--- Three ;

Goodbye Letters


optional ; 8eight - The end is near (ee byul ee ohn da 이별이 온다.)


"Here lies, our beautiful, daughter, sister, cousin, kid, idol, aunt, grandma, or mother and anything that we wished for her to be, or have become." The priest started off as I stood there silently.

"We wish her well, in a new place which will grant her happiness, where she will no longer be hurt, where she will no longer, feel unhappiness--"

"She didn't feel unhappiness in here." I blurted out, not knowing what else to say as Wooyoung nudged me for me to stay still as the priest coughed.

"--Anyways, we wish ______ Jang, the most amazing here, lastly in earth, before we painfully, and sadly, bring her to heaven. Even if we know that it'll hurt all of us, we're happy to have her, had her, in earth with us today." The priest continued on.

"Any last words, from a dedicated person, before we bring _______ Jang to heaven, where she belongs to now?"

"I would like to say something, behalf of my sister." Wooyoung raised his hands, as he stood up and walked towards the stage as the priest smiled and bowed as he walked to the side.

"_______ Jang, was my sister. She was 3 years younger than me, but she was the best little sister I had ever, or will ever have. Even though she was young, annoying, mean, aggressive, and just everything a little sibling does to you, I never regretted having her in my life. She made me laugh a lot of times, and she taught me everything I needed to know in life, and I thought I was the old one here!" Wooyoung let out a small laugh.

"Ha, and--," Wooyoung started choking on his tears, as he paused and wiped them off.

"She was a beautiful girl, beautiful, strong, healthy, and just a lively girl. Everyone would want to be friends with her, and for people who didn't know her, that was the type of girl she was. She made everyone smile and--, felt loved. My sister--, I know, I'm going to miss her terribly, to know that she went through a hard time, with my parents and just-, working, for everything, I should be the one going, but instead, my sister did. I guess I blame myself for everything, her loss, that I made her work too much at a young age, and you could all blame me, I can take the blame. But even though, I do and I am mad at this, this whole thing happening, I guess it's for the best, for her to leave this cruel world, and live more happily in heaven. Thank you God, for having me live 18 years, with the best girl in my life. If I were to be born again, I would love to have her as my sister again, and to meet her all over again, to love her. I love you, ______ Jang, you'll be missed, deadly." Wooyoung ended as everyone clapped for his bravery as he walked down.

I walked towards him as he hugged me tightly as he cried through and soaked my black tuxedo shoulders as I patted his back as he cried harder.

"Would anyone else like to say some few words?" The priest went on as I hesistated, and raised my hands as he bowed and nodded as I patted Wooyoung once more and walked towards the stage.

"--Ahem, is this on?" I tested, trying to be brave and not break down.

"Hi. Many of you, may not know me, but I'm Yun Doojoon, Jang ______'s boyfriend since she was 15. To be honest, most of the people here, wouldn't believe me when I say that I'm in love with her, or had been crazy about her. Many of you would tell me that I'm too young to fall in love, or too young to know anything about love, or what it is like for your heart to actually break, or have your lover away from you. But I know that feeling--, I know it a lot. We may have been young, and we have may not known what love has been, but it taught us so much. The way she smiled, laughed, ate, giggled, just everything made me more crazy about her when I fell asleep as I dreamed about her. You guys could still judge me, I don't know love. Yeah, I don't. But if this--," I clenched my teeth as I pounded my heart.

"--If this breaking feeling in my heart, is not love, what the hell is it? If this hurting in my heart, the way I will never see her again in my life, what the hell is that? If anyone knows, please tell me. Because this damn heart won't heal as fast as I thought. Just watching the love of my life laying down on a cold white mattress for few months made me want to die. I thought that--, I won't be able to see her smile anymore, her smile that woke me up in the morning, it won't be the same anymore." I stopped before looking over at Wooyoung who was still crying.

"But, to love someone, is to let them go. And I am willing on letting her go, because I love her--, and I know she's safe and happy in where she lives, and she will be watching over me, over you, over us. She will be missed and loved. Like Wooyoung said, if I was born again, I would want to meet her, and Wooyoung again, and this time, I wouldn't let anything happen to her. To her, my love. I love you, ______. Be happy." I ended as I heard clapping down the stage as I walked to Wooyoung.

"You--, okay?" I whispered as he shook his head and looked me as he patted my cheek.

"Are you--, okay?" He asked as I shook my head too and this time, my everything began crumbling down.

I hugged Wooyoung tightly, embracing him as I cried on his shoulders.

"I miss her Wooyoung, I miss her so much." I sobbed as he nodded and gave out a faded smile as he patted my back.

"We all miss her." He replied as I saw couple of men holding onto my love's body as they headed outside.

I walked outisde along side of Wooyoung as it was raining, and the rain damped her stone, her writings.

'R.I.P; ______ Jang. Daughter of none, sister of Jang Wooyoung, lover of Yun Doojoon. You will be missed.'

Everyone cried behind me, as I wiped of my tears and the rain that hit my face as I stared at the stone.

I walked to it, as I wiped it with my jacket sleeve as I sniffed in sadness.

"_______, I love you." I whispered as I stared down at it as I dropped my white flower on the hill as I blew a kiss at her.

I stared at her picture, as it smiled at me, the same smile she would give me as I looked at her.

Crying once more, I wiped off my tears as I saw the white flower, getting wetted as her face still smiled gleamingly.

I kneeled down as I touched the picture as I smiled once more, before whispering towardes her.

"--You will be missed."


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BABYgiraffe #1
Awwwwwwwwwww ;A;
ZhangAoeka #2
oh ma gawd.... poor doojoonie~<br />
i cried so much, my eyes are getting swollen..<br />
but that's okay cause it's so beautiful & yet is so sad..<br />
thank you for writing this <3
SO CUTEEEE >_<<br />
(Y) great job!
ohmigod. <br />
What a nice story. I LOVED IT.<br />
It was really beautiful. In a sad way, of course.<br />
This is really good.<br />
GOOD WORK!!*standing ovation*<br />
xxjustkiddingxx: Awwwh, thanks ! (: Thanks for reading ! <br />
badlover : Awwh, I'm sorry I made you cry ! ): Hope you enjoyed though ! <br />
Forever_ss501 : thank you ! ;D
Forever_SS501 #7
omg this is a good story.....
nyc story! i cried a lot!! :(( oh...poor doojoon
Xxjustkidingxx : yes ! My first commenter on here (:<br />
Thanks & I will !(: thanks for reading & commenting !