Chapter 8

Will you stay?

Partying has never been one of Samantha’s priorities, especially since parties in the US were just like you see in those movies: tons of girls dressed in sparkly, short skirts, lots of alcohol and . Or, that’s what everyone made them look like, because truth be told, she’s never been to a party like that before.

She wondered if Baekhyun’s party was going to be the same, though she didn’t think it would be the case. Sure, Baekhyun seemed like a really crazy and random guy, that would sure not stop from doing anything that seems fun, and probably Jongin was the same, though he seemed a bit more down to earth and calculated, but they didn’t seem like the types of guys that would wreck a house after a party.

She wanted to ask Hyoyeon about how parties in Korea were, but she found that she didn’t even have time for that, because Hyoyeon made every possible effort to go everywhere and meet up with everyone. She was that kind of girl that wanted to do something interesting everyday, the possibility of staying at home and doing nothing being stupid to her.

That’s why, in the last few days, Samantha met more people than she ever knew in the US. Hyoyeon knew lots of people, and they were all really cool and nice to Samantha, complimenting her great accent and asking her questions about how was life overseas.  And honestly, Samantha didn’t mind one bit, because she felt as if she was interesting and listened to, a feeling that didn’t she didn’t experience before.



She realized that in real life things weren’t like in those movies about teenager romance, because even though she thought that she and Jongin were friends, they didn’t really keep in touch the way she would have wanted to. Four days have passed since he came over, telling them about the party, but ever since then no other text message was exchanged between them. She didn’t know how to feel about that.

A part of her felt relieved that things weren’t rushed, since she would often feel pressured when guys would text her a lot, seeming like they want something from her. But the other part of her felt like she wanted to talk to him more, and get to know him better. She once read something about people being able to give off different vibes through their personality and way of acting. Maybe that was true, since she felt that Jongin was simply someone who could make her feel so at ease, and so relaxed, without actually doing anything special. And she admired that a lot.


It was 5 days after she and Jongin last met that she finally got a text from the said male. She and Hyoyeon were out with some of her “good friends”- that’s what Hyoyeon called them. The group consisted of 3 boys: Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Sehun, and two other girls: Sulli and Krystal. They were all really friendly and fun, and as opposed to those other girls and guys that Hyoyeon showed her, they were really goofy, especially Chanyeol, that seemed to make every possible situation seem funny enough to laugh your off. It was in the middle of a joke that her phone buzzed  in her pocket.

From: Jongin

“I need your help!”

Samantha raised her eyebrows, a sudden chill running through her body. As she replied in a hurry, she hoped everything was alright.

Shortly enough, her phone buzzed again.

“You said you would help me with Baekhyun’s gift. What should we buy him?”

Oh. She totally forgot she had to buy something for him. Somehow, the tough of her and Jongin buying the same gift for Baekhyun made her smile. Just as she was about to write a reply, Hyoyeon’s foot nudged hers from under the table they were sitting at.

“Why’re you so smiley about?” she giggled, suddenly everybody’s attention turning to her.”Chanyeol’s joke wasn’t that good.”

Samantha raised her head, her smile not disappearing.


“Who are you talking to?” her friend then grinned, already knowing the answer.

“Jongin asked me about what should we buy for Baekhyun.” The girl said, not expecting Chanyeol’s expression to turn into a curios gaze towards her.

“You know Jongin?” he asked, curiosity etched in his deep voice, but his always happy expression made his question less intimidating.

“Well, yeah.” She started, but was interrupted by Sehun, who was just on her right.

“Didn’t you say you just arrived from the US? How did you meet Jongin?”

“Guys,” Sulli suddenly interfered, her soft calming voice making everyone stop from doing whatever they were doing. “Don’t you see she’s all intimidated by so many questions?” she laughed softly, looking at Samantha with an understanding expression. Samantha never felt like hugging someone as much as she felt now towards Sulli, because she was right.

“That bastard, always one step ahead of me.”Chanyeol laughed, sparking Samantha’s interest. She found that, without any kind of reason, she felt interested in other people’s opinion about Jongin. He wasn’t necessary a mysterious person, because he was actually talking about him, but he did seem like sometimes he wouldn’t voice out all his thoughts. At least, that’s what Samantha thought, but she didn’t know him for long, so she thought that her opinion might be wrong.

“You two are friends?” Samantha asked.

“Friends?” Sehun puffed out a breath. “They were our school’s trio. Well,  after Jongin opened up to Baekhyun. I still don’tet  that kid though.”

“Sehun’s just jealous.” Chanyeol waved his hand after seeing Samantha’s frowning, confused expression. “Me and Baekhyun have been best friends ever since we were born. Well, more of like since second grade, but it’s the same thing.” he said thoughtfully. “Anyway, Jongin was always kind of a loner. He had a few friends, but he would never come to parties or any kind of social gatherings. Baekhyun somehow got to him, and slowly made him be a bit more open. Jongin started hanging out with me and Baekhyun, and we became really good friend, that’s all. We kind of lost contact with each other after high school, because I chose a different college than them, and our schedules didn’t match so we lost almost all contact.” He finished, his voice a bit melancholic.

 Samantha nodded, trying to get all the information in. A sudden question popped inside her head.

“But why did you say Sehun was jealous?” she asked, still looking at Chanyeol.

“Oh, that.” Chanyeol grinned. “He, just like Jongin, loves dancing, though he didn’t want to make a living out of it. He tried getting Jongin’s attention, since he admired him so much, but Jongin never really paid any attention to him.” Chanyeol remembered.

“Well, what can I say.”Sehun shrugged his shoulders, his expression nonchalant. “ He really was a great dancer. Don’t know why he tried so hard to avoid everyone.”

“He didn’t avoid everyone, silly.” Sulli said. “He just wasn’t a fan of rich, spoiled kids.” she said ironically towards Sehun, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

“Yah!” Sehun pouted.  

“Sulli is Jongin’s cousin.”Chanyeol whispered to Samantha, making the girl nod and smile softly towards Sulli. The gift of words must be a thing in their family, then.

“So..what are you guys talking about?”Sulli asked.

“Wha-what?” Samantha stuttered, the question too sudden.

“You and Jongin.”

“Oh, he asked me to help him with an idea for Baekhyun’s birthday present.” She said brightly.

“Man, I almost forgot!” Chanyeol exclaimed, his hand hitting his forehead. “It’s his birthday in a few days. Does he throw a party or something?”

“Yeah, he does.”Hyoyeon said. “And Jongin invited Samantha.” the blonde girl continued, a cheeky smile on her lips.

“Oh really.” Sulli said, raising her brows in an impressed gesture. “My cousin sure improved his loner attitude. Five years ago he would have never asked someone who he barely met to attend the same party he does.”

“Haven’t I told you Jongin is one step ahead of us now?”Chanyeol laughed. “I think I’ll come to that party too, I really miss Baekhyun and Jongin. Would you  text me the time and place, Samantha?” he said, as if he wanted to make Samantha his  accomplice.

“Sure.“ the girl grinned.

Nobody seemed to notice Sehun’s sad, pouty expression though, except for Hyoyeon.               

 “Come on, little baby.” Hyoyeon nudged his shoulder. “Can you please go to the bar and buy some Green Apple cocktail for me? Pleaase?” Hyoyeon whined, putting her head on Sehun’s broad shoulder, making the taller roll his eyes in fake annoyance.

“Wanna come with me, Samantha?” Sehun turned his head towards the girl, smiling.


They raised themselves from the tall  table they were sitting at, making their way towards the bar.

“So, you like Jongin.” Sehun said, making the sentence sound more of like a statement than a question.

“What makes you think that?” Samantha asked curiously, trying not to make her voice sound too weird.

“You barely arrived in Korea, yet you already text each other.” he muttered , avoiding her gaze.

The girl gasped softly, suddenly remembering that she didn’t reply to his last text, too distracted by Chanyeol’s story.

While Sehun ordered the drink for Hyoyeon, she tried coming with idea for Baekhyun’s  gift, but she didn’t really have any good ideas, since she didn’t know the boy well.

To: Jongin

I really don’t know, you should be the one knowing. You two are friend for some time now, right?

 “Look, I’m sorry if what I said sounded rude, I-“Sehun started.

“No, it’s okay really.” Samantha giggled, waving her hand. “I understand you actually, it must seem that way, though it’s not true. We met in a weird way, and he was sweet enough to do me a favor I didn’t even ask for. Which I really appreciate. So we’re just friends.” She smiled to him.

Sehun nodded, his gaze back on her, while waiting for the barista to prepare their order.

“So you don’t like him.” He inquired, with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Her phone buzzed again, but texting while talking  someone was rude, so she ignored it.

“No, not that way.” she said, questioning herself why she suddenly felt a bit guilty. Almost as if she was lying.

“That’s good then..” Sehun voiced while thanking the barista for their drink, nodding his head towards the girl.

Samantha took a second to take a proper look at the tall, brown haired boy, wondering why was Sehun so interested in her relationship with Jongin. Did Koreans do that when meeting someone new? He seemed like a sweet guy, with his charming expression and tall, muscular figure.  He was different than Jongin, whose skin was sun kissed as opposed to Sehun’s skin, which was as white as the snow. She smiled to herself, because finding similarities between countries was always something fascinating. Here, just like in the US, people could be so different from each other.

She suddenly felt so at home,  that she couldn’t help but smile at everything that was around her.

She fished her phone from her pocket, opening the text from the tanned male.

“Well, I must say I at gifts. Why don’t we look for something together?”

Without noticing, her smile became even brighter. Could things get better than that?



She and Hyoyeon let themselves fall on the soft, welcoming couch, too exhausted to even care about the fact that they still had their shoes on. They had a lot of fun today, but all that summer heat, along with so much laughter made them unable to even stand up.

“How do you do it?” Hyoyeon asked thoughtfully, looking through the window at the orange sky, the sunset providing a beautiful light.  

Samantha turned her head towards the blonde girl. “ How do I do what?”

“How do you make guys like you like that?” she pouted.

“What do you mean, silly?” Samantha laughed. Was this some kind of joke?

“Oh, come on. I’m sure Jongin likes you. And don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way Sehun looks at you.”

Samantha frowned, suddenly remembering the way Sehun asked her all those questions about her and Jongin’s relationship. She didn’t notice any weird looks from him, but those questions were definitely strange.

But then again, who was she to judge his curiosity? After all, Sulli and Chanyeol were curious about her and Jongin’s relationship aswell, they just weren’t so straight-forward with their questions.

“Stop with these stupid things, Hyo.” Samantha nudged her best friend, raising herself to go make some tea.

“Wait, Samantha?”


“I have, bad news.”  Hyoyeon said, her teasing tone gone, now a serious, almost sorry expression on her face.

“Bad news.” Samantha raised her eyebrows.

“Y-yeah. About those festival tickets..”

Samantha’s eyes went wide. She wanted to convince herself that whatever bad news Hyoyeon was going to give her, it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but deep down she knew that sometimes things didn’t go as well as planned.

“What about them?”

“We’ll have to make..some arrangements.”

Arrangements?  She was suddenly afraid, because Hyoyeon’s ideas weren’t always the best ones.  That festival was something she  wanted to experience so badly , and if that was going to fall apart, she didn’t even want to know how that would feel.

She closed her eyes, asking her friend to tell her.

Oh, what a huge mistake that was, listening to Hyoyeon. After she listened to everything she had to say, she opened her eyes, taking a seat on their couch.

What were they going to do now?





I'm back with another chapter


What do you guys think about Sehun? ^-^

I have so many new ideas for this story, so I'm kinda excited

What do you think about this chapter? Please let me know in the comments, I'll really appreciate it ♥

Thank you for reading, and take care ♥

Oh, I also wanted to share this

He's suuuch a cutie pie haha ♥

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LeBonheur #1
Chapter 14: Samantha is so feels like the character has their reasons or different pov's like samantha's childhood, reasons behind Sehun's kiss and hyoyeon's deliberate plan of making Jongin see the kiss, will effect the aftermath?'s so ambiguous. It's breaking my heart and kai's into pieces..i root kai. ..please be gentle with .
LeBonheur #2
Chapter 13: so is girl talk!
BeautifulDistraction #3
Chapter 12: Awe.. ^^ this was adorable. (: I'll try to stop being a silent reader.
LeBonheur #4
Chapter 7: He's talking riddles and she's going to be sherlock holmes trying to figure it out. Build the character I guess like peeling the layers of an onion...not rushed and not too long.
Chapter 7: The first paragraph really struck me as something meaningful. :)
LeBonheur #6
Chapter 6: Adorable fetuses! >•>
jessiiwho1 #7
Chapter 6: I love it so far and that picture is so adorable^^^ :) keep up the good work :)
taecmars #8
Chapter 6: You too have a great week :)
LeBonheur #9
Chapter 5: Oooh! Thats interesting! How can Samantha have a great impact on Jongin that he was able to remember her from when he was six years old...Ahhh i can conclude this in so many ways but I will wait. >•>