Foreign Land

The Accident

MInzy finally arrives to L.A and as soon as she enters her new apartment she skypes everyone right away

*all her friends are online such as Amber, Cl, Dara, Bom, Taemin, and Siwon

Siwon: Hey Minzy!!! sorry i couldnt say goodbye but I really hope you enjoy your stay in L.A its a great place and the dancing studio there is amazing! Fighting!

Minzy: Thanks Siwon, yeah Millennum is a great dance studio I already know who my instructor is his name is Antoine Troupe!

Taeming: You're so lucky!! hes a great dancer ahh I'm so jealous

Cl: have fun and make new friends but dont forget about us!

Dara: Whens your class?

Minzy: its tomorrow and I'm really nervous you guys!

Bom: i just looked him up on youtube and his choreographys look challenging but you'll do great

Minzy: by the way you guys..have you heard from Sehun yet? i tried calling but he didnt pick up..

Amber: hes still mad..well more sad than mad just give him time to cool down 

Minzy: yeah well it was good talking you guys but i have to hang up i need to unpack and get ready for tomorrow thanks for the support bye!

Everyone: bye minzy have fun we love you!!

Minzy decides to unpack and she finds a picture of her and sehun together when they were just friends at the time. that brought flashbacks to how they met. she remebered how she felt when she first saw him, that boys jaw line was perfect but felt butterflies instantly. they met at her work and he would start to become a regular just to talk to her and next thing you know he finally asked her out on a date. they connected so well together, they told each other everything and werent just a normal couple but best friends. 

Minzy: (sighs) i miss you punk

She then goes on a stroll outside to walk around. its so foreign to her, she studied english and was pretty fluent but she was scared. she found a small korean food place and ordered dinner and took it to her apartment to eat. as she was walking upstairs some guy was in a hurry and bumped into her causing him to smack her food to the ground

Minzy: Hey!!! oh no my food! watch where youre going!

Stranger: sorry!!! ill make it up i have to go sorry!

Minzy: huh what an odd guy aghhh looks like i have to make dinner...

*the next day

Minzy finally arrives to the studio and meets her instructor who was super friendly and kind. shes been at the studio for a week now and its been so worth it for her. she met so many people and finally was able to dance with others.

Antoine: alright you guys, we learned the new dance now time for a video

Minzy: video?

Ana: (one of her new dance friends) yeah he likes to record his choreographies and post them online to share 

Minzy: ohhhh that sounds like fun

Antoine: hey minzy you want to be in it? 

Minzy of course!!

(Feedback Choreo minzy is actually in)

Minzy: well that was fun thanks for letting me be in the video, by the way Kyndall you're amazing!! i couldnt help but cheer you on!

Kyndall: Thanks minzy it was fun and youre a great dancer too!

As Minzy was leaving she noticed a text from Sehun

Sehun: Minzy we need to talk

Thats never good she thought then as she got in a cab she called him

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sehunzy4beast #1
Chapter 19: Aww nice story, its good to have kikwang or lay for me haha... THANK YOU
Chapter 19: Awesome story ^^ I would love to read more minzy fic with Sehun or chanyeol ><
minzy2ne1 #3
I like it!
you work hard on it,no?
good story!
itlz1727 #4
Chapter 19: Thank you for this story authornim!!! :)))
mairimzm #5
Chapter 19: thank you for the story.
i like MINZY for B.I, lay or taemin jeje maybe SEUNGRI :D
Uminabilah #6
Chapter 19: i want something so what about lay... i mean his cute... mino also and b.i
Nurindri #7
Chapter 19: This story very nice,
please make kaiminzy in the next story...i love them so much!!
Waiting for your next story!!!:)
jiwonku #8
Chapter 19: Next story, make it kaiminzy easee. I love kaiminzy and I m sad that kai has that evil side, he should le minzy go not try to kill her T.T
mairimzm #9
Chapter 15: minzy and sehun finally found, what is going to happen??/
Nurindri #10
Chapter 15: I just found this story,wow,this is amazing story...!
Minzy finally remember sehun??but what will happen to kai??i love kaiminzy,but i think what kai have do was wrong,he seperated minzy from her family and friend...but i still love kaiminzyT_T..!
Waiting for the next chapter!!!
Very excited