Just One Dance


Eunhyuk x OC | Could turn into a lengthier story if I have the time to write it xD


Seven years ago, I became a Super Junior fan. With the discovery of a new fandom came the inclination to write fan fiction stories. This story might have been one of those that have sprung from my pen then, but only now am I finding the courage to have it posted. (YEP.) I might be quite late in diving into the fray, but I sure am looking forward to posting more fictions that appeal to fellow E.L.F. Please be nice. *runs away*

About the story: *Sorry I actually at writing a Foreword* It's a one-shot, as it has always been since 2007, but it might turn into a lengthier story (I actually have a plan for a follow-up) once I've finished with a multi-chaptered story that's been brewing in my cauldron since... well, since 2007. (Lol)


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Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

side note: you're really starting to change my perception regarding OC stories >.<