The End of Forever

♚ The End of Forever ♚
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Jaejoong would always believe in the word forever. Ever since he and Yunho met, they will always say that they will be together forever and for the rest of their lives.


But it seems like forever is one of the most painful and abused words ever spoke by a person or ever been heard from a person’s mouth. Hearing forever made the other sad and his heart will shatter into pieces.


Such word as forever would change its meaning. For Jaejoong, forever was all a word play, a word that gives false reassurance, a comforting lie. In the middle of a tough time it can be pushed and used to something of a reality, a possibility but never been proven by any two people can achieve together once they put their minds, hearts, souls and wills to it. But not in every person’s hope of it can be true because to be honest, there is no such word.


A word like forever is nothing but a lie. One word of a dream too good and too perfect, and one day you will wake up to witness and see the same old bed, the same scattered clothes everywhere, the same small apartment with the same smell of vomit and medications and good old misery in his very sanity that was still somewhat sane amidst all that he’s been through for everything.


But what truly gives the meaning of a good and perfect dream was seeing himself with the same man he promised to spend forever with, still being beside each other and loving each other. Then waking up to realize how everything changed. They were still together but he dreads every waking moment beca

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Chapter 2: omg im crying..... love it
inassekar #2
Chapter 2: god i cry so hard..cant stop my tears flowing down TT my poor jae..
yoochunyeobu #3
at the end of the story i cry so hard ,can't take it ..yunho can't die , don't leave jaejoong alone TT^TT
Ianthology #4
i'm crying that's all i can say..and it's your fault! i should have placed a box of tissue next to me.
it's really the end of forever...
the sadness that will never ending i guess..
and yes,the sadness is overflowing kaddict-shii..
this is so touching! so sad! (T___T)<br />
even though i don't really like sad ending, i still read it.<br />
because it's good.
DecidedFanficLover #7
The story is really good, i like sad endings :D<br />
btw, what is Yunho's disease?
You do realize how beautifully perfect this fanfic is right? You do realize that you hurt me in ways that stories shouldn't hurt people right? You do realize that this fanfic is in a way inspirational? You made me realize that I'm so blessed to have healthy people in my life! That my boyfriend is healthy and won't leave me in such a traumatizing way. Thank you for writing this. Thank you very much. You have touched me in a way I can't explain. You helped me realize there is so much more than just me in this scary, messed-up world. Once again thanks. This fic is very truly beautiful. It has such deep meaning to me and once again I thank you. <br />
Sincerely, Jaekyung<3
mar1adyve5sa #10
waaa~my tears didn't want to stop flowing...T_T<br />
so sad..