned, shutting the door behind him. 

Jimin sat up and popped the pain killers into his mouth and quickly downed the glass of water. He sighed, leaning forward on his thighs and ran a hand through his hair, slightly pulling at the strands, he felt so stupid. He knew that Yoongi always spoke the truth, that he was the voice of reason that demanded to be listened to or else you'd be mistaken not to, he knew that already. It's tough manipulating your thoughts forcefully because they were proven wrong, but when you've worked yourself into the mind-set it's hard to stop. Jimin groaned at his thoughts once more. 

Jimin stood up, removing the sticky shirt from his body and replacing it with a sweatshirt - one of Taehyung's. He breathed in and out to calm himself down before opening the door and walking out. There were faint noises of the TV playing a film in the dorm livingroom, where majority of the boys had probably stayed whilst Namjoon and Yoongi constantly checked up on him. Suddenly the TV was turned off and someone began speaking. 

"It's his weight." Jimin heard Yoongi say. "He's worried about his weight because he knows he'll have to pull up his shirt in the choreography." 

Someone sighed before answering, "His body is cool, though." Jeongguk said. 

"That's what I told him, his body is the best out of us all." said Yoongi. 

"I thought we helped him out last time though." said Namjoon, "We got him on a diet that he was pleased with, he was fine wasn't he?" 

"Mmmmm." Yoongi hummed. 

"How is he now?" Jin asked. 

"From when I was in there a few minutes ago, he seemed ok. A little distant and hesitant, but he seemed way better than  before." Yoongi answered. 

"That was scary." Hoseok spoke up, "Seeing him collapse twice and cry like that, I never want to see it again. Especially not from Jimin." Taehyung murmured his agreement. "He wasn't crying when you went in was he Namjoon?"

"No." Namjoon answered, "He wanted a drink after throwing up so much, I can only imagine how sore it was." 

"Ah." Taehyung sighed. "Is hyung going to be ok now, though?" 

"I hope so." Yoongi said, "I really do. Maybe we can call Manager hyung and tell him that we're removing the shirt part from the performance, Jimin's under too much stress for his body when there's nothing to stress over but there's no saying that anything will change his mind." Jimin heard footsteps walking further away from where he was standing. Yoongi possibly stepped out into the hall to call the manager. 

"He was crying earlier." Namjoon spoke up. Jimin frowned, no he wasn- 

"Yoongi hyung?!" Hoseok asked, startled. 

"Yeah. When he left Manager hyung's room he was wiping his eyes. You know how much he cares for Jimin and it's killing him seeing him like that." Namjoon sighed. "I know it hurts us all too, but somehow it hurts him more."
Jimin stepped back, unable to hear any more. He walked past all of the boys who stopped to stare at Jimin and made his way out into the hall. Yoongi was leant up against a wall with his phone glued to his ear, reasoning with the manager to remove the shirt scene from the choreography. Yoongi looked up at Jimin and frowned. The phone call ended shortly. 

"Why are you out of bed?" Yoongi questioned. 

"I heard you cried, hyung." Jimin said. 
Yoongi sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Namjoon tell you?" 

"I overheard, hyung." Jimin said, walking towards his older friend. 

Yoongi tutted and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling Jimin into his embrace. "I really hate you for making me cry, Jiminnie." he muttered, squeezing him, wrapping his other arm around Jimin to lock him into his embrace. "You ." 

Jimin burst out laughing into his hyung's shoulder. 



This was just a little something I'd had saved in my old computer, so I tweeked it a little bit and decided to give you all something to read as Wasted won't be updated til next week (that's how I'm planning to update the fic. Every monday I'll release another chapter.) If there are more one shots you want written of whichever pairing you prefer then please just comment below. And just to say, I'm not sure if it will surprise you or not, BTS are my ult group and yoonmin is my ult otp. I just really like banghim and so I decided to write a fic on them for a change. 


Remember, whatever group whatever otp, I'll do it! <3

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MssKimWoo #1
Chapter 1: I almost screamed this is so cute and heart warming
Randomnezz #2
Chapter 1: that was so nice!
Chapter 1: :')
Loved it. can u do more yoonmin pls?
bikathraumer #4
Chapter 1: That was heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. I LOVE IT.