chapter 06

Accidental Love


                                   "crickets dont cry!"


“So Jongin, how’s it going for you and Ji Hyun?” Suho asked as he flipped through the textbooks on his table casually, looking at the younger one seated at his desk across him.


“The both of them don’t even look like they know each other,” Chanyeol raised his brows and nudged Kai, “Yah, why aren’t the both of you talking to each other anyway?”


“Why must we?” Kai replied as he feigned innocence, “She’s just like an ordinary one of them.”


Sehun sighed and patted Kai’s shoulders with a serious look, “Hyung, she definitely isn’t like one of them. She’s the only girl we’ve ever seen talk back at you.”


D.O grinned as he looked up from his phone, “She’s all the more interesting. You should obviously make friends with her and be nice to her, that’s called being a gentleman, Kim Jongin.” He nagged at the younger one.


“She’s dumb.” Kai shrugged nonchalantly as his gaze flickered to Ji Hyun, at the front of the class.


“Yah Kim Jongin!” Baekhyun smacked Kai’s head with a notebook, “Don’t speak that way of Ji Hyun. She’s nice.”


“Ow!” Kai groaned and shot a look at Baekhyun, “That’s your business with her.” He mumbled and rubbed his head.


Baekhyun clicked his tongue, “I’m warning you, don’t be rude to her. She’s kind and nice okay? Different from all of your sasaengs here.” His eyes scanned across the room.


“Yeah right.” He sighed and stuffed his earpieces into his ear, ignoring Baekhyun’s words, “If you like her so much, just get her to move in with you.”


“Yah!” Suho threw a book at Kai’s direction while Baekhyun rolled his eye at the latter, “It’s more of her luck to have to live with someone like you, Jongin. I wonder how she puts up with your cockiness at home.”



“X plus 5 would be hmm..” Ji Hyun clipped her chin with her fingers as she tapped her fingertips continuously on the wooden table of theclassroom, “That’s weird? Why can’t I get the answer!” She raked her fingers through her hair for the nth time, on the verge of giving up on this math question that she had been stuck on since forever. The flipping of papers and Ji Hyun’s sighs were the only sounds made in the classroom who was occupied by only her.


It was about 8pm right now, and Ji Hyun had stayed back after school today as she thought of getting some Math revision questions from the school library. Min Ae had offered to stay with her but she had repeatedly ensured her that she would be fine alone.


Math questions were all sprawled across the table as she kept her face low, analyzing each question, with her pen spinning round and round by her fingers. Her head was moving lower and lower to the table as she felt the surface of the table come in contact with her cheek.


I’ll just snooze for a short while, I won’t be long, X plus 5 is.. Ji Hyun mumbled droopily as she felt her eyelids getting heavier, and heavier...



Meanwhile, Kai was making his way back to class to grab his new set of clothes under his desk since EXO-K had just finished a game of basketball. He entered the class, only to see a girl snoozing on the table filled with math problem sums. “Who stays in school till this late to practice Math?” He frowned at the sight and makes his way to his table, careful not to make loud noises.


Wait, isn’t this.. Lee Ji Hyun? Kai’s eyes widened as he watched the girl’s figure heaved up and down as she inhaled and exhaled softly, who turned out to be Ji Hyun. He sat on the chair beside her and checked the timing on his watch. Aish, what is she thinking? It’s already 8pm.Shouln’t she be home by now?


“Wake up.”


A voice sounded above her and Ji Hyun shifted in her sleep, “Just give me a few more minutes..” Her lips parted slightly as her eyelids remained close.


Kai rolled his eyes at the girl, as he crossed his arms and watched her slowly as she slept soundly. He tilted his head slightly as he watched how peaceful she looked for once, unusual from the Lee Ji Hyun he knew, who was feisty and dumb to him. The side of his lips actually curled into a smile unknowingly as he shook his head at the girl, this is really a different Lee Ji Hyun I’m seeing right now. Seems like there’s more about you I’ve yet to find out, huh?


As he continued watching the girl, Ji Hyun started to stir slightly as he eyelids opened slowly, adjusting to the classroom’s brightness, “What time is- Kim Jongin?! W-What are you doing here..”


Kai rolled his eyes dramatically, “Yes it’s me. Good morning, Lee Ji Hyun.” He stated with a tone of sacarsm, watching the flustered girl eyed him curiously.


“Since when were you in here? You haven’t gone back?” She looked at him suspiciously. “And what are you doing here?”


“I should be asking you those questions. I just came in to get my stuff. And here is you sleeping so soundly away. Yah, if you want to sleep, shouldn’t you go home? Do I need to teach you that too?” He clicked his tongue at her and spoke, “It’s definitely going to be my fault for you not reaching home early again. Umma  is surely going to nag at me.”


“Ah! It’s already 9:30pm?” Her eyes widened as she rubbed them tiredly, “I lost track of the time..”


“You sure did! Umma must be worrying for you right now.” Kai stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets, “Aren’t you going to go home?”


She looked up at him, “Why? Are you going to accompany me home?”


“You wish.” He pushed her forehead with his finger, “Can’t you go home yourself? Are you that ignorant? Or do you just want some bonding time with me?” He smirked and leaned closer to her upon finishing his last sentence.


“Y-Yah! What’s wrong with you?!” Ji Hyun’s cheeks flushed pink slightly, as Kai’s face got closer to her. , he’s so hot I can’t deny that.. But, Lee Ji Hyun! He’s a jerk, cold, mean guy! Look away! How can you feel this way? This Is the first time you’re looking weak infront of him, Aish! You hate him, and he hates you, remember?


Kai couldn’t stop snickering on the inside as he watched her cheeks got red, “Why? Are you blushing right now? I thought you hated me.”


Bouncing up from her chair to stop feeling weak because of getting riskily threatened by his extremely good looks, Ji Hyun ignored his gaze as she quickly packed her stuff up and groaned, “I do hate you. Alot!” She shot him a glare before grabbing her bag.


“Pabo.” He shook his head in amusement as he watched the girl leave the classroom.



“He really made me go home alone? Aish, that jerk,” Ji Hyun muttered under her breath as she walked along the pavement home. “And it’s already late.. He should have at least offered to go home together!”


Quickening her pace towards the bus stop, Ji Hyun checked the time on her phone again. "C'mon.." She groaned and sighed in annoyance as there was not a single bus or taxi in sight. She was forced to walk the remaining distance home and it was nearing 10pm.


Just my luck, Ji Hyun sighed and looked at the long road ahead of her to the Kims’ residence. She trudged wearily as she slung her bag over her shoulder. It was late and the area was deserted.


Then, from afar at the corner of my eyes, Ji Hyun caught sight of some man who were staggering and walking unsteadily towards her direction, holding beer bottles on each of their hands. She gulped as goosebumps formed on her skin. , she breathed out.


"Oyyyy! Beautiful girl!! Pretty!!" Ji Hyun heard them whistled. Some of them laughed hysterically and staggered closer to her direction, “Where’s your boyfriend, darling?”


Gulping uneasily as Ji Hyun froze in her spot, she hugged her bag closer to herself. There isn't anyone else here except for them and herself. “Oh god, Kim Jongin never told me there would be drunkards along the way here! Aish that guy really.. ” Ji Hyun bit her lip. She shut her eyes tight and muttered quick prayers, feeling deadly anxious of the situation that she was in then, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air as she looked away, disgusted.


“Whyyy are you walking alone, pretty?”


Run, Ji Hyun! Run!


Ji Hyun clutched her bag closer to herself against her chest and took off, mumbling a string of curses under her breath. Running as fast as she could, she turned around to see if they were still following from behind. From afar, Ji Hyun heard one shouted, “Oyyy! Don’t go pretty miss!”


Scrunching her face in disgust and dashing forward, eager to get away from these sick erts,her heart pounded madly against her chest. Finally, she stopped and panted heavily as she stopped to make sure they were no longer behind. That was close, she thought.


Then, Ji Hyun heard footsteps shuffling behind her, and her eyes perked wide open. This can’t be happening again, can it?  She dashed behind the nearest wall she could find.


The footsteps got louder and she mentally cursed in her head. Ji Hyun inhaled deeply and shut her eyes tight, and swiftly raised her bag up and hit the person infront of her, shouting with all her might, but which came out as soft yelps, “Get away from me! Don’t come near me! Go away!” Ji Hyun continued hitting the person with all her strength, not daring to open her eyes still.


“Yah! Ow! Stop! What the heck?!” The man shouted and tried to yank her arms away from hitting him.


“Go..Go away!” Ji Hyun pushed him away roughly.


“What the hell is exactly wrong with you, Lee Ji Hyun!?” He scolded and caught her hands in his palms.


Lee Ji Hyun? Eh?! This is-! There was Kai infront of her, looking more pissed than ever.


“It’s you? Ah you scared the heck out of me!” Ji Hyun cried and threw a fist at his chest, “Kim Jongin!”


Kai’s jaw dropped as he let go of her hands roughly, “You thought I was some ert?! Is this some sort of a joke!” He shot her a menacing glare and rubbed his bruised forehead.


“I-I..” She stuttered and looked down at her shoes, feeling sorry for hitting him, “That was because earlier on I was chased by some of those drunkards and I thought that you were one of them so I-”


“Hit me ferociously?” Kai finished her sentence for her and pointed to his forehead which was red.


Ji Hyun bit her lip, embarrassed, as she hung her head low. She was in fact feeling guilty, and sorry as she saw how red Kai’s forehead was turning and how much he looked like he was hurting, “Ah.. What shall we do with it? Come here, let me see..” She placed her hands on his forehead and pulled him closer as she examined the injury seriously, not realizing the close distance they were just apart from.


Kai, on the other hand, was surprised at her sudden act. “W-What are you doing?” He watched her blew his forehead gently and rubbed it in circles, his eyes only focusing on nothing else but her.


Ji Hyun shushed him, “Don’t move. My mum used to do this for me whenever I fell done and bruised myself. It works.” She continued to take care of his wound with a stern expression and Kai watched her cautiously.


“Y-Yah, it’s fine.” He quickly advert his attention away from her face which got him distracted, and hurriedly look away as he pushed her hands away roughly, “I didn’t realized you had such strength, Lee Ji Hyun.” Kai winced as he rubbed on his bruise himself.


“Aish.. It’s your fault for appearing.” She hung her head low and murmured as the two of them started walking again.


“What? You don’t need me here anymore? Then if those ert comes out..” Kai said nonchalantly and looked around them.


“Okay! Okay!” She cried and Kai felt a tug on his arm suddenly. He looked beside him to see Ji Hyun clutching onto his arm, as she looked tensed up, scanning the area around them with a worried expression. Kai looked surprised all of a sudden, he widened his eyes as he felt something different, different from when his fangirls cling onto him all the time. Lee Ji Hyun’s touch.. felt different to him.


“What’s this?” Kai said as he maintained his poker face, “Is Lee Ji Hyun holding onto me right now?” He teased. He smirked slightly, “You’re being different today, Lee Ji Hyun.”


“W-What!” Ji Hyun quickly removed her grip on his arm and coughed awkwardly, “I..I was just afraid that they would really come out again.. What’s so different..”


“It’s different from the feisty and bratty you all the time since you moved in.” He commented while looking straight ahead.


“Aish, you can’t stop making fun of me can you, Kim Jongin?” Ji Hyun made a face and looked up at him, “Anyway, is it just me, or can you hear an eerie sound too..?” She commented and scooted a little closer back to Kai, scanning around the surroundings.


“Aish, are you dumb or what?” She heard Kai laugh slightly beside her, “Those are just the insect’s noises.” He replied mockingly.


“Are you sure? So it’s the crickets? I hear the crickets crying..” She said and looked at him with a serious expression which made Kai cracked up on the inside.


“Lee Ji Hyun,” Kai rolled his eyes at her ignorance, “Crickets don’t cry..”


“They do!”


“They don’t! You’re seriously that dumb? What did you exactly learn back in America?”


“Aish, you!”


a/n : heyy :) so i rushed this new chapter out bcus sch hols are coming to an end and im really afraid that i wont have enough time to write!! ;< nonetheless i hoped u like this chapter <333 pls subcribe, comment, and upvote! 







layout ; ( h a r l e q u i n. )


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Chapter 12: Yay!!!! I'm so excited~ I hope you did well
Chapter 12: Good luck on your exams! Perfect them all authornim. xoxo <3 we'll be patiently waiting <^^
xxyoungg #4
Chapter 11: Just keep writing I'm really enjoying this cute fluffy love story ^^ if I could keeping upvoting this story I would press that button endlessly hihi
Chapter 11: Ooooh Kim Jongin be careful not to fall too hard
Chapter 11: Omgghgggg waaaaaaa
Chapter 10: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That was so sweet of him and her. Now Kai, isn't she bad at all? No right she cares for you and eventually you will appreciate more of her.
Chapter 10: Eeeeeeh! Very cute update
xxyoungg #9
Chapter 9: Love love love love love this story!!
Chapter 9: I lost it at “Don’t you dare lay a finger on her.” Damn, knight in shining armor Kim Jongin