
Missing numbers
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I'm back..... And i'm sorry for the wait T^T









Seulgi was feeling uneasy. She wanted to go home as soon as possible. Or should I say get on the phone..



She kept staring at the quite unmoving clock. Well, to her it wasn’t moving. Time is so slow when you’re rushing it. Seulgi thought. 



She thought it was funny though. One moment ago she was just staring at Irene, the next thing she knew was her number was already on the palm of her hands. Tch. Easy. She thought. And weird.









“Damn, when will this hell of a shift end…” Seulgi said annoyingly as she tapped her wrist watch



“After the new girl shows up” Joy interrupted the dazed girl



“And when is she planning to arrive?” She asked



“Its still 20 minutes till your shift ends seul, take it easy. Besides, since when are you complaining about your shift? You always seemed fine about it” Joy said while holding her chin, starting to think



“Wait…. Is it about that girl?” Joy asked



“What are you talking about? W-what girl?” Seulgi tried to get away from Joy, but the girl wasn’t that easy



“The girl you would “call later”” Joy smirked



“I-it has nothing to do with her! I was just uhhh.. worrying about my cousin! Yeah. he’s in the hospital. I need to visit him that’s why I’m rushing” Seulgi thought she had thought of the perfect escape route




But she didn’t




“Oh whatever you say Seul..” Joy just shrugged the topic off. She definitely knew Seulgi was itching to call Irene in the first place







The clock struck five and seulgi almost jumped out of her seat. Her shift was finally over. She walked briskly towards the locker area and changed her clothes to a simple shirt and denim shorts. But then she noticed something missing



“.” She muttered



“I lost it. Where the hell is it ugh” She kept checking under the bench and the lockers. But she couldn’t find it. She was feeling frustrated now



“Damn, this one time I got a girl’s number, and I lost it. great going Kang Seulgi” She sighed. Irene might have just dropped by earlier and never to come back again. Seulgi thought.



“Well, aint luck on your side today huh seul?” taeyong appeared out of nowhere



“Shut up taeyong.” She glared



“What? You lost something right, as what I have heard. So what did you lost?” taeyong asked.



“None of your business.” She said



“Is it probably a piece of paper?” taeyong said. Seulgi’s mouth fell open while taeyong talked



“That has a number written on it?” he continued



“That says….” He grabbed a certain piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it, reading the contents



“Call me later? Hmmm.. Maybe I will” taeyong smugly said



“No you won’t, now give it to me” Seulgi’s glares pierced from her eyes



“Sure, Come reach for it.” taeyong said as he lifted his hands with the paper on his grip. Seulgi thought she would

only make an idiot of herself if she tries to reach for it.



“JUST GIVE THE PAPER TO ME DAMN IT!” Seulgi wasn’t mad anymore. She was enraged. 



“Alright…” Taeyong said, not finishing his sentence. Seulgi was about to feel relieved until Taeyong continued what he was saying



“Under one condition.” He finished. Seulgi wanted to choke the life out of the boy but fortunately, she had self control



“Fine. What is it.” She muttered while he smirked and told Seulgi what he wanted













Irene kept checking her phone for any messages. Or calls, but what enveloped her was pure silence. Maybe she was still working, she’ll call later ,She thought



She thought of other possibilities why the girl won’t call her still. She remembered Joy. 



“idiot. Why didnt I ask joy for seulgi’s number. Ugggh. Im so stupid” She laid on the bed, phone on her right hand, still waiting for maybe just a single beep or ring from it. But she got nothing



She looked at her window and realized it was getting dark. She decided to go eat outside since she was too lazy to cook her own food and the fridge kind of needs a restocking



She simply wore a hoodie over a shirt and skinny jeans along with her sneakers and left the apartment






She wandered around the streets of seoul, looking for a place to eat dinner. She walked around and saw various of restaurant lined up at one side and shopping stores at the other side. She decided to stroll around the shopping area a little more



When she finally felt tired and hungry, she stepped inside a cozy looking restaurant. 



“Good evening miss. My name is sehun and I will be your server tonight. How may I help you?” The brown haired boy asked her



“Can you give me a glass of iced tea, and also a soy chicken meal. Make it drumsticks only.” She said



“Alright, may i get your name please?”






“Okay miss irene, your order will probably take up to 15 minutes. If you have any requests, feel free to call one of us”



“Alright then.”



“Thank you. have a nice night” The waiter said and walked away











Back to seulgi..



“Where the hell are you taking me now?” The annoyed girl asked



“You’ll see” The other said



“Yah! Where the hell are we going!” She asked while the other one just pulled her to walk faster



“Chill woman, we’re just going to eat outside. You promised right?” 



“Ugh fine. Just make sure you stick to the rules!” She glared



“Yes ma’am!” The other replied





They both got in a quite crowded restaurant and took a seat



“Aren’t we supposed to wait for someone to get us a table?” She asked


“I know someone.” he answered



“Well, call that someone to come here and serve us. I can not wait to end this thing.” She said



“Fine.” he pressed a button which i think is connected to the kitchen. After a few moments, a silver haired guy came to our table



“Chanyeol hyung!” The boy exclaimed



“Taeyong-ah! Its been a long tim

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Chapter 1: Cute sequel
Chapter 1: Thanks for the sequel. I love this story!! *-*
owbaekyeol #3
Chapter 1: Wow i loved this! It revived my seulrene feels OuO
But i want moaaaarrr!! Bonus chapter maybe authornim?
Chapter 1: hahaha i loved it! dumb bear at its finest xD
Chapter 1: Ahhhh omg this is so cute!! Really thank you for the sequel!!
Chapter 1: *throw a brick at u* HOW DARE YOU NOT MAKE THIS A STORY!
Chapter 1: Htehshshsjgdjaksjs this is so cute!!
marielsoshi9 #8
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeelafsvskajhaiabsgdjsjsjjssjsjsjsgue! Seulrene so fluff
pengmyoui #9
Chapter 1: Finally the sequel!!! That was good *^* !!! Authornim u da best
Chapter 1: Niceeee Story author-nimmmmmmmm //Kickedd