Season's of London


she met him last spring.and  it was the best season ever.until he left. she’s still here waiting for him, with his last words echoing inside her head, it’s still clear.. “i’ll be back for you” he kissed her goodbye then she shed tears from that day. she was still hoping he would commit to his promises, that he’ll be back for her and that her winter wouldn’t be so cold.spring was awesome.she loves spending time with the boys, she had kept every memory she could keep from niall’s laugh,louis’ jokes,liam’s smiles,zayn’s shyness and of course every sweet memory with harry.she still remember the picnics , the rain , the beaches , the music all those time where she felt completely happy, where she never gave any care about other people..


The story is a 100 percent creation of my fangirl mind while the characters Stela, Harry Styles and One Direction is based on true life. Stela is based on me (weird right? come on nothings wrong in dreaming :P) while Harry Styles and One Direction is based on my favorite band One Direction 

p.s. Hope you guys will like it Thanks for checking it out :)


Love Lots'

Stela xx


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nice story (y)
thanks :))
goodnight #3
I love One Direction and I love you're story! It's cute :)
well i made the story up but the characters was based on my favorite band :)))
i made it up :D
Hey was this based on something or did you make it up? Cuz it doesn't have anything to do with kpop... But it seems good, I'll keep reading :)