And you think it's the end of the world. [Diary Excerpt]

matsu-hyung's journal of weird stuff

And you think it's the end of the world. (2009)



  • Nameless fictionals


  • Part 1/1
  • Finished



If someone asked me why I do the things I do, I'd tell them it's because I'm in love with the wrong person. I'm well aware of the fact that I'm weird because of the way I contradict myself, but that's not the only reason. It's who I'm in love with that makes me weird.

I'm watching this girl that standing not too far from me. She isn't moving much and her eyes are wide and brown and she's looking right at me. Her whole body is facing me and she's playing with some strands of her wavy brown hair. It matches her eyes. And then I notice the circles around her eyes. She looks tired and the fact that she isn't wearing any make up makes her complexion look pale. Her left brow is furrowed and as I watch her I notice that she's biting her lip, holding something she was thinking back.

"Stop looking at yourself and get ready for work." I hear.

"Fine." The girl and I both answer. I gasp and touch the girl painted over the glass.

"Idiot." we mutter.


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Oh you changed the name of the journal! I will forever remember dusty roses!
Chapter 18: Yay! I love your recent poems, but the last two are so sad :(
aplusjagiya #3
Oh my god. I have only every wanted a deathnote fic. Thats not true but still. Im begging you to continue it.
You updated !!
I creep too much on you. o u o;;;
12| Sad, cute, and romantic. <3
11| I must have bothered you with mentioning my boyfriend but this is SO me when I see him on Fridays.<3
I miss that fool and his silliness. ^ 3 ^
10| Reminds me of my novio although he has no cellphone.
He'll ignore me at times and I'm like asgdkdvsk: what did I do wrong?!
9| . </3 A guy's done this to me before.
He was so...alluring and he just dissappeared. It took me so darn long to get over him!
8| My boyfriend sent me a note telling me "it's over" last year. It but it's nothing near this. I'm sort of glad he broke up with me through a note.

We got back together anyway, LOL. <3