Chapter 5: The Most Magical Night

Fantasy come true

*Min Young POV*                                                                                                                                                                                 Text me. Please text me. Text me. Text me. Text me. That's what's on my mind now. Please Cap. Text me, call me, DO SOMETHING PLEASE. He knows i like him but i dont know if he likes me. I mean maybe he does but im not sure. If he does'nt, well... that's humiliating. I almost punched Sung Hee because of him. And i dont get that mad that easy, even if im pms-ing. Maybe he thinks im a despo? This is bad. Why am i thinking about this? Why cant i sleep????? Help meee. Wait. I can call Si Young!

*Calls Si Young*

"hello? Its 12am Min Young. What do you want?"

"erm... I want Cap?"


"do you think he likes me?"


"do you think he thinks im a despo? Do you think he likes Sung Hee? What if he does? Help meeee!"


"sighs... Nites."

*End of Phone Conversation*

Ok i need to know. Should i call him? Like right now? 12am? Sighs... I should just sleep. What are the chances that a hot, cute, funny, famous guy would like me?! I started crying for no reason. Stupid mood swings. Stupid feelings. Stupid Sung Hee. Stupid Cap. Stupid world. Stupid life! Soon, i fell asleep.




"hello?". It was Cap!!! I rolled of the bed and fell off it.

"thud! OUCH!"

"Min Young are you ok?!"

"yeah yeah im ok" i said while rubbing my . Hahah.

"listen i was wondering..." YES YES YOU ARE WONDERING?!!!


"...if you want to go out with me later?" YES YES YEAHH!!!! :DD <33333

"erm... Yeah sure. Where to?"

"i dont know. Errr... Maybe we can eat lunch together later?"


"erm... You know its just the two of us right?" DUHHH. CAP IM NOT DUMB. -.-

"ouh really? Ok sure"

  "erm i have to go. Meet you at the lobby? As usual?"

"okays. Bye~"



Ok dont get me wrong, im REALLY happy that he asked me out but me meeting him at the hotel lobby is like me fetching him for a date... And its not romantic? Okok im going overboard. I should just be happy that he asked me out:D 


"Is it nice?"



"...". I just blushed like crazy.

"thats nothing. Check this out. *BURP*"

"hahahahaha!!". I had so much fun with Cap. After we ate and after alot of burps, we went window shopping. And he kept on asking,"do you want that? I can buy it for you:)".

Aaawww isnt he sweet<3 Around 7pm we just sat down on a bench. I was sooo tired. My eyelids were getting heavier by the minute and my head began to tilt and soon after, it rested on Cap's shoulder. I quickly sat up and said,"im sorry. Im just really tired."

 "its ok. You can rest on my shoulder."

"really? Thanks."


"but what?"

"Kiss me."

"no:P". He pouted. HAHAH. so cute! >< 

"fine...:(". I just laughed.  Then, he pushed away my fringe which was on my face. His face was so close and our lips were just too close. It was too tempting to kiss him, so, i did <3

*Cap POV*                                                                                                                                                                                              Her lips were so soft. They were the right moisture. The kiss was perfect. When it was over, she looked away. I cupped her face and looked into her eyes. I was getting really nervous and started to stutter,"i-i erm... iloveyou" i said it fast. She looked kind of shocked and that kind of hurt me.


"ya..." and i started to blush. She was smiling. Haha so cute:) 

She kissed my cheek and whispered,"i love you too. Hehe"

Both of us smiled at each other like 2 idiots.      

 *Min Young POV*                                                                                                                                                                       He sent me home<3 hehehe. Anyways that was the most magical night EVER. 

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oooo i just realised miyoung the colour blue yayayayayayay you rock ahahaha love this update, come on moremoremoremore
marshmallow21 #2
I look like im spamming your commemt box o.o what are you readers doing ahh?? :p show author some love? ^^ hehe.<br />
Anw. Gosh aww this update's kinda sweet hehe xD and then. Lol at miyoung and ljoe xD hahaha minyoung and cap xD <br />
Authorrrrrr~~~~ can jiyoung have more scenes with ricky pleaseeee :3 <br />
Hahahah okay thats all :D <br />
And update soon unnie ;D <br />
<br />
Oh and love you too xD hahaha
marshmallow21 #3
marshmallow21 #4
Wooo update ^^~ hehehe.<br />
gahh come on why wont she listen to his explanation?! :( sad. <br />
Eww chunji -.- <br />
nyumnyum those two need to listen to their explanation!!! Tsktsk. <br />
its not a boring chapter -.- at,least you updated!! :D hahahahah ^^ its okayy ^^ here's a comment unnie :P hehehe. update soon!!!! !D
syriondethvow #5
:( I kinda miss Min Young with Cap :( Anyway~! Great story!!! Update soon~!
So sad why Min Young shout at Si Young:(
marshmallow21 #7
Omg siyoung ;( <br />
kayyyy. Come on ~~ the girls need the truth!! ;( because of them not telling the truth, siyoung gets hurt too ;\ tsktsk
marshmallow21 #8
hi unnie :D i love your update so much :B omg what they planning?!<br />
<br />
Ricky couldve just said the news thingy :( why they lie to them :( see now everybody angry :( AND CAP CRIED O.O *cant imagine* :P<br />
WOOOHOO WAY TO GO RICKYEHHH!! :P ljoe is freaking mean :( ricky are you okayy? :( woo this comment has a lot of :(. HAHAHA.<br />
okay blahblahblah, i love your story ^^~ nyehh. update soon okays? :D
Update soon :D
marshmallow21 #10
Unnieeee ~ update T~T the girls must know the truth :P hehehehe. <br />
Nyehh. :D