
Me and my broken heart

All I need is a little love in my life.

All I need is a little love in the dark.

A little but I’m hoping it might kick start me and my broken heart.


If he was any other person, this situation would probably make him sad or angry or disappointed but he wasn’t any other person, he was Kim Minseok.

Kim Minseok had been on many dates. Many first dates.

In the past two months of going on first dates, he had been stood up five times and this date counted as six.

Now Minseok would be worried or would be filled with self-doubt. He would wonder what he did wrong.

 He would if he could.

Minseok just couldn’t get himself to care. Now don’t get him wrong he wanted to care he very desperately did, which is why he kept going on these dates hoping the person he met would spark some emotion in him, any emotion even if it was disgust. But it just didn’t happen.

So here he was sitting all alone sipping his coffee even though it was eight pm, waiting for an hour for someone who wasn’t going to show up.

He just couldn’t understand why though? It had been five months since he had gone through the break up and even though he was not completely over his ex it still didn’t explain his state of being emotionless.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard someone clearing their throat, he looked up to find a male staring at him sheepishly.

“Minseok?” he questioned

He just nodded

“I’m Luhan…um…your date. Sorry I’m late. I didn’t mean for it to happen but something came up.

Minseok just shrugged “It’s no big deal.”

He had to admit Luhan was good looking. Minseok suddenly felt a little nervous. His palm was clammy when he shook hands with Luhan.


Luhan had turned out to be quite an interesting individual who had a good sense of humor and a weird laugh but Minseok liked it none the less. He felt his heart flutter when Luhan had said that he enjoyed the date and asked for his number. 

Minseok liked the idea of seeing Luhan again.




Minseok took back everything he said about seeing Luhan when they were on their fourth date which was two weeks after their first meeting and it couldn’t really be considered a date since they were with Minseok’s friends. They decided to hang out together and Luhan decided to put his creative brain to use and come up with a nick name for Minseok.

“Baozi” He said looking very pleased

“Baozi? Kyungsoo, a friend of Minseok, had asked.

“Yeah, his cheeks are round and soft just like a Baozi!”

Jongdae irrupted in laughter and the others joined in.

“What? No…” Minseok tried defending himself “but…”

“My cute adorable baozi” Luhan giggled

And much to his dismay the name stuck and then Minseok had felt completely annoyed. An emotion even Jongdae was unable coax out of him in months.




This was their seventh date. Yes, Minseok was counting.

Both of them had silently agreed to not put a label on their relationship yet. They weren’t lovers but they weren’t only friends either. All Minseok knew was that he loved spending time with Luhan and the feeling was mutual.


The sun was just starting to dip below the horizon and the sky was turning several shades darker. They were sitting beside each on a bench in the park.

Minseok’s had butterflies in his tummy, his throat had suddenly gone dry and his brain was on overdrive. The way Luhan looked under the pinkish hue cast on his face by the fleeting rays of the sun had stirred something in him.

Before he could chicken out, Minseok willed himself to slowly lean forward. That seemed to catch Luhan’s attention.

The younger was startled only for a few seconds before he was leaning in too.

Minseok’s eyes fluttered shut when he felt Luhan’s lips on his. Both were very cautious, each afraid of scaring the other away.

It lasted for several long seconds and when they pulled away the older was dazed.

Minseok was tingling all over as the after math of the kiss.

The feeling first started in chest slowly coursing through his entire body. He felt happy.

Large grins had spread across both their faces.

“Baozi” Luhan whispered “Be mine”

Luhan got his answer when the older had pulled at his collar and smashed their lips together.

Minseok had forgotten when he last felt this happy.




It had been two months into their relationship when an ugly feeling had bubbled in Minseok’s chest.


It was when all of their friends were gathered at Luhan’s apartment. It was the first time Minseok met Jongin. Luhan had mentioned Jongin before since they were very close friends but Minseok didn’t realize how close they were until that day when he saw them physically interacting and he didn’t like that one bit. The ‘ear-whispering’, the ‘sideway-glancing’ and the ‘pointless-giggling’ had Minseok balling his fist to control his anger.

Everyone had left except Minseok when Luhan question him

“Why so grumpy, baozi?” He seemed amused

“I’m not grumpy”

“Your puffed out cheeks say otherwise.”

The older turned away crossing his arms over his chest.

“Aw come on, don’t be like this. Won’t you help me clean up?”

“Why don’t you ask Jongin to help you?” Minseok had mumbled under his breadth but the younger still heard it.


Luhan had turned in to a complete fluffy mush on the inside because of his tiny boyfriend’s cuteness. He giggled uncontrollably and sat down on the couch beside the elder, pulling his cheeks and cooing at him.

“You’re so cute! My god! Don’t be jealous baby”

“I’m not jealous” Minseok huffed

“I don’t like Jongin in that way and he doesn’t either” Luhan explained “He has taken a liking to your friend Kyungsoo”

Minseok looked at Luhan to say something but then suddenly screamed when he felt Luhan’s fingers tickling his sides.

“Ah…Luha…stop…no…” Minseok couldn’t stop his laughter.


They spent hours fooling around, tickling each other, having pillow fights and stealing kisses once or twice.

Minseok’s feelings of jealously were gone.




Nine months. That’s how long they had been dating. Everything was just right. Their relationship seemed to have quite a balance between sickeningly sweet moments and playful sarcastic moments. They had argued on more than one occasion but it was never too serious and they both forgot about it the very next moment.

However things went downhill on the twenty-third day of the ninth month.

The past week had been rough and Minseok and Luhan seemed to snap at each other often.

Minseok and Luhan hadn’t gone on a date for a while since Minseok always turned down Luhan’s offer because he was tired or busy and Luhan was not very happy about it. 

That day was a particularly bad one for Luhan. He had locked himself in his apartment and just paced around inside for no particular reason. He was pissed at everything, the pack of ramen for not cooking fast enough, the shower for not being hot enough and the television for not being entertaining enough.

His mind was running around in circles and he wasn’t thinking straight when he abruptly stormed out of his apartment to go over at Minseok’s.



Minseok was watching TV when there was a very loud knocking on his door. He walked over to open it and came face to face with Luhan. A very pissed off Luhan

The younger had pushed past Minseok to get inside.

Minseok was surprised to say the least. Before he could say anything Luhan had already started talking screaming.


In those 27 long minutes

Luhan screamed. Minseok screamed.

Minseok accused Luhan defended.

Luhan cursed so did Minseok.

Luhan said that they were done and Minseok broke


Suddenly the noise filled room was quiet.

Minseok’s eyes brimmed with tears that didn’t fall

Luhan was too blinded by rage to notice his baozi breaking.


Minseok’s chest burned with an emotion he hadn’t felt in a while.


Red flashed before his eyes as he shoved Luhan back.

“GET OUT” He was shaking “NOW”

Luhan yelled “FINE” and then he was gone.



Silence engulfed the house once again as Minseok made his way to the couch.




In three seconds Minseok’s rage was gone. In three seconds he broke down crying. In three seconds Minseok felt pain, excruciating pain.

Minseok wished, for the first time, that the numbness would come back. He wished that he would feel nothing.

But he felt the pain.




It’s been four days

Luhan hasn’t called. Minseok hasn’t either

Minseok is miserable. Luhan is too.

Luhan regrets it. Minseok does too.


It was late in the evening when there was a knock on Luhan’s door. He walked over to open it and came face to face with Minseok. A very broken looking Minseok


Luhan didn’t hesitate before he pulled his baozi into a hug.

Both the boys apologized as salty tears flowed down their cheeks

Their lips met and it was like their first kiss. Very cautious

They fell asleep that night with dried tears on their cheeks, faces graced with a smile. Each holding on to the other as if their life depended on it

 That night it really did.





It had been one year. Minseok and Luhan were together for one year.

A year filled with

Fluttering hearts





Pain and



They haven’t said those words yet.

Minseok loved Luhan

Luhan loved Minseok

Neither said it out loud


They celebrated their anniversary in Minseok’s apartment.

Minseok was going to say it today.


They were cuddling on the couch when Minseok called Luhan’s name.


“Baozi?” the name stuck

“I love you.”

The younger’s eyes widened, in milliseconds he was capturing Minseok’s lips in a kiss.

“I love you too.”


Minseok needed a little love in his life. Luhan gave him more than a little.

Luhan provided the love that was required to kick start Minseok and his broken heart. 



Thank you for reading! 

I hope you liked it. Sorry if it

It was based on those three lines from a song called 'Me and my broken heart' by Rixton 

I hear it yesterday and had Xiuhan feels for some reason so basically this is word vomit 

Thank you again!

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hanaxiu99 #1
Chapter 1: And reading it again with my new account after a year and two months..
minmin17 #2
Chapter 1: oh man, that was so so sweet and beautiful ;-;