A new home

Flowers and thorns
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"She suffered from an infectious tuberculosis which led to hypothyroidism, but the cause of her death was pericarditis. Did she never talked about her illness before?"
Kyunghyun didn't know how to answer. He had never heard of these diseases before. Maybe Soohyun would understand something, but the other boy was in front of the doctor's office, bawling his eyes out.
"N-No.. she never told us.."
"The earliest symptoms are fainting and coughing out blood. It is a chronic disease... for precaution, we should have the both of you examined too."
"D-Doctor uhm, Director Lee, I.. I'm sorry, but i still don't understand. What exactly happened to her?"
"She was being prepared for the operation, but she died before they could even start with the heart transplant."
"He..Heart transplant..?"
No, she had never mentioned her illness before...
Mother, why?

Never forgive.
Never forget.

Mother... What is it you wanted to tell us?




"Kyungah, wake up!"
The boy groaned, shifting his position in the uncomfortable car seat.
"We're almost there"
The cab turned the left, driving the last hundred metres on a narrow path, before revealing a modern wooden house in the middle of nowhere.
Kyunghyun rubbed his eyes and looked outside the car window.
"A beautiful house in a terrifying place. Look at this eerie forest.."
"You'd better get used to it."
Soohyun took out his wallet and paid the driver.

"Do you think uncle Jun paid for this house or was it a gift from our late gramps?"
"He moved here 10 years ago. I think he bought it himself, after he got paid for his first TV shows."
It was indeed a very beautiful house. It partially had a big window facade, which would probably let in a lot of natural light,
not to mention a great view over the whole city.
A strong scent of moss, damp grass and a hint wild flowers filled the air.

"Uncle Jun should be at home. He said, he wouldn't be travelling this weekend." Kyunghyun noted.
Both took out their suitcases of the trunk and watched as the driver drove away, leaving them behind in an unaccustomed silence.
The sound of a howling owl interrupted the quiet of the night, reverberating scary noises from the trees that seemed to be consumed by the darkness surrounding them.

It was february the 14th, saturday night 11:20 o'clock
They still had the whole day of tomorrow to prepare for school. It was a weird feeling to think of school again...
For the last 3 months, both boys had stayed at home. Since their mother's funeral, they had had to visit a lot of authorities and office departments.
Everyone was shaking with some important documents and proposals in their hands, it was a different kind of paperwork.
Checking account and background informations, certifications for property, house and car documents.
They had sold most of their belongings, except the house. They didn't wanted to sell it yet..

A light went on and cut through the darkness. Torned shadows were dancing on the narrow path.
"Oh there you are! I thought you would have arrived sooner!"
Junhyong was standing by the front door, looking down the stairs where his nephews were staring at him, surprised by the sudden sound of a voic

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