When The Door Closes

I Remember

"What the hell, Junhyung! Slow down!" I shouted as Junhyung yet again managed not to smash the car into another. He's been changing lanes in a heartbeat, cursing at everything that moves and pretty much the horn. There was definitely something wrong but he won't tell. He hasn't said a word ever since we left the hospital, nor has he even looked my way. I attempted to create small talk but his road rage petrified me so much that I was clutching unto my car seat for my dear life. And people said girls have the worst mood swings? This guy will be the death of me. Thank goodness he can still hear though. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and released the gas pedal ever so lightly.



"Junhyung, pullover."

He kept driving on.

"God damn it, Junhyung! Stop the car!" I shouted again. That did it though as he drove to the sidewalk, cutting off all the other cars and earning angry protests from their drivers in the process. As soon as the vehicle stopped, I got out and walked in the general direction of my place.

"What are you doing?" He said, locking the car doors and jogging to catch up.

"Going home."

"You're going to walk in the freezing weather in those clothes." He said, already by my side.

"I already am." I tugged on Dongwoon's jacket but the darn thing can't keep the cold wind out.

"Forget it." Junhyung grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the car.

"You forget it." I pulled back and continued walking on the other direction.

"You'll freeze to death, Ji Soo."

"Better than dealing with your road rage."

He grabbed my wrist again but decided not to let go this time. I tried my hardest to set my arm free but he was just a lot stronger than I am. I think the annoyed expression on my face made him contemplate on his mistakes.

"If you promise not to run away, I'll let you go." My eyes met his which had sincerity in them. I didn't struggle anymore and just let him hold unto my arm. We stayed in that position, me pulling the jacket tighter and him just looking at me, until he took off his own jacket and hung them on my shoulders. He grabbed my wrist again to pull me to car but I stayed put. A confused look was on his face and I'm pretty sure he's about to ask some questions I wasn't in the mood to answer. Staring at the pavement is a habit I developed whenever I needed to avoid eye contact and it works every single time. When he noticed I wasn't going to budge from my position, he let out a sigh and held the collars of the jackets. He leaned down until his face was just inches from mine. I found myself leaning closer, intoxicated by his scent. Gosh, he smelled nice. My eyes travelled from his hair to his chin, examining his features. I never thought it was physically possible to be that good looking. I mean he even has pink lips! Such a girly feature for such a manly person. Which formed a smirk realizing I was checking them out. I rolled my eyes and stared down the side walk trying to keep my angry façade.

Stay mad Jisoo, he hasn't apologized yet.Stay mad, stay mad.

"I'm sorry. Please ride with me." He whispered. Looking away from the sidewalk was a bad idea, seeing I got lost in his chocolate brown orbs the moment I looked into them.

Stay mad Jisoo.

"Only if you tell me what's bothering you."

That caught him of guard and an exasperated sigh escaped his lips. He took his hands off me and shoved them in his pockets. It was his turn to stare down the sidewalk now.

"I can't." The expected answer.

"Why not?" And it was my turn to ask for answers. He kept on looking away, a frustrated expression on his face.

"Just.. Not yet."

The pleading look on his face convinced me to let it go. "Okay then." Just this time.

"Come on, your Dongwoon's not going to be delighted to hear you didn't make it to the radio broadcast." With that he walked away. Hearing Dongwoon's name made me follow. Wait, did he just say your?

"Hey! Did you just say 'your Dongwoon'?" I asked, running after him. He was already standing by the car's open door when I reached him.

"I won't tell anybody." He winked and disappeared into the vehicle.

"There's nothing to tell!" I said, peeking into the passenger seat's open window.

"Consider everything forgotten. Come on." He said, reaching over to open the door for me. Which I slammed shut right after.

"Dongwoon and I are not together." I poked my head in the window again.

"I'll help you convince other people that you are not." He smirked again which irked me a lot. Whoever said girls are the assuming ones have never met this guy.

"Can you just listen to me first? We. Are. Not. Together." I said in slow motion, as if giving instructions to a five-year-old. It seemed to work though. He blinked a couple of times, processing the information. I slipped into the passenger seat and turned the heater up. I curled into womb position, trying to cover my legs with the jackets to warm them up.

"Then what were all those public displays of affection? You even call him oppa." He asked, clearly bewildered.

"We're close enough for me to call him oppa. Oppa stands for older brother, doesn't it?" He kept silent, taking everything in. "We've known each other even before our JYP days. We've always had this kind of relationship since then."

"So to just clear things up, you guys are just friends, right?"

"More like siblings." Just then, his mood changed as he started laughing like I said the funniest joke ever.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He really has some issues.

"I am." He said, laughing again. My eyebrows met in confusion and he just shrugged in return. "Let's go shall we?"

He drove off, humming to himself with the widest smile plastered on his face. His mood swings are really freaking me out.

"This is scarier than your road rage." Which he just dismissed with another smile.


"Time does fly when you're having fun. Thank you. Ms. Ji Soo for being here tonight!" Leetuek started the closing remarks.

"It's my pleasure. Thanks for having me!" I said into the mic.

"Oh, it's our pleasure, believe me." Eunhyuk gave me a wink. "Now, any last words?"

"Last words? You make it seem like she's dying!" The other host in, laughing as he paraphrased his band mate’s words.

"Neh. Hi everyone! I'd like to thank Cube Entertainment for all the opportunities! Thanks to them, by the end of this year, Stylenanda will be hitting the streets of Korea. So please take time and visit our stores and pre-order from our websites. Everything there is from yours truly. Show me some love, neh?" It felt weird talking in a radio show, with just a mic in front of you. Aside from the hosts, I'm not really sure anybody else hears my message.

"Show her some love!" Eunhyuk and Leetuek formed a huge heart with their arms. I have no idea where they get their energy at this late hour but they surely do keep the show alive.

"Thank you! There will be a Stylenanda launch party at the main branch too and I'd really appreciate it if you would come." I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes at them. I usually frown upon people who use their looks to get what they want and aegyo was never really my thing. I crossed my fingers under the table, hoping I didn't weird them out.

"We will! Neh, Eunhyuk?" Leeteuk asked, earning an earnest nod from his co-host.

"Really?" I actually clapped my hands like a little girl receiving a lollipop. I wasn't even sure if people are going to like my clothes and hearing the two idols say I have their support shoot me to the stars. 

"Yea. You got us out of our radio show retirement; I think you can get us to go anywhere." Did I just feel my cheeks heat up? Oh, Leetuek surely knows his way with words.

"You can expect SuJu to be there! Even Henry and Zhou Mi! We'll even buy some of your clothes!" Eunhyung exclaimed, making his co-host sweat nervously.

"Let's close the show before you promise anything else we may not be able to do, shall we?" Leeteuk said with a nervous laugh. "We have time for a closing song. Any request, Ji Soo-sshi?"

"Beast's Beautiful please!" The song's intro played in the background. "Beast Airlines will take off this December! Plus they will be styled by yours truly so please don't forget to buy tickets! Thank you Eunhyuk-sshi and Leeteuk-sshi!" I squeezed in. 

"Thank you for tuning in with us tonight! This is Eunhyuk-"

"and this is Leeteuk! Catch us next time on Sukira Kiss The Radio. Kamsahamnida!"

The two real hosts, Sungmin and Ryeowok, was sitting on the couch outside the booth, not looking pleased at missing their show but they still managed to smile at the sight of the invitation. "Just call the RSVP if you guys do decide to come. Thank you." I bowed to them, thanking them for their time then left the recording studio.

When I reached the elevator, I pressed the B1 button on the elevator’s panel. The basement floor was creepy. It was dimly lit and was pretty much empty; much like the ones in a horror movie when the character will be chased down by zombies or ghosts or murderers and won't be able to make it to their car alive. I felt my feet walking slower and my eyes scanning the place for any sign of movement. In a horror movie, someone or something will surely come out. A few more steps and my car was in view. If it didn't show itself while I was walking, it would surely be in the car. I unlocked the vehicle and approached it slowly.

"Boo!" Junhyung shouted, jumping out of the other side of the car. I wasn't surprised though. I think I've watched enough horror movies to prepare myself.

"Oooh, scary." I mocked fear and entered the driver's seat. His hand was on the door, keeping me from shutting it close.

"Get out, I'm driving." He said.

"No. Shouldn't you be sleeping now? Go home, Junhyung." I said, revving the engine.

"Just let me drive you home and I'll go back. Joonkun instructed us to take good care of you until Jung Ha comes back.” He seemed serious with his offer.


"Come on. I'll be out of your hair before you know it."

"But you'll go home after. Promise?" I stuck out my pinky at him.

"Aren't you too old for pinky swears?" He snickered at me but wrapping his pinky around mine nonetheless.


I walked to the other side with him in tow and opened the door for me. I got comfortable in my seat as he closed the door and made his way to the other side of the car.


My phone buzzed as the alarm kept going off. I opened my eyes to see big, red numbers that read 4:00. I groaned as I pressed snooze, covering my head with a pillow. Apparently, I doze of easily as I was awoken again by my buzzing phone. Although it wasn’t my alarm this time, it displayed Son Dongwoon on the screen.

“What is it?”

“Good morning to you too.” He was used to my lack of manners at this time of day. He knew I wasn’t a morning person and he’s the only one brave enough to disturb my sleep and face my wrath.

“Why are you calling?”

“Why are you still in bed? Don’t you have to shadow Min Seol noona today?” I groaned again. I don’t like waking up but I hate being reminded about work when my eyes haven’t been opened for a couple of minutes yet.

“5 more minutes please.” I said, sinking under the covers.

“Soo-yah! Stand up already!” He shouted. I put my phone in speaker mode and lay it down beside me. This way, I can still hear his demands without damaging my ears.

“Yah! Don’t put your phone down! I can see you, you know.” I opened my right eye in the tiniest bit, just enough to see his face on the screen. It was a video call. I pulled my covers up to my nose, realizing I wasn’t pretty yet.

“Don’t do that. I want to see Ji Soo’s pretty morning face.” I just glared at him.

“Don’t do that too. Just smile, neh?” I tried smile a little, doing anything to get him off my case. A moment of silence and I felt like I was dozing off again, which was proven true by Dongwoon commenting on how I can sleep with make up on then calling my name again and again when he realized I wasn’t listening. But it all felt like it was a dream.

i muni dachimyeon (When this door closes)
ne moseubi sarajimyeon(When the image of you disappears)
harureul nunmullo salgetjiman neowaui chueokttaemune (Because of the memories with you)
honja nama haengbogeul deo baralge (I’m left alone, I wish that you’ll be happier)

He sang. His voice is pretty much the reason why he’s the only one allowed to disrupt my most loved sleep.

“I don’t think I’ve heard that before.”

“That’s good.”


“I wouldn’t want to be accused of plagiarism.” It took me a while to process what he said but I was out of bed and jumping on my bedroom floor in a minute.

“It’s your song! It’s your song!” I was wide awake now, excited for his first composition. It sounded really good! Though a bid sad, but nonetheless good. I was glad to hear we’re both doing well.

“Actually It’s Doojoon-hyung’s too. We both wrote and composed it.”

“Well, congratulations to you both!” I clapped, well more like sandwiched my phone between my hands repeatedly. “When can I hear it?”

“Today....” He trailed off.

“What’s your condition?”

“Shadow Min Seol noona.”

I swear that guy knew how to manipulate me. I hung up and ran to the bathroom seeing the whole conversation lasted for 30 minutes; which means it’s 4:30 in the morning and I only have half an hour to get dressed and go to the stadium. Work is work though. I’ll be interning for Cube Entertainment's head stylist. I had to see what kind of styles, trends and the like that would suit Beast and their image. I had to know their individual styles and how to incorporate them into one 'Beast' style. I never knew making clothes needed so much research.

When I checked my reflection in the mirror, I still did have make up on. Plus I’m still wearing my outfit from Super Junior’s radio broadcast. I tried to recall everything that happened after but my memory stops when Junhyung and I were in the car in the basement parking. I’ll ask him later. I thought and got into the cold shower.

I made a new record as I was out the bathroom in 10 minutes. I ran around the compound, throwing things into my bag and a several outfits on the bed for me to choose from. After double checking my stuff and appearance, I went to the bedside table to get my phone and was greeted by a sticky note saying: “I hope you don’t get pimples from sleeping with make up on. You just refuse to wake up. -Junhyung.”


So he brought me here? That’s sweet. I should thank him. I grabbed all my stuff and dialled his number as I locked the door. I was already in the elevator when my call got connected.

“Good morning, Ji Soo.” He greeted.

“Hey, are you busy?”

“No. Why?”

“I just wanted to thank you for-” My voice trailed off as I saw a familiar figure standing by my parked car.

“For what?” He asked, which confirmed my suspicion since I heard his voice on the other line.

“Yong Junhyung?” He looked up and smirked that ever famous smirk of. Indeed, it was him. “What are you doing here?”

“Just throw me your keys, we’re already late as it is.” He opened his palm, into which I put my keys. He unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat door for me. I was still absorbing what was happening.

“I saw Dongwoon talking to you and saw you still with your make up on. Plus I heard you were gonna shadow our head stylist. I know I have some explaining to do and came over to pick you up. It's like killing two birds with one stone.” He explained as we left the building.

He’s been picking me up and dropping me off from and to every schedule since Jung Ha’s incident. That’s way more than what a friend would do for me. That’s something a boyfriend will do. What are you thinking, Ji Soo? Of course, he doesn’t like you. This is all out of manners. I still can’t jump to conclusions though. I hate to admit it but there is a part of me wishing, hoping even, that this meant something more to him.

“You came to explain and to follow Joonkun’s orders. That's all right?”


“Of course.”

A little part I’d pretend never existed.

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 9: Like the story a lot. Especially that it is. Junhyung and Dingwoon competing over a girl. This doesn't happen often in affs since ever. Please continue the story, author-nim. Will be eternally grateful if you do.
The story's getting more and more interesting!
JunahDaebak #3
Update soon^^
nice nice ^^ put some drama here .__.a
cooolllllllll! !! keep updating >< anyway i think you need to put up something more on your description. .____. 꺅 kkkkk
Liqhtless #6
Love it!!!!!<br />
&& Lightless is my favorite song too~~<br />
Interesting~~~ update soon^^
Update soon ! <br />
Sounds interesting !<br />
Btw I LOVE the song virus ! (;
Liqhtless #9
Gahhh I wanted the foreword to continue D;<br />
Love it already :)