Chapter 26


Chapter 26

Day 3, Morning


You were lying in bed with Yebin as she took her morning nap cuddled in your arms. You smiled happily looking at her peaceful, sleeping face. Wonwoo snuck into the room quietly and crawled up onto the bed to join the two of you. Unfortunately, Wonwoo could only be as graceful as an elephant. The second he got on the bed Yebin stirred and woke up drowsily. You shot Wonwoo a death glare before accepting Yebin's half asleep "I'm Awake" hug. 

"Mommy ?" Yebin whispered.

"Mm ?" 

"Promise you won't be too sad when I go with the black coat uncles kay ?" Yebin 

You and Wonwoo looked up at each other shocked. Slowly Wonwoo shifted Yebin onto his lap.

"Yebin, who told you that black coat uncles were going to come for you ?" Wonwoo asked trying to sound as nice as possible.

"The uncles that visited me in my dream earlier." Yebin replied cheerfuly.

You ran your fingers through your hair and mouthed "Oh Crap" to Wonwoo. Wonwoo tossed Yebin into your lap and ran towards the door. Throwing it open he plunged his head out and shouted.


Soon the three "Moms" and Jun had filed into the room. Wonwoo tried to push Jin out of the room but the rest of BTS insisted that their "Mom" be let in. 

"Am I in trouble ?" Yebin asked slightly intimidated.

"No baby, you're definitely not." Jinyoung comforted sitting her on his lap.

"You shouldn't have talked to strangers though, even if it was just in your dreams." Jeonghan gently scolded.

Yebin nodded and started playing with Jinyoung's fingers. 

"We need her to go back to sleep, that's the only way Jun can even try getting a glimpse of those people." Wonwoo instructed. 

"Are you still sleepy Yebin ? You are right ? Let's go back to sleep." Jin tried convincing. 

"NO ! I wanna play !" Yebin shouted grumpily. 

"Please ?" Jinyoung pleaded.

"NO !" Yebin stubbornly answered. 

"There's no helping it we will have to try later during her afternoon nap. Until then Jun should stick near her just in case." Jeonghan planned.

"NO FAIR ! Jun always gets to play with her." Seungkwan shouted from behind the door along with supportive screams by Vernon and Dino.

"Do you want to die ?" Jeonghan yelled back shocking everyone with his 360 degree personality change. 

You hear the boys behind the door scurry away.

"Anyways, that's the plan. Everyone got it ?" Jeonghan said spinning back around and shooting everyone and angelic smile. 

"Yessir..." You, Wonwoo and Jun reply not daring to say anything else.

Jinyoung and Jin on the other hand just chuckled to themselves as they related to Jeonghan. 


Day 11, Morning

The rest of the week continued pretty mundanely, nothing much happened. There were a lot of temper tantrums alot of long nights trying to coax Yebin to sleep. A lot of long hours watching her every move and acting as security for her 24/7. You sat in the chilly kitchen watching Yebin gulp down her morning juice. Behind You, Sehun yawned loudly and stretched his arms up towards the ceiling. You two had been up for the last 12 hours or so, keeping a look out for Yebin. You felt a squeeze on your shoulder and turned around to see Jun, he gave you an assuring smile marking the end of your shift and the start of his. You and Sehun groggily dragged your feet up the stairs towards you bedroom. Sehun sent you off to your room with a "goodnight" before yawning again and marching into his. As you made your way down the corridor, you were more or less a zombie, completely unaware of your surroundings. All you could think of was your warm soft bed- 

You feel your face bump into something firm, your nose is filled with the strong smell of cologne. 

"Aigoo... look at my poor wife. Well done, now it's my turn to look after her so rest well and don't worry." 

You find comfort in hearing your husband's... uuuuh Wonwoo's voice. 

You yawn and acknowledge his pat on your head with a nod. Squeezing his hand you head to your room without another word. 


You wake up to the feeling of a warm head snuggling into your neck. Opening your eyes and tilting your head down slightly, you see Yebin in peaceful slumber. 

"Oops... sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Gongchan whispered. 

"Ooh crrraaapp you woke her up... Jinyoung is going to kill yooouuu..." Vernon and Dino whispered from the door.

"It's all good." You groan moving Yebin gently of your shoulder. 

"Nope, it's not, you need your rest." Wonwoo interrupts you, trudging into the room.

Gongchan spins around and laughs nervously but immediately shuts up as soon as he sees Jinyoung's dark face looming at the door.

You just manage to inch off the bed and leave the room when the window bursts open piercing the peaceful silence.



a/n: Doouble update !!! Yaaaaaayyyy. What do you think is going to happen ? 
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Chapter 1: I ve just read the first lines...and i fond it beautifully written!
I will resume reading^^
lilred101 #2
Chapter 30: This is an amazing story so far! It makes me want more!
stephanfelix #3
Chapter 25: Double update thank you. You are a warrior and will pass exams☺☺☺ good luck
stephanfelix #4
Chapter 24: she is a mom now
Sandygirl #5
Chapter 14: l actually ship the main lead with jinyoung. Can he be the main male lead
SehunxVitta #6
Chapter 23: OMG1 WHAT'S WITH V? YEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY1 Thank you for the update.
But I still can't get my head out of V being so 'intriguing' ... >.<
stephanfelix #7
Chapter 23: ;D thank you so much for this update
stephanfelix #8
Chapter 22: bts has a secret . don't get so attached, you might get hurt again why did v say that? anyway thanks for the update
SehunxVitta #9
Chapter 21: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope sehuniee's fine!!?
stephanfelix #10
Chapter 21: never can we get away from our 'MOMS'