
Same Old Place

"True love will come at the right time and at the right moment. You just have to wait."

This is what my grandma taught my mother when she was still a teenager. And the same thing she’s doing to me right now.

I sat down on their bed while the rest of the family enjoyed my graduation party downstairs.

“It’s not that I am forbidding you to fall in love, dear.” She explained as she stood up and walked over to my side and sat next to me. I felt her cold hands on mine as she held it. “But rather, I’m scared to see you get hurt. And because you’re still our baby girl.”

I nodded slightly glancing at my mother’s face. She’s still as beautiful as she was back then. Her hazelnut eyes sparkled and stared intently at me. Her curled brown hair stayed up in a messy bun. The do looked like a mess but she doesn’t. The white dress she was wearing made her look like a goddess. The way she talk, move and even sit still, everything was graceful. As if everything she does were perfectly made for her. I was staring at my mother when she brought me back to reality.

“Minji, are you listening?” I nodded. I have forgotten about the talk I was having with my mother. “I know this is hard for you dear, and your father asked me this favor” I knew it! “I’m sure you know what happened to your Aunt Eunhye, right? He just doesn’t want you to make the same mistake she did. I do too.”

“I understand, mom.” I answered with a soft smile. She was talking about how my mother’s youngest sister fall out of love during high school. They were not yet allowed to have relationships at such a young age but Aunt Eunhye kept it a secret. He was her first love and she gave everything to him. But in the end, they broke up. Nobody knew the whole reason. But after a week, the guy was dating another girl already. My Aunt’s grades started to go down, and she had stopped going to school. The school eventually kicked her out and she was delayed for a year.

Bottomline is: they don’t want me and my older brother to fall in love at such an early age. I’ve never experienced it anyway, so no problem. And anyway, I’m just entering high school. It doesn’t mean that I’d fall in love that easy.

After the talk with my mom, I went downstairs to attend to my visitors. But it seems like they’re already pre-occupied. My cousins were playing Jenga in the living room while the adults were outside at the front porch. I don’t really feel like talking to a lot of people right now so I stayed in the kitchen and ate on my own.

“Congratulations, hiccup baby girl.” Someone laughed from behind. I turned around and saw my Aunt Eunhye leaning her back at the refrigerator holding a glass with wine and a bottle of wine in the other. She walked over to my side, slightly tripping in her high-heeled shoes. By the looks of it, I don’t think that was her first bottle tonight.

“Hello, auntie.” I tried taking the bottle from her and placed it away. “I think you’ve had enough for the night.”

“But… I’m not done with it yet!” she whined.

Then I heard her laugh. I looked at her thinking what was wrong. But she just stood there beside me, holding the wine glass, looking at it and smiling.

“This is funny.” She said, now looking at me. “A high school kid acting more mature than a 28-year-old. It’s completely opposite.”

I stayed silent for a while.

“You’re so beautiful, just like your mom. You’ve got her eyes and beautiful brown hair. Even you voice, as gentle like hers. I don’t even think you’ve got anything from your father. Just kidding!” she laughed which made me smile. “But you know what, I know what everybody’s saying.”

I stayed silent just looking at her.

She continued. “When I was at your age, I fell in love. My first love. But in the end, I got hurt. It was so painful, that dying made it easier. Then the same thing happened over and over again. I fell in love, then pain after. But it is not the only thing I experienced. I also felt something different. Something unexplainable. Something that was just for a while but it felt like forever. Something that was like a fantasy but it was the reality. The thing is, nobody knows the real story. Because the thing is, I made a mistake. A mistake of not fighting. So let me tell you the same thing everyone here is telling you.” She looked at me with a different set of eyes. Right before me is my Aunt Eunhye, the one whom everyone’s been calling a mess. But here she was, having a serious conversation with me. And giving the advice that would probably change everything I believe in.

“Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

A/N Prologue here!! so please like it. and if you suggestions about the way I type, please comment :))

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