
record keeping

i. first encounter



 To be quite honest, I didn’t really care that the only other person in the theatre chose to sit right in front of my face.  They not only chose that seat, effectively blocking my view of the movie with their ridiculous hat, they just had to pull out a batch of chocolate almonds.  

    He was the one that took the last bag of happiness at the counter.

    “Excuse me,” I tapped their shoulder.  “Do you mind taking off your hat?  I can’t really see what’s happening.  Thanks.”

    He turned around and raised an eyebrow.  Eyeing the three Sour Patch Kids packets I had in the seat next to me, he scoffed.

    “So you were the one who took the last ones off the racks, huh?” His face was visibly irritated.

    “Um, excuse you.  You were the one who took the almonds first.”

    He took off his hat with a glare like I was the enemy.  His bright blue hair slightly floating with static.  The rude stranger was definitely not old enough to watch this movie on their own.

    “I wouldn’t have taken this poor excuse of a movie candy if you hadn’t bought all of the Sour Patch Kids!” This kid had some nerve.  All this pettiness over candy.  

    The movie hadn’t started yet, the trailers were still going strong.

    “You sure got a big attitude coming from a little kid,” I smirked.  I’d always been taller than other people, being 179cm wasn’t normal for an 18 year old girl.  He brushed off his shirt and stood up.  Even though he had sat one row lower than mine, he easily matched my height.

    “Little kid?  Think about what you say before you actually run that mouth of yours okay?” He rolled his eyes and plopped back down on his seat.

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