Chapter 5


Chapter 5

Day 1, Morning


You grinned. "Ignorant." You leaped backwards and sprinted out of the infirmary back to your classroom. Chanyeol reached out one hand to try to catch you but only heard a clank as he realized that you had made a pair of ice handcuffs and chained him to the bed pole. You ran to your classroom not stopping once laughing along the way at the thought of the nurse finding Chanyeol in that state. You reached the door and skipped in happily seeing that it was the break time for the class.

"Look at her all better." Luhan cheered.

"You were pretty bad earlier you didn't even talk and just walked to the infirmary by yourself and fell asleep on one of he beds." Sehun chuckled.

By myself ??? You spun around and came face to face with ... Park... Chanyeol ??? 


What ??? WWHHHAATT ??? You stared with your mouth wide open at the annoying, grinning yoda. You were about to confront him when he bolted up straight in his chair and marched out of the classroom. You too leaped out of your seat and chased after him ignoring Sehun's calls after you. The hallway seemed somewhat darker than usual as you chased after the 183 cm figure who was walking creepily like a demon, swaying side to side with clumsy steps. The height and length of his limbs definitely did not help. You wanted to end it as soon as possible as you sped up and grabbed his waist. Clinging your arms around him tightly so he could not get away. 

"HA ! I got you ! How -" You begin.

You watched in absolute horror as the man in your grip begin melting in your arms. Melting into shadows on the ground. You gasped controlling yourself from screaming as you threw the heavy mounds of um ... Park Chanyeol on the ground watching it eat him up.  You took a few steps backwards ready to run but felt your back hit against someone else. A strong arm wraps around you as the other clammed it's hand over your mouth. You struggle aimlessly and look up to try and see the face of the person or thing you were fighting against. 


EXACTLY HOW MANY OF HIM ARE THERE ??? The familiar low-pitched chuckle haunts you as you struggle even more.

"Aish, I'm kicking myself for falling for your charms earlier. Thankfully I got my revenge. You totally fell for my clone. However, I need to repay you for the wonderfully tight cuff that you left me in earlier. It hurt a lot. Exactly how shall I go about doing that ?" You hear him taunt in a sultry voice that made you want to gag.

As you continue struggling in his hold your eye is caught by a single glowing snowflake as it floats past you. Hearing the familiar jingle that you have heard so many times you smirk under Chanyeol's hand knowing very well what was coming next. 

"AHK !" You here Chanyeol yell in pain as a sharp blast of frost hits his spine causing his body to freeze over.

A light gust of wind blows by and carries you out of Chanyeol's grasp and into the safe and firm arms of none other than Sehun. You smile happily as you watch Xiumin thaw Chanyeol slightly so that he won't freeze. Luhan whose power is telekinesis slowly lifts Chanyeol off the ground and back to the classroom.

"Everyone OUT." D.O orders, sending all the Lower Tier Angels scrambling out of the room. 

You are taken out off Sehun's hold and placed gently in between the two "Mom's" of the classroom, Suho and Lay. You can almost hear them subtly purring as they your hair soothingly. Chanyeol is dropped onto his desk as Tao trudges over ready to interrogate along with Chen and Kai behind him. Those three put together can scare the life out of a Vampire. 

"Guys ! Stop, let us explain." Kris yells over the suffocating atmosphere.

"I suppose you knew about this ?" Baekhyun spats out in disgust eyeing the taller.

"Yes, but we have a pretty darn good reason." Kris yells back justifying.

Baekhyun simply raises an eyebrow at him. By then Taeyeon has had enough and marches over to Kris grabbing his collar and yanking him down to her eye level.

"Listen, I don't care how cool you are or how hot you are." She pauses as smiles charmingly at her Baekhyun who looked somewhat betrayed over that statement. "It better be a darn good reason or I swear ArchAngel or not you are dead." She hisses.

Taeyeon is scarier then Tao, Chen and Kai put together when she gets annoyed. 

Kris nods violently as Taeyeon releases her grip on his shirt signalling Xiumin to defrost Chanyeol. 

"You have 5 minutes." 

"Ok so Chanyeol has had this great interest in here since he saw her this morning and has been trying to get to know her but you guys just won't let him get close to her. That's pretty unfair, his a new kid too." Kris starts.

"Well, then other than the fact that he somewhat kidnapped me from the bathroom and earlier. His lying about something, he has a creepy power and he didn't tell us. So we have the right to be angry." You argue very much annoyed.

"Weeeellll, that wasn't completely me. You see I wanted to get close to you but nobody would let me. My main power is fire but my sub isn't actually animals... I didn't want to tell you in case I scared you away. I can travel in shadows and control people through shadows which is how I got you out of the bathroom to the infirmary. I really didn't mean any harm ! As for the copy of me, that's all Kris's work. His main is cloning and shapeshifting and his sub is flying." Chanyeol blurted out in defense straight after waking up. 

You scowled still not sure whether or not to trust him. 

"His telling the truth," Xiumin said catching everyone's attention. "His heartbeat is normal."

Tao and Kai groaned disappointed, they had been waiting for a chance to show their aggressive nature. 

"I still don't trust him." You hear Sehun's voice ring inside your head. 

ArchAngels who are close have an ability to communicate through their thoughts alone. Excluding family members, this can only be done with one other individual. 

You nod in agreement at Sehun. 

"I'll be careful." 

The door burst open and the whole classroom is filled with an unbelievably stuffy lot of ArchAngel aura. 

"Crap ... We're in for it now." Kai groans.


a/n: Tada. I think my writing was somewhat sloppy at the last part. How do you like it so far ? I hope I get subs soon. Thanks for reading ! I try to update soon.

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Chapter 1: I ve just read the first lines...and i fond it beautifully written!
I will resume reading^^
lilred101 #2
Chapter 30: This is an amazing story so far! It makes me want more!
stephanfelix #3
Chapter 25: Double update thank you. You are a warrior and will pass exams☺☺☺ good luck
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 24: she is a mom now
Sandygirl #5
Chapter 14: l actually ship the main lead with jinyoung. Can he be the main male lead
SehunxVitta #6
Chapter 23: OMG1 WHAT'S WITH V? YEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY1 Thank you for the update.
But I still can't get my head out of V being so 'intriguing' ... >.<
stephanfelix #7
Chapter 23: ;D thank you so much for this update
stephanfelix #8
Chapter 22: bts has a secret . don't get so attached, you might get hurt again why did v say that? anyway thanks for the update
SehunxVitta #9
Chapter 21: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope sehuniee's fine!!?
stephanfelix #10
Chapter 21: never can we get away from our 'MOMS'