Give me one day...

Just One Day

“We need to break up.” She turned her back at him, letting her tears fall down

“Why?” Jin said, catching his breath

“I just- Let’s just end this.” She looked at him with painful expression. Yoona can’t bear the pain seeing Luhan devastated. She never thought it would come to this. The past 2 years were unexplainable. They were unseparable.

“Tell me why? Please.” He said, begging down on his knees, holding her close.

“I’m moving to the states, Jin. And I don’t think I can do long distant relationship. I’m sorry.”

Upon hearing this, Jin’s heart broke with his hope and dreams. “Is that it? You’re leaving me?” He said, searching for an answer

Yoona fell silent. She knew if she answered that she can’t be able to stop her tears anymore.

“When are you going?”  He asked

“Next week. I’m sorry.”

And at that moment, Yoona turned and walked away, not caring to look back at Jin. It pained her to take every step away from him. She was used to Jin carrying her problems but now she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders the moment she turned away.

2 days before moving

Jin let go of his pride and knocked on Yoona’s door.

Jin? I’m sorry but Yoona’s out.” Mr. Choi said, holding a box with pictures of Yoona.

“Oh okay. Thank you.”

“And uhm…Jin. I’m sorry for everything.” Mr. Choi added .Jin can only smile at him. The pain didn’t leave him.

He searched for Yoona. He searched everywhere he knew that she would go. And then he rememebers the place where they first met, maybe…just maybe she was there, waiting for someone…for him. He went straight to the playground. And he was right. In front of him, huddled up in the swings was the one he was been looking for. Carefully, he walked closer to her and sat down next to her. Looking towards the sun setting, both of them didn’t utter a single word nor recognizing each presence.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“You.” Just one word that came out of his mouth made Yoona’s heart beat fast.

“Go away.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.” He sighed. “Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore. You don’t need me in your life and these past two years of us are just nothing to you.”

Yoona paused, silently debating in her mind. “I just…I can’t”


“Because… I still- I still and will love you, Jin. But we can’t be. I don’t want you to keep you to myself when I am leaving you Jin. I am being selfish if- if I do that.” She said, looking at the gound as tears began to form on her eyes.

“Then be selfish. I don’t care. Be selfish. For once, please be selfish. I can’t unlove you that easily. I need you, Yoona.” Luhan held Yoona to his chest tightly.

“I can’t, Jin. I’m sorry. But I can’t” She said, pushing Jin away from her.

“Then just give me one day to be with you. Just 24 hours to go back before all of this. Just one whole day to be selfish.” Jin poured all his strength to keep his voice together. “Please. Just one day. And after that, I won’t be asking anymore. I will force myself to forget you. Just give me one day.”


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foreverlovingkris #1
Chapter 2: cute!♡ I thought Jin gonna engaged her HAHAHA. Thanks for writing such cute story of jin♡
Chapter 2: Jin and Luhan? This a little confusing,
kokowawa #3
Great storyyyy
kokowawa #4
Great storyyyy