Chapter 26: Amihan

A Writer Of Fiction

The next few days had gone by with the phone ringing nonstop, the press had gotten all over the issue, and now everyone wanted to know who Ami was and what really had happened during those few minutes inside the ladies room. It was a vague memory at most, everything a blur of events even for me. All I remember was coming to Seoul and heading straight for the studio to surprise the boys and Ami of my arrival. I already heard a commotion as soon as walked by the corridor, but it was Ami screaming out for me to help her that really cued me in. While I felt happy she chose to call for me, it irked me that these things had to happen to her. Why was trouble never far away from this girl?


It hit me then that perhaps her association with me and MBLAQ only increased her propensity to even more problems, but I was already in too deep to even think about letting her go.


Sir, we have someone in here to see Ami,”


I stared at the intercom on my desk and frowned, “I said no interviews.”


Sir, I think this time it's important, it's not the press.”


Not the press? Who else could it be? Sighing, I allowed the visitor to step into my office, and I straightened up from my seat. A well-dressed middle aged man came in, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the briefcase in his hands. He didn't look like the press, and I eyed him carefully, what could he possibly want from Ami?


Good afternoon, I am Atty. De la Cruz,” he introduced himself curtly in English and scanned the room, “I was under the impression that Miss Cruz would be here.”


Any business you need to conduct with her, you conduct with me.” I replied crisply, also in English.


He nodded and I gestured for him to take a seat. He laid out his briefcase on his lap, but he didn't open it just yet. “I prefer to do this with the presence of Miss Cruz, it involves her personally, and requires her presence If I may be so bold, she might even want to be here.”


Nodding gravely, I gave Ami a call to come up to my office, it didn't take long until she was sitting on the other chair across my office desk. She looked almost frightened, and I resisted the urge to get up and just take her in my arms to ease all the fear away.


Miss Cruz, I represent your father.”


It dawned on me then, that there was more to Ami's life story than any of us ever realized.




The moment this man mentioned my father I was instantly afraid of what he could say next. What if he said something that changed the way I saw my father and his profession? What if what he had was some proof that I have had always been mistaken with the way I looked up to my parents? How would I ever handle that?


Miss Cruz, We've been searching for you for over a year now. Were you aware of your father's will?”


I shook my head.


He left you a sizable amount of money and properties across the Philippines, including a secluded island off the coast of Cebu. The will instructed to have everything made known to you as soon as you've graduated from your degree, we've checked out the possible dates and found a record of you in Manila. There were less Amihan's than we imagined, even with your common last name. Your records were easy to track, it was you yourself that we couldn't get hold of.


Especially when when we found a death certificate issued with your name, leaving your sole benefactor as a,” he stopped to read a name on his file, “an Anita Legaspi, then an Anita Hong, now Anita Legaspi again.”


My own godmother faked my death?


Rest assured that we have gotten to the bottom of all this trouble. When my secretary, a fan of many things Korean, recognized you on the news, she immediately brought this to my attention, and here we are now.” He pulled out another file from his briefcase, and handed it to me. “Your father's will Miss Cruz, and something more important that your wanted to pass on to you, quite more valuable than the amount of money in your bank account.”


With shaking hands, I took the manila envelope, and slowly pulled out a leather bound journal with the initials A.C on the lock. A leather was sticking out of the binding, and I pulled it out.


Your father was a very honorable man, and your mother was a brilliant writer, they've both left you unpublished works to release post-humously. There are at the moment, a number of royalties publishing houses owe you, be assured that none of these are ever going to touch your legal guardian's hands. As soon as the paper work that negates your alleged death is finalized, she's going to rot in jail.”


His words skimmed right through my head because all that mattered to me was the letter that felt heavy in my hands. I couldn't quite process what Atty. Dela Cruz said about my godmother, all I know that it made perfect sense now why she wanted so desperately to get rid of me. There was another matter I needed to discuss with the Sajangnim, but perhaps, this news came at the right time as well.


I excused myself to the other end of the room as the Sajangnim continued to talk to my father's lawyer. It was already too much for me to handle right now, and I much too fixated on what my parents left for me. Gingerly I unsealed the white envelope that encased my mother and father's last letter to me and started reading.


My dearest Amihan, may you be as influential as your name it. Always remember that you hold in you the power to create something that would last forever. Be strong and courageous knowing that the great winds will keep you steady. You are so much more powerful than you can ever think, and your mother and I would have loved to see you take on that power. Never lose sight of everything that we have taught you, and always look back to home when you're feeling lost. We will always watch over you, and you find the one true happiness every parent wishes for for their child.


Your mother and I apologize for leaving you with Anita, she would take care of you and we would be assured that the same people coming after us would never find you in her care.


My lovely northeastern gale, move the oceans and bring down the torrential rain.


Even in his letters my dad was very succinct. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, and I gently ran my fingers over the journal my father had left me. It was blank as if to signify a new life for me with the revelation of all his plans. Blank as if for me to fill it up with all the adventures I was now going to have.


I felt the seat next to me shift, and I found Jihoon-sshi smiling at me, reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. How was everything going to be alright? To fix all this I needed to go back. Was it home? Was it home now that I have no one else to come back to? It didn't matter right now, and I faced him for one last revelation.


I have to go back home.”


I'm almost done here, we can go together.”


No, I mean, back to Manila. My visa's about to expire anyway, and with all this,” I waved a hand to allude to what just transpired, “I can't really stay here. I have to back home and be an adult and face everything.” I sighed.


Do you...have to go?”


I nodded gravely at him, I had to leave, there were so many things, so many reasons, and I couldn't even bear imagine how life would change for me now.



Saying goodbye was not the easiest thing to do, especially when MBLAQ's schedule only permitted us to have a short dinner in between their performances. I tried hard not to cry during dinner, and I managed to keep the smile, but I could only hold back for so long that as soon as I got back home the tears were the only thing I remembered before leaving.



[A/N]: It's ending. >.< ugh. Okay two more to go and we can move on to new fics wehehehehe. <33

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lee-chelle #1
Loved this!! I'm also glad it's not the cliche type of story. Def deserves more subs.
bettykzzz #2
love this fic
Chapter 30: This was good! && I totally loved the ending. :)
Chapter 30: i loved it X3 such a good story
really good story but i feel bad for G.O.
eharper11 #6
So I finished this in one night. That's kind of embarrassing. I have to admit I kind of headdeasked when I read the description because I thought it was going to be very cliche. What kept this story interesting and outside the realm of the average fic was the slow build. I know that must have been frustrating to write such a slow moving piece but I thought that was what made it really good! The gradual character development and the way her relationship with Rain was practically glacial made the whole story seem much more realistic.
eharper11 #7
WHY IS EVERYTHING YOU WRITE SO AWESOME? Do you understand how much sleep I am missing?? Too much. Too much. <br />
.....okay I realize that was not helpful at all. I'll try to come up with something helpful to say by chapter 6.
_BamBam_ #8
hahaha this story is amazing! I couldn't go to sleep until I finished it. Thank you for writing it! :]
he proposed to her?! woah~ lucky girl lol