Mon Amour: Scenario Request Shop❤

A soft sigh slipped the young female’s lightly-glossed lips as she fixed the clasp of her necklace behind her, before slipping it beneath her perfectly-pressed blouse. She clutched the charm tightly for a moment, shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath. NaNa wouldn’t necessarily label herself as ‘superstitious’ but she had always believed that the dove pendant she wore today brought a little good luck along with it. It may come in handy, you never know. In fact, she rather hoped it would come in hand  today of all days as, after a brief glance at the bejewelled watch on her wrist, in fifteen minutes time she was to be heading out to lunch with her co-workers and, most importantly, her boss. It was to be the first since she’d attended such an event since becoming accepted as the new personal assistant to the deputy manager last week. Who knew what the evening had in store for her...

However, now was definitely not the time to be pondering over such mysteries as NaNa suddenly heard the loud and obnoxious honking of a taxi outside who clearly wasn’t going to wait a terribly long time for her. NaNa grabbed her purse, swiped her jacket from off the end of her bed and scampered out of her apartment as fast as she could in her dainty heels. She opened the taxi door and hopped inside and was soon greeted by the unshaven man behind the wheel, a smile stitched across his lips. “Son NaNa, right?” he barked to which NaNa nodded in confirmation.  And without any hesitation, the grumbling taxi driver stepped down hard on the pedal and the rickety vehicle revved to a start.


NaNa had never felt so thankful in all her life when she finally reached the chosen destination for the luncheon and her delicate feet stepped out onto the smooth, paved surface of the sidewalk. Before she could even turn and shut the door, the taxi had sped away, leaving NaNa rather shell-shocked. “No wonder most people travel by subway...” she muttered beneath her breath, slipping her jacket on over her blouse when an unfamiliar figure bounded towards her. “NaNa, I see you finally made it! I’m so glad to see you decided to come in the end,” a voice exclaimed in an overdramatic fashion, making NaNa cringe ever so slightly which she attempted to hide by busying herself with the wild locks of hair which had spilled across her face as a result of her near-death taxi ride. “It’s nice to be here. I’m glad I decided to come,” NaNa replied sweetly, dipping her head as a sign of respect towards the female opposite. She actually had no idea of this woman’s authority within the business, or whether she was younger or older – she didn’t even know her name. All she knew was that overly-high voice of hers irritated her, she couldn’t think of anything more bothersome.

“Do you know if Deputy Manager Yu is here yet?” NaNa asked in an attempt to change the subject of their dwindling conversation. She felt uncomfortable at the fact that this stranger knew of her dilemma regarding if she should attend or not. She wondered how she’d even found out, there was only one person she’d spoken about it with. The stranger stopped speaking -finally- and peeked over her shoulder before turning back to NaNa and pointing. “She’s right over there. You know, you’re so lucky to be working for her. She’s a great manager, so kind and caring. I hope she becomes the Head one day,” NaNa raised her hand to speak and the other immediately hushed, lips pursing together in a thin line. “I’m sorry to have not spoken to you more but I think I should go and meet my manager. Thank you though,” And before the other even had a chance to respond, NaNa slipped past her and ambled towards her manager, a triumphant smile playing across her lips as she did so.

“NaNa, you’re here finally! I’m happy to see you,” Deputy Manager Yu’s soft voice could be heard as NaNa approached her, her smile stretching further across her lips when she saw the older woman. NaNa bowed her head not only towards her but also towards the unfamiliar woman who was standing nearby. NaNa didn’t recognise her but, luckily, Deputy Manager Yu was quick to answer her unspoken questions. “NaNa, this is Kang YooJin from one of our ‘sister businesses’. She’s also been invited to today’s meal,” NaNa bowed her head once again, timidly pulling a strand of hair behind her ear as she straightened upwards. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kang. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the meal tonight,”

“So polite,” the older lady mused, crinkles forming beneath her tired eyes as she returned NaNa infectious grin. “It’s nice to meet you too, NaNa. I’ve heard you’re turning out to be quite the excellent personal assistant. Maybe you could teach mine a thing or two,” Then, YooJin turned behind her and beckoned for someone to come over to them. She placed her hand behind the male figure that approached, edging him forward slightly. She wore a brilliant smile. “This is Kim Taehyung and he is my personal assistant,”

NaNa’s mouth dropped.

Her eyes widened.

“V..” was the mere whisper that slipped her lips.

It seemed as though Taehyung was just as shocked as she was, his heavily-lined eyes widening like a stricken deer’s. Neither of them said anything and, luckily, both of the on-looking woman believed it was due to nervousness. Not shock. YooJin was the first to speak. “Come on now, there’s no hard feelings here. I’m sure you’ll get to know each other well enough tonight,” She began patting Taehyung on the back, ushering him into the restaurant they’d been standing outside of for the past fifteen minutes. “It looks like we’re going inside now. Come along, Taehyung,”

“You too, NaNa,” And with that, the pair were escorted into the chosen restaurant, gazes never failing to meet even though they tried their hardest not to. ‘I guess this necklace isn’t lucky then,’ NaNa thought to herself.


As it so happens, NaNa was offered a seat besides Taehyung to which she felt almost pressured into accepting, YooJin seemed rather excited about the fact that NaNa might be able to teach Taehyung ‘a thing or two’ as she insisted on referring to it as.  The rest of the table were in deep conversation and NaNa was half-heartedly fiddling with her chopsticks when Taehyung finally spoke. “I didn’t know you were a personal assistant now,”

“How were you supposed to know? Did you expect me to ring you up two weeks after the break-up declaring that I’d found a new job?” NaNa retorted, sarcasm lacing her words as she laid her chopsticks back down on the napkin. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted to talk to you about-“ NaNa raised a finger to his lips to silence him, eyebrows furrowed when she whispered, “I don’t think now is the best time to talk about it, do you?” Their gazes met, hers one of accusation whilst his was mere guilt, his light orbs moistening as she continuing covering his lips. She sighed. How could she be so harsh on him? Of course it wasn’t just his fault.

She allowed her finger to slip away from his lips before she then fixed the wild strands of his toffee-coloured locks which insisted on falling in front of his eyes. A smile grew across her lips as she styled his hair in an all-too familiar way, the style she’d always chosen for him when they were a couple.  “Much better, V. You can tell YooJin that’s the first step to being a personal assistant –looking smart,” NaNa teased before turning away from him and sitting forward in her seat once again. She spotted the intrigued females sitting opposite them, YooJin’s heavily-pencilled eyebrow arched sharply whilst Deputy Manager Yu merely looked on. NaNa shot them both a sweet smile. “I was just teaching V how to look like a better personal assistant, that’s all,”

YooJin nodded in approval, folding her arms across her chest. Her eyebrow arched even higher, lips pursing together in order to stop a smirk from appearing across her lips. “And who is V?” she questioned.

NaNa looked at Taehyung and Taehyung looked at NaNa, mouths agape. She blushed terribly. He brought his gaze away from the table. Their cover had been blown. 

Requested by: December28th
Featuring: BTS's V & Son NaNa
Author's Note: I hope you liked the scenario! This was what I had in mind when they met. Of course, if you want to change it, just let me know and I'll sort it for you. 
Thank you for requesting! 

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Chapter 1: OC name: Lee Yeonhee
Bias: Minho + SHINee
Scenario: When Minho realiZes his love for Yeonhee when Yeonhee felt the same.
DeuLi95 #2
OC Name: Ba Deuli
Bias: Yongguk + B.A.P.
Scenario: When Deuli finds out her boyfriend isn't as manly as he pretends to be.
OC Name: Cha Jaerin
Bias: Beast's Doojoon
Scenario: Doojoon feels insecure when Junhyung, Jaerin's ex-boyfriend keep pestering Jaerin although Jaerin told Doojoon that she only loves him
OC Name: Im Hyena
Bias: Kai of EXO
Scenario: She sees it and he just doesn't. Hyena can feel that Jongin is still in love with his ex though he's trying to show Hyena that she's the one that he loves now. The hardest and most painful thing to do for Hyena is to make Jongin snap out of the illusion he created for himself.
December28th #5
Chapter 1: Thank you for writing this! I have to say, your writing is very good and this is the first time someone wrote a scenario for me (I have requested many times in other shops). I did have something different in mind when I thought of this, like maybe V and Na Na are CEOs of their own companies and they meet each other again. However, this works too and don't change it! Your writing and great use of vocabulary makes up for everything! Once again, thank you for writing this for me!
December28th #6
OC Name: Son Na Na
Bias: V + BTS
Scenario: Where Na Na meets her ex-boyfriend again at a business luncheon.